Daniel's Forum Replies

Terrorizer - "World Downfall" (1989)

This record was my introduction to grindcore way back in 1989 & it still sits very high in my list of the greatest examples of the subgenre to this day. Previously I would have rated it slightly higher than I have here but (despite the fact that there are no weak tracks included) there's definitely a mid-album drop in quality. Thankfully it's recovered by an amazing ending though. "World Downfall" is very much the sum of its parts with the Morbid Angel & Napalm Death elements being plainly visible at times. Pete Sandovals drumming is absolutely off the hook & is the major drawcard in my opinion but there are grind riffs galore here.


January 12, 2020 11:39 PM

Welcome to The Academy Praemorior. We're excited you made it over & think you'll find our little community to be a rewarding addition to your life. Our intention was always to create the perfect metal site by ticking all of our own personal wish-list boxes & we think we're well on the way to seeing that come to fruition. It's open for debate as to whether "Metal Academy" will offer long-term appeal to the casual metal listener. It's far more relevant to the serious metalhead like yourself & as our membership grows I think you're going to see the percentage of "lifers" continuing to strengthen. I'd like to encourage you to be as active as possible because the more personalities & view-points we present the more powerful the tool becomes. Have fun with it & please... let us know if you find any bugs or can think of any improvement suggestions. We want the site to reflect our members needs.


I've never understood the appeal of the "Deathcrush" E.P. to be honest. The intro & outro tracks sound cheap & dated. The musicianship is awful & the compositional skills of the band weren't much better. Not to mention the lyrics. The dirty production isn't a problem for me. In fact I quite like the sound but Maniac's vocals are terribly grating at times. I do like "Necrolust" & "(Weird) Manheim" but the rest does very little for me.

I'm sure I can't be the only one who thinks this sped up Venom cover version is balls, am I? Particularly the last section where it disintegrates into a complete mess.

The roots of Norwegian black metal.

Mayhem - "Deathcrush" E.P. (1987)


Ben, please add Epicardiectomy (Czech Republic).

Ben, please add Enthrallment (Bulgaria).

Ben, please add Endstille (Germany).

Blackened folk metal from Finland.

I gave "Verisakeet" a revisit today & I have to admit that I'm still not able to overcome the folk melodies & some of the cheesier choir sections. There are some decent examples of black metal here & there that make two of the five tracks pretty easy to like but overall I can't get into this album despite the high quality production, professional composition & precise performances. It's a 3/5 from me. 

It belongs in The Revolution as it's generally classified as metalcore from what I can see.

Ben, please add Emmure (USA).

Ben, please add Eciton (Denmark).

Ben, please add Eastern Front (UK).

Intense New Jersey thrash metal.

This is majorly overrated:

Blood Feast - "Face Fate" E.P. (1987)

Blood Feast - "Face Fate" E.P. (1987)

The four-song sophomore release from this New Jersey-based thrash metal outfit. Blood Feast combine the more extreme US thrash of bands like Slayer & Dark Angel with the early death metal of Possessed & Death but unfortunately the quality fades out gradually after a solid start & the production is inconsistent & lacking in clarity.


Ben, please add East of the Wall (USA).

Ben, please add Dråpsnatt (Sweden).

Ben, please add Dorsal Atlântica (Brazil).

It’s a 4.5/5 for mine. Nothing less than a 4/5 on that record. Only very slightly prefer “Beneath The Remains”.

Hhmmm... interesting. I actually consider that particular track to be amongst the highlights of the album. I find the vocal hooks & crowd interaction/adoration to be quite infectious.

I'm guessing you're referring to "Meaningless Movements" & "Dead Embryonic Cells"?

I really dug "Retribution" back in the day & it's still my favourite Malevolent Creation record. I might have to pull it out some time soon. 

Ever seen them before? They're always great live. I'd definitely go if I had the money/ear drums.

Ben, please add Doombringer (Poland).

Ben, please add Djerv (Norway).

A prime time Californian alternative metal anthem.

I gave this album a revisit today & was pleased to find that I still think it's a very solid record that's totally worthy of feature status. It was such a huge step up from "Adrenaline" & I definitely enjoy their alternative metal sound much more than their earlier nu metal one. They'd take a further step up for "White Pony" three years later but if you're in The Gateway & you haven't heard "Around The Fur" then I'd suggest that you get onto it pronto.


Interestingly I never connected with Manilla Road's previous couple of albums but "Open The Gates" is a different story. I think they were at their best when they fully embraced their psychedelic side. Have you heard their debut "Invasion"? It's not a metal release per se. It's more of a Rush-like prog rock excursion but I quite like it.

Yeah I don't mind "Static Tensions". In fact, I'd suggest that it's probably Kylesa's best work. I found some of their later albums like "Ultraviolet" to be a bit flat to be honest.


Macabre - "Grim Reality" E.P. (1987)

This is one of the greatest human achievements in history. I shit you not, Vinny deserves a strawberries & cream scratch & sniff for this effort.

Mid-80's thrash metal from Chicago, USA.

Macabre - "Grim Reality" E.P. (1987)

The debut release from this Chicago deathgrind outfit although this was more of a thrash metal affair with bits of hardcore/crossover & early death metal thrown in here & there. It's got good energy but the squealy vocals & higher register riff style have never really been my cup of tea to be honest. The remixed version sounds much better however it also includes an extended version of the pointless instrumental track "Mass Murder" which was completely unnecessary.


Pixies should never be something that interests me in theory but I think I was programmed to enjoy "Doolittle" after being force fed it by a mate during high school. Now I find that whenever I revisit it I get into it more & more. I've even been known to do a laid back acoustic cover version of "Silver" at parties. I'll go with a 3.5/5.

Good choice of song, Daniel! Blind Guardian was one of a few bands I starting listening to again for a while during my small epic metal comeback last month, and that song brings back distant power metal memories.
Quoted shadowdoom9

Have you checked out this live release Andi? If not then you need to get onto it pronto as you'll fucking love it.

Blind Guardian - "Live" (2003)

A double live album from these German power metal heavy-weights.


Quoted Daniel

A double album where Hansi maybe has to do a single album's worth of singing? :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Quoted Chinese Whispers

He puts in an absolutely monumental performance here to be honest. In fact, I don't think I've heard a more polished live release in my entire life & (despite the fact that it was put together from various different concerts) I find myself questioning its authenticity. The production & performances are absolute perfection which makes "Live" an absolute must for any European power metal fan. I mean even the crowd sing perfectly in tune. Don't get me wrong. I'm not complaining as I love a well produced & performed metal live album. The only reason I haven't scored it higher is because I still have problems with the cheesier medieval stuff. Blind Guardian are about the only European power metal band I can stomach but that doesn't mean I love everything they do. The first half of the second disk is truly fucking awe-inspiring though.

Blind Guardian - "Live" (2003)

A double live album from these German power metal heavy-weights.


It's a great review too. Well done Andi.

I have to admit that "October Rust" was a huge record for me & it's my clear favourite of their back catalogue. I always thought it sounded like a doom version of Duran Duran (who were my very first love as far as music went) & that's a huge positive as far as I'm concerned. The hooks stayed with me for weeks on end & I found myself listening to little else for a while there.

Ben, please add Die (Denmark), Diminished (USA) & Disfiguring The Goddess (USA).

Ben, please add Détente (USA).

Ben, please add Desecravity (Japan) & Devour The Unborn (USA).

I've been on a trip with the family for the last week & a half so my listening habits have been driven by what I can get away with. The girls seem to find techno or downtempo quite soothing so I often play that sort of stuff while they sleep in the car. Here's some of the stuff that's been on rotation:

Daniel Stubbs - "Cocktails & Sunsets (Downtempo set - January 2013)" (2013)

Tim Wolff - "Live At Awakenings Festival 2012" (2012)

Jeff Rushin - "Live At Awakenings 2012" (2012)

Speedy J - "Live At Awakenings 2012" (2012)

Yes I still listen to my old DJ sets. So sue me! And I went to the Awakenings Festival in Amsterdam in 2012 so those sets bring back some awesome memories.

I agree with you there Vinny. "Colored Sands" had a big impact on me too & I prefer it to their more highly celebrated "Obscura" album to be honest. I'm not sure it was my overall favourite of the decade but it was certainly up there.

How do you rate it Vinny? Personally I love all of Death's albums but I'd place "The Sound Of Perseverance" right in the middle of their back catalogue. Despite the fact that Death was my introduction to death metal in the late 80's, I actually prefer their more progressive records over their more traditional ones so it'd be slightly ahead of the first three but a bit behind albums 4-6.

December 30, 2019 10:09 AM
The short answer is that we’ve placed the podcast on hold for the moment. We reluctantly came to that decision mainly because neither of us could sustain the level of focus it required with our current work & family responsibilities. For me things got increasingly difficult once my second daughter was born & I took over the management of a business in New Zealand on top of my existing responsibilities in Australia. That essentially meant that the only times I got to do my podcast research & editing was between 10:30 PM & 5:00 AM or during my lunch breaks. After doing that for six months we finally agreed that it wasn’t sustainable. 

Interestingly, we’ve had so many enquiries from fans of the show over the last few weeks that I’m feeling pretty ordinary about that decision now. I miss the whole process despite the physical toll it took. We’ll see how things go over the next few months as neither of us are willing to let go of the idea of recommencing the podcast. I just dunno how we could do it as well as the back of house work, administration & marketing work on the website. You may not be aware but Ben spends many hours a day on putting additional bands & releases into the database which includes a lot of time locating cover images that are of a high enough quality to keep the site looking visually better than our competition.