Sonny's Forum Replies

I'm not as clued up on death metal as some of you guys, but here's my list for what it's worth:

#1 Possessed - Seven Churches
#2 Terrorizer - World Downfall
#3 Autopsy - Severed Survival
#4 Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
#5 Sempiternal Deathreign - The Spooky Gloom
#6 Poison - Into the Abyss
#7 Bolt Thrower - In Battle There Is No Law!
#8 Pestilence - Consuming Impulse
#9 Death - Leprosy
#10 Vulcano - Bloody Vengeance

Early death metal is much more up my street than the later, more defined and brutal sound. I know the Poison album was originally a demo, but it sounds fine all the same and I love it.

I've never heard the Incubus album from Ben's list or the Macabre album from Vinny's so I must check them out.

Glad to hear Sojourner are back on form. Like you, Xephyr, I was decidedly underwhelmed by Premonitions, despite being a fan of their first two albums. I'll try to give it a spin later.

The best track from Cirith Ungol's new Half Past Human EP is the epic title track that closes the release:

Cirith Ungol have released a four-track EP of re-recorded old tracks that have never really seen a proper release.
This isn't a shoddy cash-in however, but is a really solid release, although it won't change your view of the band either way.

Epic heavy metal from time-served veteran metal craftsmen:

Just got my CD copy a couple of days ago. Love this album, Vinny and thanks for putting me onto it. But have you seen the large number of snarky comments on it's RYM page? I fucking swear, I don't know what some people expect from an album sometimes. Can't they just accept it as a good/great black metal album that doesn't threaten to change the face of black metal but is just a damn entertaining listen? Or does one person state a dislike for it and then others feel compelled to jump on the bandwagon? That's one of my main beefs with RYM I guess, the pile-on bully mode that sometimes takes the place of considered thought. Luckily that's not an issue here at the Academy and another reason I prefer to engage in civilised discussions here - I virtually never post on RYM forums, but as you can tell it's hard to shut me up on the MA ones!

Suggestions for July's playlist:

Panopticon - The Embers at Dawn (12:40) from ...And Again Into the Light (2021)
Kanonenfieber - Grabenlieder (5:25) from Menschenmühle (2021)
Emperor - Ye Entrancemperium (5:14) from Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk (1997)
Total runtime: 23:19

Another great playlist this month,  although for me, it got off to a slow start. My own selection of the Evile track was just one I put out there because I had been listening to the new album and that was the best of a so-so bunch. Lamb of God was the worst track, the vocals are like fingernails down a blackboard to my ears and I've never had any time for the band at all. Great to hear Anthrax's blatant Saxon worship on Metal Thrashing Mad but Exciter have never got me that er... excited! Finally when we get to Nuclear Assault we get into top gear and it's pretty much all gravy from hereon in - Slayer with one of the best metal intros ever, The Exploited sticking it to Thatcher once more and general all-round thrash metal kick-assery. The only real disappointed after track 4 was the Cryptosis track. I'd heard everyone raving about what a great album Bionic Swarm is, but Game of Souls didn't really do it for me. Still, a few new discoveries I'm looking forward to delving into, such as Speedwolf's Motorhead-loving speed metal, Inculter, Evoke and Paranorm. Well done us!!

Suggestions for July:

Olde - The Dead Hand (5:10) from Pilgrimage (2021)
Leechfeast - Cold Flow (15:01) from Village Creep EP (2019)
Rifflord - Transcendental Medication (3:46) from 7 Cremation Ground / Meditation (2018)
Total runtime: 23:57

I have to shamefacedly confess to never having listened to Mütiilation. Now I guess I'll have to just to discover if they are overrated or not!!

One release Austin doesn't touch on in this piece is last year's split album with Nechochwen, his contribution to which was the almost twenty minute track Rune's Heart which is about his son's (Rune) major heart surgery and his feelings around it. A fantastic and lesser known track that I would definitely urge you to check out.

Daniel, are we still on 30 minutes each for July?

June 01, 2021 09:06 PM

Just out of interest, when you buy an album is it digital, CD or vinyl?

Hey Sonny we share a lot in common with our growth into music!  These days I tend to buy digital versions and I always want FLAC.  Occasionally, I will want the physical album (as in days of yore) and usually I buy CD.  I no longer have the means to play vinyl and sold off my vinyl collection a few years ago :( 

Quoted Makntak

I too sold off a lot of vinyl in the early 2000s which I have come to regret, but at the time it seemed like vinyl had run it's course. I bought a new turntable though two or three years ago and have since become an avid collector again. I tend to focus on limited editions for vinyl purchases and still buy quite a few CDs - physical music is one habit I've never been able to break! I do buy digital sometimes, but usually for stuff I'm not too fussed about or where postage costs make a physical purchase prohibitively expensive - the number of times postage charges are more than the cost of the record is getting ridiculous, from the US to the UK is particularly insane!

June 01, 2021 06:52 PM

Hi Makntak and welcome to the Metal Academy. You're of a similar vintage to myself - I remember being 58 like it was only last year (it was). I grew up a Beatles fan as a young kid then graduated to the glam rock scene - Queen, Bowie, T-Rex, Slade and Alice Cooper were particular faves of mine. Around '75 I started to get into Pink Floyd and some time in '76 I came upon Paranoid and that was it - I was hooked on metal. Just out of interest, when you buy an album is it digital, CD or vinyl?

I completely agree that the metal scene has never been more diverse or interesting. There's fantastic stuff coming out seemingly every week . Metal sure has come a long way since those early days of the 1970's.

Looking forward to an exchange of views.

Thanks Daniel, glad you liked them. AoS are one of doom's great underrated bands in my opinion and Sepulcros are a fine new talent in the world of deathly funeral doom.

I am familiar with it Vinny, but I haven't heard it for a while (at least a couple of years). Just spun it up again to refresh my memory and yes, this is as caustic a bit of blackened sludge as I remember it being. That old blackened doom vibe really takes a lot of beating in the nihilistic hopelessness stakes doesn't it?

Sorry Ben, could you also add UK/German doom band Thronehammer and Argentinian psychedelic doomsters Nostone please.

...and Canadian doomsters Olde. Thanks.

Hi Ben, could you please add Italian doom duo 1782.

I think three months is sufficient time between repeat listings. It all depends how dogmatic you want to be about it really, if it becomes too much so then I think people will just stop bothering. You would need to first check If  your chosen track was available on Spotify and then If it had been used before on an earlier playlist. Frankly I haven't the time to sit in front of a computer screen all day so would probably not bother some months. What about tracks that span multiple clans? Does inclusion in one playlist preclude it being in another? If the purpose of the playlists is to reflect what members have actually been listening to then repeats are always going to be a possibility.

OK, so I've got to be honest there was a number of tracks on this month's playlist that didn't really do it for me - Acid, Pantera, Five Finger Death Punch, Nervosa, Angelus Apatrida and DRAIN all failed to raise my pulse much. There were a few tracks I was unfamiliar with that piqued my interest however - Witchery, CoC, Warpath and Hypnosia, but most of all, Cryptosis from this year's Bionic Swarm which is an album I really need to check out.

Just a quick note on one of my own selections, SSS and 3:06 - as an ex-Liverpool FC season ticket holder this song has a lot of poignancy for me as it is about the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster where 96 LFC fans lost their lives at an FA Cup semi-final at Sheffield Wednesday's Hillsborough, in a crush against the fencing that was erected around English football grounds back in those days. 3:06 is the time specified as the cut-off point for the enquiry into the disaster to investigate, even though many of the deceased died after that time. The government and police covered up their mishandling of this event for 30 years, blaming the fans for the deaths, even though it was the stewards and police directing people into the already packed pens and then opening the turnstiles to let even more in. Only recently have the families of the deceased received any justice with verdicts that their loved ones were unlawfully killed only being passed down quite recently.

To the 96 - You'll Never Walk Alone.

I have posted my review. Grand Magus are absolutely one of my favourite bands, I have physical copies of all nine of their albums and I will probably buy their next before I've even heard it I'm that confident it'll be great. Their run of albums from 2008-12 - Iron Will, Hammer of the North and The Hunt - stack up against any three album run for my money. I'm stoked that everyone else seems to have enjoyed Hammer of the North and a metal website is finally acknowleding their brilliance - well done Metal Academy, once more proving to be ahead of the curve! If any of you haven't, I honestly think you would also enjoy the aforementioned Iron Will and The Hunt and should probably give them a spin too. Thanks for nominating this Vinny.

A savage and aggressive new album of Norwegian thrash courtesy of three-piece Nekromantheon:

Daniel, Vinny you may both find this of some interest.

Hi Ben, please add Norway's Nekromantheon.

"I'm comfortable in the knowledge that one day my body will tell me that I need to give this metal things away once & for all but I'm gonna keep indulging myself until that time comes."

Hey Daniel, I'm almost 60 now and metal is still a huge part of my life, so there's probably no need to give it up at any stage. It's like anything else in today's self-obsessed world, people think if they wrap themselves up in cotton wool then they'll live forever (**Spoiler Alert** they won't). Drink, drugs, motorcycles and metal were once the whole world to me (metal being the only one I still indulge in), all of which exact a price - and I wouldn't change any of it. Live fast.. etc!!

My June suggestion (if non-clan members are still allowed one):

Drain STH - Crack the Liar's Smile from Horror Wrestling (1996).

Quoted Sonny92

This one isn't available on Spotify Sonny.

Quoted Daniel

That's weird - it was when I suggested it. I check any suggestions are available before posting them.

OK, how about Mushroomhead and Sun Doesn't Rise from XIII (2003).

Ah, I get it now! To be honest I sometimes miss details like that if I'm not realy concentrating due to my annoying tinnitus - not just metal music caused, I used to work in a metal rolling mill back in the eighties when health and safety wasn't quite as robust as it is nowadays and so I'm stuck with a continuous hissing in the ears that can block out more subtle sounds. Perhaps one reason I like extreme metal music as it drowns all that shit out!

I've posted a review, but to summarise:

This is not a case of Slayer's Dave Lombardo's Band of Musical Extras by any means, this is a cohesive and extremely tight metal band playing great tunes and impressing the shit out of this old bastard who had never even heard of them prior to this feature. I really enjoyed this and have had it on hard rotation for the last week. If this is groove metal then this is much more up my street than any Pantera clone which comprise the bulk of groove metal I've heard to date. Nice choice Ben - an underrated album of superior quality.

Hey Daniel, I would like to replace Sacred Reich's Death Squad with a track from this month's feature - Grip Inc's track Scream at the Sky from Nemesis (4:46) which I calculate takes my runtime to exactly 30:00 minutes!

I've noticed a number of reviews refer to the use of cowbell on this album and my hearing is not the best, but aren't the bells heard here predominantly tubular bells? I may be wrong, but that's what they sound like to me.

Computer software eh. What a fickle damn thing it can be sometimes!

That's all I usually do Vinny. I guess Ben will need to look into it.

Will do - I'll get back to you on that. Sorry, I should have paid more attention!

My picks for June's Pit playlist:

Hydra Vein - Rabid (4:39) from Rather Death Than False of Faith (1988)
Indestroy - U.S.S.A. (3:41) from Indestroy (1988)
Sacred Reich - Death Squad (4:21) from Ignorance (1987)
Num Skull - Turn of a Screw (4:13) from Ritually Abused (1988)
Evile - The Thing (1982) (4:54) from Hell Unleashed (2021)
Lich King - Combat Mosh (4:39) from Born of the Bomb (2012)
Skeletonwitch - Vengeance Will Be Mine (3:08) from Beyond the Permafrost (2007)

Total runtime: 29:35

My suggestions for June's playlist:

Wolves in the Throne Room - I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots (18:16) from Two Hunters (2007)
Yith - Risen (5:30) from Passage (2021)

Total runtime: 23:46

My June suggestion (if non-clan members are still allowed one):

Drain STH - Crack the Liar's Smile from Horror Wrestling (1996).

Well, you're not wrong Vinny. Milton Keynes is one of the most soulless places in the UK!

I have posted a review for this, although I don't feel it really does it justice, but to summarise:

At first listen I wasn't exactly over-enamoured by this, as it seemed like it was wantonly disjointed and felt like an attempt at some kind of avant-garde black metal collage, but subsequent listens have allowed me to recognise that underneath it is quite a primal black metal record that hasn't actually strayed all that far from the genre's earliest roots. I've bought in to it's jagged, sharp-edged structure and the disconcerting effect it has on the listener, like a painting or picture that is viewed from a weird perspective. The result of all this is a real one-off of an album that I have heard very little to compare with (this of course may be a failing of my own and perhaps there are loads, but I don't think so). Yet another album that proves black metal is still a long way from having run it's course and can still turn out original releases of exceptional, thought-provoking quality.

My suggestion for June:

Fear Factory - Pisschrist from Demanufacture (1995)

Just given this a couple of blasts and posted a short review.

I really enjoyed firing this up again - as I said in my review, it really does feel like a call from an old friend you haven't heard from in ages and didn't realise you missed as much as you evidently do. Some great memorable tracks here - Dog Day Sunrise, Body Hammer and Hunter-Killer to name but three. Love the play-off between the harsh and clean vocals on this album and Dino's riffing is really powerful and the machine-like rhythms are bang on the money. A great album of genuinely dystopian atmosphere where the remnants of humanity pitch against the machines' pitiless hive mind.

"Crown of black thorns, Human skin, ripped and torn, Where is your saviour now?" still gets me every time!

June's suggestions:

Sepulcros - Magno Caos (8:57) from Vazio (2021)
Apostle of Solitude - Sincerest Misery (1,000 Days) (14:02) from Sincerest Misery (2008)

Total runtime 22:59

So people are actually interested enough in this shit to care?

The Werewolf's Asshole track contains 0% metal to my ears.

Horse the Band is about 10% metal and Sky Eats Airplane is about 50% metal.

Is that enough to maintain it's place in MA? I would guess probably not, but I'm no expert on what these crazy kids listen to nowadays.

If it means I don't have to listen to it again then I vote Kick It Out!

This has no ratings on the site yet, but Daniel & Vinny I think you both may find something to enjoy in this obscure gem of UK thrash from 1988:

Hey, I think I've got the CD somewhere. I'll have to dig it out and give it a respin or two - not heard it in ages.

Yes, nice one Vinny!! One of my favourite albums. Grand Magus are one of the great underrated trad metal bands. Will definitely have to summon up a review for this one.

My favourite band Darkthrone announce their new album called Eternal Hails...... out on 25th June.

Five tracks from seven to nine and a half minutes and according to the blurb on Bandcamp should be a bit more doomy than usual.

 "With the highly revered Norwegians remaining ever-dedicated to the art of the riff after 35 years of existence, Darkthrone return for album number nineteen and a new dose of metallic godliness. On the back of 2019’s triumphant ‘Old Star’ opus, the duo of Nocturno Culto & Fenriz present a 41 minute maelstrom of Epic Black Heavy Metal across five sprawling compositions. Organic and dynamic, the album is an exploration of the very finest vintage metal and the best of doom, all delivered in the unmistakable Darkthrone style, whilst also incorporating instruments such as the Moog to further expand upon these soundscapes."

 Can't wait...

I'm only just hitching a ride on the Incantation bandwagon since Diabolical Conquest was the featured release a couple of months back so I will definitely check this (and the rest of their stuff) out.

My favourite track from possibly the 21st century's best thrash album.

Combining old-school death doom and thrash, Steel Bearing Hand's Tombspawn is awesome:

"I'm very surprised Steel Bearing Hand haven't received more attention as this is unquestionably the best 2020's thrash metal release I've heard to date" is dead right indeed. In fact, I didn't register at first that it was a new release at all. I was convinced it was early 90's through and through. Thrash, death, black metal and best of all filthy-sounding Autopsy-style death doom. At 26 minutes it's a short, sharp shock like a dagger between the ribs that packs as big a punch as Mike Tyson on Angel Dust!

Here, here Vinny, "detachment of the art from the individual is key in metal I find" is dead right. Metal artists have no end of unpalatable beliefs and have done no end of unpalatable acts, so if you can't separate art from artist then metal is probably not for you. The obsession with so-called celebrity lives (including metal musicians) and subsequent cancel culture is bordering on some kind of mass mania. Personally I couldn't give a damn what these people do or believe, as you say, within limits (no Lostprophets played here either) but why should we care what goes on in these people's lives just because they have some kind of minor celebrity? Let's focus on the music and ignore the bullshit.

By the way, I wasn't defending Schaffer in any way, but I feel he and his cohorts have been horribly manipulated by those with vested interests. The real culprits for the situation at the Capitol building will never find themselves anywhere near a courtroom and will continue to sow hatred and division unchecked. Just saying, as a bemused onlooker from the UK.

What a great playlist this month guys, possibly my favourite to date. Some fantastic stuff on here, the only drop-off being tracks 6 to 8 and even those weren't too bad - I've always loved Christina Scabbia's voice, despite not being Lacuna Coil's biggest fan and even the Within Temptation track was OK. I was already familiar with a lot of the material, but the tracks by Corrosion of Conformity and Paradise Lost are new to me and require further exploration. I've also never listened to Sunn O)))'s Black One but the track Báthory Erzsébet is dark as f**k and I will now definitely be checking that album out. I will certainly keep this list saved on Spotify and will probably spin it up from time to time because it's just so good. Nice one!!