Ben's Forum Replies

Ben, please add Belgian speed metallers Acid.

Quoted Daniel


I need to give their new stuff more of a go. I think I was so disappointed that Cadaveria wasn't there anymore that I kind of gave up on them.

Awesome, thank you! Will definitely give more!

Indeed Opera IX are vastly underrated, their first three albums are fantastic and totally unique. Thankfully I was lucky enough to catch them live, what and experience! 

Quoted Samael666x

You saw them live with Cadaveria!? That would have been awesome.

Looks like the album 'Risk' (1999) was skipped over in the Megadeth chronology. Not that I blame anyone for wishing the album out of existence...

Quoted Strig

It was left out intentionally as it's not a metal album. It's a hard rock album, as voted on Rate Your Music. You'll notice there are some albums in metal bands discographies that have been left off Metal Academy for that reason, as they can't be attached to a Clan.

It's metal only here at Metal Academy!

Really enjoying the site! Anyways if I could suggest a few bands I would like to see Mortuary Drape, Varathron, Impaled Nazarene, Opera IX, and Mystifier added to the site as those are among my all time favorites.

Quoted Samael666x

It's awesome to hear that you're enjoying the site Samael666x!

I've added all these bands. I really enjoyed doing it too, as I'm a massive black metal fan. Keep them coming!

Opera IX are hugely underrated, particularly the early albums with Cadaveria. I've loved The Call of the Woods since I bought it back in 1995. I really should review that album some time.

Thanks mate. I just added two Rock Goddess ratings, one Heavy Pettin' rating & a Steeler review.

Please add these bands next:

220 Volt (Sweden)

Chateaux (NWOBHM)

Europe (Sweden)

Quoted Daniel

All done.

May 09, 2019 11:29 AM

Maybe it is in the works already, but I wonder if the band tab having a simple alphabetical "jump to letter" header might be helpful. As more is added and the page count grows, it will keep it easy to browse the site. For example, if I just wanted to see what bands starting with "H" was here, I would have to flick through the pages until I got it. Not a big deal with 23 pages, sure, but when there are 423? Maybe a more dauting task. 

Quoted Strig

An excellent suggestion. I'll see if we can get that done. Thanks Strig!

Ben, please add these artists:

Rock Goddess (NWOBHM)

Heavy Pettin' (NWOBHM)

Steeler (USA)

Quoted Daniel

All done.

May 08, 2019 08:39 PM

Welcome to the Academy Strig! More importantly, welcome to The Fallen, The Horde and The Infinite.

Could you add Opprobrium (formerly Incubus) please? Spinning 'Beyond The Unknown' today has reminded me what a fucking awesome band they are, long live the Howard brothers.

Quoted MacabreEternal


I added them as separate bands, as most people would remember those 80's efforts as Incubus.

Thanks mate. Please add Y&T.
Quoted Daniel

Done. Only Black Tiger makes the criteria to be considered metal.

Ben, please add Warning from Germany.

Quoted Daniel

Done. Man that self-titled debut is ahead of its time!

Please add Witchfinder General Ben. Including the "Soviet Invasion!" E.P. thanks.

Quoted Daniel


Thanks mate. I just added a rating for Trust's "Repression", Brats' "1980" & Lazy's "Uchusen Chikyugo".

Can you please add these next:

Krokus (Switzerland)

Warning (France)

Picture (Netherlands)

Quoted Daniel

All done too.

Ben, please add the following bands:

Trust (France)

Brats (Denmark)

Lazy (Japan)

Quoted Daniel

All done.

Yes I am. But we’re gonna need to cover these obscure releases as well as the more popular ones. I can’t believe you found high quality images for these though!

Can you please add Budgie’s metal-oriented releases? I’d like to rate “Power Supply” & “If Swallowed, Do Not Induce Vomiting” & it should completely close out the 70’s bands too.

Quoted Daniel


Ben, please add the following bands:

Sorcery (Chicago)

Sorcery (Los Angeles)


Quoted Daniel

All done.'re really scraping the bottom of the barrel here!

Ben, can you please add these bands for me:

More (England)

Legend (Jersey)

Baron Rojo (Spain)

Quoted Daniel

All done.

April 12, 2019 09:54 PM

Thanks for the heads up Vinny. Did you give that release an initial rating on 24th March & then add the review on 11th April by any chance? I don't think the dates are updating under those circumstances. I've experienced it myself & have had to delete my rating first before doing a fresh review to get it to come up in the new reviews section.

Quoted Daniel

Yeah, that's likely the reason. When you add a rating, the site actually sees that as a review. So when you go back later and write an actual review, it keeps the original date. I'll see if there's anything that can be done, but I also don't want a situation where people can keep resaving their reviews to put them back on the front page.

Gojira - "From Mars To Sirius" (2005)

An awesome combination of "Domination"-era Morbid Angel, the progressive metal of Devin Townsend & little bit of groove metal.


Quoted Daniel

We agree on this one. Awesome stuff.

I completely agree. Ben seems to think it's amazing though which is disappointing as the family had such high hopes for him early on.

Quoted Daniel

Well, you know, a LOT of people love it. So it appears the family was determined for me to have bad taste in music. I feel sad that I disappointed them, but then, they've always got you to be proud of.

Coldworld 'Melancholie2' - never really seen the requirement for the effusive praise this gets.  I have always found it decidedly average.

Quoted MacabreEternal

This album just happens to be one of my absolute favourite! I'm also a big fan of its follow-up. Each to their own I guess. :smile:

All done. Limited Loudness to 50 releases! Took me ages.

Guys, could you add Vltimas, Desolate Shrine, Hooded Menace and Master to the bands list please?

Happy to list the releases here for each artist if required?

Quoted MacabreEternal

These have all been added. Note that the Hooded Menace releases and one of the Desolate Shrine albums are in The Fallen. Don't let that stop you reviewing them of course. There will be ways to add an additional clan or two to your profile in future.

Keep the requests coming. It gives me a focus rather than choosing from the 2 billion metal bands that exist.

Ben, please add Raven, Anvil & Loudness.

Quoted Daniel

Holy crap! That's 62 full length albums + EPs, Comps and Live releases to do!

There goes my weekend. :pensive: Oh well, they had to be done some time. Might as well do them all in a marathon session.

Lots of split releases in their back catalogue Ben. I know you’ll love that.

Quoted Daniel

I've already added Acherontas, and ignored the splits for now. Will add them once I have a better system for their inclusion. #workinprogress

Could we add Acherontas and their back catalogue to The North clan please?

Quoted MacabreEternal

This request has been completed.

I've come across this band previously, but have never heard them. I look forward to seeing what you think of them.

April 03, 2019 02:32 AM

I've been a little obsessed with Manilla Road recently. Thanks for the deep analysis of Open the Gates.

Quoted H. Tease

You're very welcome, particularly as they've become a bit of an obsession for me in the process. I can't wait to cover more of their albums for the show!

Ben, please add these bands:


The Rods

Cirith Ungol

Quoted Daniel

All done!

I very much enjoy both albums, but Clandestine is definitely my favourite Entombed album. Each to their own I guess. :yum:

Aoratos "Gods Without Name"

Naas Alcameth's (Nightbringer, Akhlys, Excommunion) latest musical creation.

Quoted MacabreEternal

I've liked what I've heard of Nightbringer, so I might have to give this a go sometime.

Please add the following NWOBHM bands Ben:


Tygers Of Pan Tang


Quoted Daniel

43 releases later, these bands have been added. That was some rabbit hole you sent me down.

For some reason I didn't get on with this when I first played it, the avante-garde rhythms are a little confusing but not grating as such.  Anyway, let's see how the mood takes me today.

Quoted MacabreEternal

I've always felt that it's a little underrated, but then I'm pretty open to bands experimenting and trying new things. There are a couple of very impressive moments, particularly View From Nihil.

So he's in no way saying that he didn't do it. Only that he had a "good reason" for doing it, which the court didn't acknowledge. Yeah, that doesn't exactly evoke my sympathy.

Helloween - Walls of Jericho (1985)

This will be the first time that I've ever listened to a full Helloween album.

Ben, please add the following:

Paralex (UK)

Killer (BEL)

Sarcofagus (FIN)

Quoted Daniel

All have been added.

I'll look into that. I tend to use my middle mouse button to open up a new tab when viewing releases so I don't lose my spot in the chart. But I agree, there should be some easy navigation back.

Note that any and all feedback is welcome.

I would like to some Horna and Behexen additions as I am quite into my Finnish BM and they both have strong discogs I feel.

Quoted MacabreEternal

Hi MacabreEternal! We hope you're enjoying the new site. Let us know if you have any feedback, as we're keen to make this a special place for fans of metal music.

I've added both Horna and Behexen.

I would agree with you, but there's one major issue with your argument. Blood Fire Death is not in The Pit. It's a pure The North release.

They wasted that cover on a single?!

Love that cover. Very horror paperback!

Maiden's Soundhouse Tapes is a 7 inch, so please don't make me add it. If I start adding 7 inch releases, I may implode.

Zarpa has been added. Thanks for sending me down the rabbit hole with this one. Just figuring which releases are genuine was hard enough, let alone finding artwork of a suitable quality.  (You know I love this shit though)

Heavy Load has been added.

There is absolutely no way that it's a coincidence. The positioning of the fingers and hand is identical, as is the entire colour scheme. Someone needs to own up and/or be fired.

It is disappointing, but as you say, not at all surprising. There are a lot of similarities between the Ozzy and Dio stories, with dominating women making decisions for them with no consideration beyond money. Both Ozzy Osbourne and Dio released two great "band albums" before the problems came to a head.

February 18, 2019 09:33 AM

I'm not sure I've heard anything since Risk, so can't really comment. I will say that Risk is as bad as everyone says it is though, which is probably why I haven't bothered with Megadeth since.

February 14, 2019 10:06 PM

I've really liked what I've heard from this band so far, so will definitely check this one out.