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After revisiting all of the local demos of the 1980's that I used to have in my tape trading collection over the last few months, I've managed to put together a very accurate Top Ten Australian Extreme Metal Releases of the 1980's list that I feel might expose some people to a number of hidden gems because most of this stuff has flown completely under the radar of most international metal freaks. You'll notice that there's not a Mortal Sin record amongst them too which should tell you that there's some high-quality shit here:

01. Persecution - "Tortured Existence" demo (1989) [Death/thrash from Seaford, Victoria]

02. Nomenclature Diablerie - "888" demo (1988) [Sydney death metal]

03. Hobbs Angel of Death - "Angel of Death" demo (1987) [Melbourne thrash metal]

04. Bezerker - "Laugh at the Light" demo (1988) [Adelaide thrash metal]

05. Hobbs Angel of Death - "Virgin Metal Invasion from Down Under" demo (1988) [Melbourne thrash metal]

06. Depression - "Thrash Till Death: Studio Tapes" (1988) [Melbourne crossover thrash]

07. Addictive - "Pity of Man" (1989) [Sydney thrash metal]

08. Depression - "Australia, Australia" E.P. (1985) [Melbourne crossover thrash]

09. Depression - "Ultra Hard Core Mega Heavy Punk Metal Thrash" (1987) [Melbourne crossover thrash/hardcore punk]

10. Hobbs Angel of Death - "Hobbs Angel of Death" (1988) [Melbourne thrash metal]


THE GATEWAY: Northlane - Mirror's Edge (2024) 4.5/5

THE INFINITE: Meshuggah - Catch Thirtythree (2005) 5/5

THE REVOLUTION: Converge - Petitioning the Empty Sky (1996) 4.5/5

THE SPHERE: Corrections House - Last City Zero (2013) 4/5

Although all of the feature releases for my clans were nominated by me (including one that I had to nominate in Saxy's place) and the only ones I've chosen to check out, they're all quite amazing and I would recommend them to fans of their respective genres. Keep up the good work on the feature releases, all! And please remember to submit them to Ben on time.

Morpheus Kitami

I would suggest that none of those three bands have any genuine metal releases, although all three have the odd metal song.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This is extraordinarily difficult for me to find.  The only band of this example with more four albums that I can think of is Boston, and they aren't even metal.  Yes, each one did get gradually worse, and they only have six.


It's not a perfect process, but then there really isn't one. It's the one that I enjoy using and feel happiest with the results.

Quoted Ben

That's the only thing that matters.


I think the Ulcerate, Oranssi Pazuzu & Knocked Loose records were kinda no-brainers. I'm skeptical about the Critical Defiance one's claims but at the end of the day it comes down to how much the entire site has enjoyed a release which is always going to favour the more well-known artists.


Daniel, I love you brother, but we look at the genre in very different ways. The good news is there is room for both points of view.


I know I said I didn't know if any of the novels I read capture the metal spirit, but they do now! I was reading this graphic novel adaptation of Star Wars - Revenge of the Sith:

While listening to all the industrial/cyber metal tracks I've shared in this page of the Sphere Track of the Day thread:

Star Wars can really capture my cyber metal spirit. I guess the most suitable metal genre for Star Wars would be Mechina-style epic symphonic progressive cyber metal.


I published a second novel, but only one person has bought it.


Idea I've had for a minute. Spotify has a jam feature that lets you start playing music then other people can come in and add theirs. I see potentional in it for this site. It might be sloppy at first, but only way to refine it is to do it. 


If you got nothing better to do hop in here, and put your tracks in: 
Spotify Jam 01.21.25 12:50 EST

I'm gonna try to have this up for the day, so jump in even if it's been a long time since it started.


I don't think that rotating all nine clans will appeal to some, certainly not Andi, but I do think there is a lot to be said for rotating the three clans I am going to be running, giving a new playlist every three months for each clan and I think I may go with that. I will still try to get all three out for 1st February, then rotate them on a monthly basis thereafter. I will think on it and then repost the details in the specific clan list suggestions threads.


In no particular order:

Motorhead - Overkill

Slayer - Raining Blood

Darkthrone - In the Shadow of the Horns

Black Sabbath - Black Sabbath

Diamond Head - Am I Evil?

Iron Maiden - Phantom of the Opera

Autopsy - In the Grip of Winter


Yeah, the first half of both of those songs main riffs is certainly identical. It's hard to say whether that's coincidence or not though as it's such a common technique for heavy guitarists.


Jurassic metal.  Sounds like a doom sludge hybrid with apocalyptic classical undertones and deep reptilian growls.  I like the idea.


This year I'm going to try not to sleep on new releases and aim to do 52 new releases this year. It's a drop in the bucket of course, but at least it's a drop compared to the very little I've had the past few years.

I really don't need to worry about the things most people do resolutions for since, well, I already do most of them. One could always do better on them, but something like getting fitter or learning a new language don't really have concrete endgoals. I guess get better at guitar, but that's something I've been slowly working on for a few months. I guess sticking to these things requires you not just do them because it's a new year...


I thought I would start this thread for general chatter about the Metal Academy charts. I don't know if this will be of interest to anyone else, but it's the sort of shit that I get to thinking about sometimes!

I thought it might be interesting to track the charts over time to try to gauge how The Academy is developing. To this end I have made archiving lists for the Top 100 with a minimum of 15 votes and the Top 50 with a minimum of 20 votes as of 1st January 2025 and hope to use these for comparison with future charts to track any changes and trends. 

Links to the lists:

Metal Academy Charts Top 50 With 20+ Ratings 01/01/25

Metal Academy Charts Top 100 with 15+ Ratings 01/01/25

The top 100 chart as an even spread of clan representatives for 6 of the 9 clans although the Gateway and Revolution on 2 each and the Sphere with a lone representative are lagging, quite expectedly I suppose. The others rank as:

Horde & Pit - 20 each

Guardians - 19

Infinite - 18

North - 17

Fallen - 15

(This adds up to more than 100 due to dual-tagged releases)

There are a total of 173 releases with 15+ ratings. 21 releases scored a higher site rating than clan rating.

There is a larger gap, percentage-wise on the Top 50 chart. The Gateway still has 2 representatives and the Sphere one, but The Revolution has no representation at all.

The others rank as:

Infinite - 15

Pit - 13

Guardians - 11

North - 10

Horde - 8

Fallen - 6

So a big drop-off for the Horde between 15 and 20 ratings.

There are 63 releases with 20+ votes.


I think the only major change is how much power metal played into writing my debut.  My second book had nothing to do with power metal, but as I was proofreading the final stages, I played Type O Negative's Paranoid a lot.

I think in little ways, the clan system got me interested in exploring other areas for conversational purposes, which is likely why I like TON so much now, as well as Septicflesh.


Just watched these videos and, sadly, I'm not really that surprised. So many people on social media wish to project an image of themselves that is duplicitous, why wouldn't it infect the extreme metal world too? Like the guys on the videos say, it's not that the drummers in question are poor musicians in the first place - I wish I was one tenth as talented - but society demands perfection whether in looks or ability, so dishonesty has become the norm. 95% is no longer good enough, 101% is the minimum requirement now that everyone is under the microscope. 

What is really sad is that knowing they are being duplicitous must have a detrimental effect on their esteem and mental well-being.


So I'm on the power metal Reddit, browsing through my various subreddits for something to do.  There's a discussion on Gloryhammer called, "Am I the only one who thinks Gloryhammer doesn’t actually embrace the 'cheese?'"  Part of the conversation pertains to Gloryhammer's later album.  My response to one guy criticizing the overall post, saying that it looks like the OP's trying to say that the older albums are better.  I reply to him saying:

"I do agree that the new album doesn't hold a candle to the first three (of course I've heard asstons of power metal so by this point it should come across as fairly unoriginal), but they know what they want to be. Bowes has always been a joker. Ever hear his original experimental stuff? Yikes. On top of that, they originally stole the logo font for the Dark Crystal for their own logo, and jagged it up (probably to avoid a lawsuit IMO). They know what they are, and they know who they want to be."

Apparently, the guy I replied to was Christopher Bowes.  And instead of letting this embarrass me, I'm gonna own this bit like a good bar story, because that's actually a hilarious and very cool thing that happened in my boring-ass life.

I forgot to mention one more genre I sometimes get burnt out on: gothic metal, though it's quite selective. For example, Trail of Tears is one of my current favorite bands that's not part of my main clans and would stay timeless to me. But then there are bands that I've abandoned after a short amount of time with their material, one band being Novembre. I've just given their 1994 progressive gothic metal debut Wish I Could Dream It Again... some listening and a review, and while it's mostly the poor production and execution at fault, that revisit didn't help with my burnout and made it certain that the possibility of me giving this band and other gothic metal bands from my past another chance is rather slim. So it is possible for the camel's back to be broken not by overexposure.

Got to see Blood Incantation recently, fantastic show with incredible sound compared to what I'm used to out of this venue. Either the band is very picky with their live setup, or they have a stellar sound guy who goes to bat against the venue sound guys. They legit walked onto the stage, played "The Stargate" in its entirety, got up on the mic and said "Alright here's the rest of the album", played "The Message" in its entirety, and said "Well guys that was our new album I hope you enjoyed it". Absolute legends. 

I never realized how much the crowd needs those 30 second or a minute breaks in between songs though, this was the most tired pit I've ever been around. People were STRUGGLING, given they played three 20 minute songs in total I think? 

This was easily one of the best, if not the best, technical Metal performances I've seen, the entire album was stellar and the Metal parts hit so much harder live than on the album that it made the conflicting 70's prog vs the tech death metal that much more enjoyable. It's definitely reinforced Absolute Elsewhere as a massive album for me personally, these guys know what they're doing.


I have every single issue of Heavy Metal magazine and 2000 A.D. (digitally). I've dipped in and out (particularly Judge Dredd), but maybe when I retire I will actually get around to reading through them.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Let's also not forget the awful cover songs on early Megadeth albums with Boots and Anarchy... both being especially loathesome.


I’m very much the opposite to be honest. I came to Maiden through “Somewhere in Time”, “Seventh Son of a Seventh Son” & “Live After Death” before heading back to their esrlier work & I have to admit that the Dianno albums always seemed to be a step down (a couple of steps down in some cases) from the Dickinson ones for me personally. In fact, the only Dianno record that I regard as being essential is the “Maiden Japan” E.P. & I consider “Killers” to be the least impressive of Maiden’s 80’s full-lengths. I guess the huge variety in opinions on what Maiden’s best & worst records are is the strongest representation of just how consistent & relevant they were during their prime.

Quoted Daniel

Yeah, I think with Maiden, more than with any other metal band, it all comes down to what albums meant most to you when you got into them. Sure, I can appreciate that the later albums are technically better and better written, but they don't mean as much as Killers because that album captured a period of time, for me personally, that transcends mere grooves on records. That is one of the things I find endlessly fascinating about music - it's ability to capture a time and place in a listener's mind better than any photograph. I think that if we dismiss that and judge music solely on it's technical merits then we are much poorer as individuals for it.


This only half-surprises me.  From what I understand from my old days there, RYMer's on the forums were generally disdained with the amount of metal albums throughout each modern yearly chart.  But this also means the raters are generally metalheads themselves.  Taking a look now, the new Blood Incantation is number 5 for 2024 at this time, and the charts have been like this for years.


Today I was checking on the anniversaries page, and it looks like October 14, 2014 was quite a day for metalcore, deathcore, and technical death metal:

Also on that day is the release of this EP by post-sludge metallers Rosetta:

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

I decided that I'll stop doing my monthly playlist total ratings in this thread, because they're all pretty much the same and haven't caused much discussion. All I'm gonna say about this month is, my playlists and songs I've listened to from Saxy's playlists have paid off again with a rating of 4.5 stars each. I recommend them to any fan of the clans' respective genres and anyone who isn't into those genres but wants to get into a great start in enjoying them. Thanks, Daniel, for accepting these playlists, and good work all!


Let's see,  first four Metallica albums, Sepultura with Schizophrenia through Arise, Drudkh from Autumn Auroa through Blood in Our Wells

Ulcerate are still on a golden run on their last four albums.

Maiden for me would also match Ben's opinion and I would also go with that Opeth run too.

I would throw in Judas Priest from Sad Wings of Destiny through Stained Class.

Quoted UnhinderedbyTalent

I considered that Sepultura run. I need to revisit Schizophrenia.


eh any time, I guess... don't really have anything going on at home


Like Ben, I haven't really focused on metal labels since the 1990's. Back then I used to religiously follow labels like Earache Records & premier Aussie extreme metal label Warhead Records but these days that's limited to ones that are a little closer to home like Sphere of Apparition (Oni, Neuropath, Unholy Redeemer, etc.). It's far easier to find good music in the internet age than it was when all we had to go on were magazines & word of mouth. Labels served a stronger purpose as a reliable provider of music that fit their particular niche. You can simply Google that stuff these days.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

You know you're in the right clans when you actually struggle to come up with 10 bands you truly love outside of them. Here's my shot at it...

Faith No More (Gateway)

Iron Maiden (Guardians)

Black Sabbath (Guardians)

Opeth (Infinite)

Arcturus (Infinite)

Mr. Bungle (Infinite)

Meshuggah (Infinite)

Godflesh (Sphere)

Ministry (Sphere)

Red Harvest (Sphere)


Have no fear, your resident new music sap is here!

1. Ulcerate - Cutting the Throat of God (Technical Death Metal)

2. Pallbearer - Mind Burns Alive (Doom Metal)

3. Dvne - Voidkind (Atmospheric Sludge/Post-Metal)

4. Big Brave - A Chaos of Flowers (Post/Drone Metal)

5. Vorga - Beyond the Palest Star (Black Metal)

6. Judas Priest - Invincible Shield (Heavy Metal)

7. Ihsahn - Ihsahn (Progressive/Symphonic Metal)

8. Dissimulator - Lower Form Resistance (Technical Death/Thrash Metal)

9. Hoplites - Παραμαινομένη (Paramainomeni) (Avant Garde Black Metal)

Sorry for not including a whole lot of black metal so far this year; scheduling adjustments have made finding new black metal really difficult. These are just some of the albums that I went through my list and found albums that we have not mutually reviewed yet. I also kept the genres pretty close to ones that I know you'll be more interested in checking out.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

What better way to commemorate the 20,000th Metal Academy post with a new album from one of my outside-world friends who's a talented metal musician? No it's not Danny Ultrawiz, he's been out of the metal picture for years now. It's my new friend Arezz who goes by the name "Rust". He made his own album titled U Suk! It's a really awesome work of art inspired by classic speed/thrash/first-wave black metal bands. I think it would be really helpful if any of you can please check out that album and spread the word about it. With all you guys' help, maybe he can gain enough exposure to have more fame and confidence and even join this site, and it would all be thanks to me and fellow supporting Metal Academy members. Here it is:

Also available on Spotify:


Here's my updated list, and since we already have a "metal in 2024" thread, I don't need the "albums I'm looking forward to getting" thing in this thread anymore:

Beginning oldies (1975-1989)/B.M. (Before Metalcore):

1975: Scorpions - In Trance

1976: Judas Priest - Sad Wings of Destiny

1977: Riot - Rock City

1978: Scorpions - Taken by Force

1979: Riot - Narita

1980: Scorpions - Animal Magnetism

1981: Riot - Fire Down Under

1982: Scorpions - Blackout

1983: Metallica - Kill 'Em All

1984: Voivod - War and Pain

1985: Watchtower - Energetic Disassembly

1986: Dark Angel - Darkness Descends

1987: Voivod - Killing Technology

1988: Voivod - Dimension Hatröss

1989: Voivod - Nothingface

Golden hit classics and millennium transition highlights (1990-2004)/Metalcore's humble beginnings and light of day-seeing classics:

1990: Rorschach - Remain Sedate

1991: Coroner - Mental Vortex

1992: Sadus - A Vision of Misery

1993: Alchemist - Jar of Kingdom

1994: Circle of Dust - Brainchild

1995: Waltari - Big Bang

1996: Red Harvest - HyBreed

1997: Illdisposed - There's Something Rotten... In the State of Denmark

1998: Embodyment - Embrace the Eternal

1999: Madder Mortem - Mercury

2000: AP2 - Suspension of Disbelief

2001: Eternal Tears of Sorrow - A Virgin and a Whore

2002: Norma Jean - Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child

2003: Kayo Dot - Choirs of the Eye

2004: Turmion Katilot - Hoitovirhe

Modern favorites (2005-2019)/Rise of the full Revolution:

2005: Trivium - Ascendancy

2006: Mercenary - The Hours That Remain

2007: Becoming the Archetype - The Physics of Fire

2008: In This Moment - The Dream

2009: Trail of Tears - Bloodstained Endurance

2010: High on Fire - Snakes for the Divine

2011: Trivium - In Waves

2012: Tremonti - All I Was

2013: Alter Bridge - Fortress

2014: The Acacia Strain - Coma Witch

2015: Intronaut - The Direction of Last Things

2016: Insomnium - Winter's Gate

2017: Unleash the Archers - Apex

2018: Alien Weaponry - Tu

2019: Northlane - Alien

The best of the most recent (2020-present)/A greater new uprising:

2020: Code Orange - Underneath

2021: Trivium - In the Court of the Dragon

2022: Lorna Shore - Pain Remains

2023: Mutoid Man - Mutants

2024: Ryujin - Ryujin


I think it was One More Light, their final album with Chester Bennington, when the band dropped pretty much all of their rock/metal aspects and sounded like a boy band, though they still played their greatest hits in the final tour.


Definitely with you regarding samples, Karl, unless done very well.. and yes, those "sex-act" vocalisations are just plain embarrassing - as is screaming accompanied by the sound of power tools.

Quoted Sonny

Did somebody say power tools !? 


Exception 2: Theatre of Tragedy - And When He Falleth from Velvet Darkness They Fear (1996).
Even though the follow-up to the their debut full-length (which I hold dear to my heart) was quite a letdown for me, I have a soft spot for this track and I cannot imagine it without the lengthy dialogue samples taken from the 1964 classic The Masque of the Red Death.

Caution! Contains beauty and the beast vocals and some questionable gothicy recitations.

Quoted Karl

I used to be a fan of the more melodic gothic death-doom bands like Theatre of Tragedy, and this was one of my favorite songs by the band. I agree that the lengthy dialogue samples are the best part of the song. The only other time I've heard Vincent Price in a song is that spoken-word outro of Michael Jackson's "Thriller".


I was in a gaming club back in the Eighties playing Iron Crown's Rolemaster system which I much preferred to D&D. I think I may still have some of the lore books in the attic somewhere.


Battle jackets look awesome, but all I can afford is band T-shirts.

Quoted Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Go to a thrift store, and get a cheap denim jacket. Then you order the patches seperately and sew them in. Patches are mostly cheap except for rare and tour patches. Authentic Bolt Thrower patches are very expensive and sought after.


This here is the Heavy Metal Hound Himself Mr. Louis (a.k.a. Bloober)


Thank you. I keep it ever growing. I periodically go through and prune it too. Please do enjoy. 

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Today I came across this video with a topic that I think is worth discussing in this site:

I've listened to a lot of perfect releases with the best highlight for each one being the title track. It was hard choosing which ones would make my top 10, but here they are:

1. Trivium - In Waves (2011)

2. Make Them Suffer - Neverbloom (2012)

3. Converge - Jane Doe (2001)

4. Voivod - Killing Technology (1987)

5. Code Orange - Forever (2017)

6. Earth Crisis - Firestorm (1993)

7. Lorna Shore - ...And I Return to Nothingness (2021)

8. Sikth - How May I Help You? (2002)

9. Sleep Token - Take Me Back to Eden (2023)

10. High on Fire - Snakes for the Divine (2010)

So what are your top 10 albums with the best title tracks? Discuss!


They cite a “noticeable uptick” in submissions of bands with AI generated music.  They also acknowledge that this is a “work in progress”.  No names mentioned.


Here are a few more hidden gems for me besides the ones in my earlier list:

Dethklok - The Doomstar Requiem: A Klok Opera (2013) - Melodeath/symphonic metal opera soundtrack to that Metalocalypse special

October Tide - The Cancer Pledge (2023) - Melodic death-doom

Hinayana - Shatter and Fall (2023) - Melodic death-doom

Mercenary - Everblack (2002) - Melodeath with power metal influences

Becoming the Archetype - The Physics of Fire (2007) - Progressive melodeath with metalcore influences


Yeah, I guess you're right, Daniel. But it was worth a good experiment. I don't think my packed schedule both here and in the outside world would let me do just one album/clan per week anyway.


In other words, you'd make an average deathcore album :P

Ambient: Imagine if King Crimson and Tangerine Dream got together.  It would be a little jazzy, occasionally folksy, throw in an emotional rollercoaster with some chamber and black ambient, and maybe include a Philip Glass cover.

How would you make a folk pop album?


General Chat / Last Replied

Daniel in Release Lists at 19.02.2025 06:59 PM: After revisiting all of the local de...
Shadowdoom9 (Andi) in Feature releases at 13.02.2025 10:45 AM: THE GATEWAY: Northlane - Mirror's Ed...
ZeroSymbolic7188 in Finally Lemmy's Hometown Erects A Statue of Him at 08.02.2025 07:17 PM: Fuck Yes! Cheers!...
Daniel in My journey through metal chronologically at 08.02.2025 07:11 PM: I would suggest that none of those t...
Morpheus Kitami in My journey through metal chronologically at 08.02.2025 05:07 PM: Flower Travelin' Band - SatoriA weir...
Rexorcist in Ranking Bands' Discographies: Each release better than the next/last at 08.02.2025 04:15 PM: This is extraordinarily difficult fo...
Shadowdoom9 (Andi) in Ranking Bands' Discographies: Each release better than the next/last at 08.02.2025 02:06 PM: In Flames was really making a gradua...
Karl in Ranking Bands' Discographies: Each release better than the next/last at 08.02.2025 01:01 PM: In Flames would have to be my canoni...
Shadowdoom9 (Andi) in Ranking Bands' Discographies: Each release better than the next/last at 08.02.2025 12:28 PM: I've had fun ranking band's discogra...
ZeroSymbolic7188 in What matters to you when assessing album covers? at 06.02.2025 12:10 AM: The music fuckin' kills it too:...