Ben's Forum Replies

January 18, 2025 06:08 AM

To be clear, I’ll still be adding releases to the site and doing all the general admin stuff I do. The site will continue indefinitely.

January 16, 2025 07:50 PM

I was fairly obsessed with them as a teenager but, as Daniel stated, they quickly turned into a parody of themselves. We saw them live about a decade back and they were underwhelming.

I guess I should check out their later releases which do appear to have received a better reception.

January 15, 2025 09:32 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 10th to the 16th of January, 2025.

1. Czerń (FALLEN, HORDE)

2. Ghold (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

3. Horsehunter (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

4. HVØSCH (FALLEN, INFINITE, NORTH) - requested by Sonny

5. Insanity Reigns Supreme (FALLEN, HORDE) - requested by Sonny

6. Moon Wizard (FALLEN)

7. Cheem (GATEWAY)

8. Dark Divine (GATEWAY) - requested by Andi

9. Smash Into Pieces (GATEWAY)



12. Fortress (MO-USA) (GUARDIANS)

13. Hammer Witch (GUARDIANS)

14. Have Mercy (GUARDIANS, PIT)

15. Protean Shield (GUARDIANS)

16. Stygian Shore (GUARDIANS)

17. Valor (GUARDIANS, PIT)

18. Coltcrusher (HORDE)

19. Conglaciation (HORDE)

20. Forcefed Horsehead (HORDE)

21. Laparotomy (HORDE)

22. Mutagenic Host (HORDE)


24. Nogothula (HORDE)

25. Thanatophobia (HORDE)

26. Am I in Trouble? (INFINITE, NORTH)

27. Resuscitate (INFINITE)

28. Angel (NORTH)

29. Empyrean Grace (NORTH)

30. Kommodus / Celestial Sword (NORTH)

31. Meluniblis (NORTH)

32. Oculi Melancholiarum (NORTH)

33. Within Thy Wounds (NORTH)

34. Firewalker (PIT)

35. Redrum (PIT)

36. Torn Flesh (PIT)

37. Deadlights (REVOLUTION)


39. One Morning Left (REVOLUTION)

Many of you might disagree but I think the wonderfully grim black metal vocals that appear across the majority of the latest Oranssi Pazuzu album are enough to drag it into avant-garde black metal territory, despite the music clearly having been divorced from black metal a long time ago now. That puts "Muuntautuja" in front in the race for my The North Release of the Year too.

Quoted Daniel

Hmmm... the age old question. I thought the general consensus was that vocals alone don't contribute to genre selection. If an album has black metal "music" with clean vocals, it's still black metal. If an album has pop "music" with black metal vocals, it's still just pop. To move away from this logic creates all sorts of bad genre choices, particularly as death and black metal vocals appear across all sorts of subgenres these days.

January 08, 2025 08:56 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 1st to the 9th of January, 2025.


2. Beurre (FALLEN)

3. O Zorn! (FALLEN)

4. Pillar of Light (FALLEN, INFINITE)

5. Any Given Sin (GATEWAY) - requested by Andi

6. Barbarians of California, The (GATEWAY, PIT)

7. Catch Your Breath (GATEWAY)

8. E-an-na (GATEWAY, NORTH)

9. Icon for Hire (GATEWAY)

10. Seasons After (GATEWAY) - requested by Andi

11. Sleep Theory (GATEWAY)

12. Bashed In (HORDE)

13. Daedalean Complex (HORDE, SPHERE) - requested by Andi

14. Gorenette Coleman (HORDE)

15. Into the Ashes (HORDE)

16. Larval Therapy (HORDE)

17. Morgue Breath (HORDE)

18. Crystalline Thunderbolts Pierce the Sacred Mountain (INFINITE, NORTH)

19. Observers (INFINITE)

20. Balwezo Westijiz (NORTH) - requested by Vinny

21. Fir (NORTH) - requested by Vinny

22. Gravenoire (NORTH)

23. Muhammad Pedophile (NORTH)

24. Sadness / Soulless (NORTH)

25. Udåd (NORTH)

26. Uprising (NORTH)

27. Vaurien (NORTH)

28. Death Crusade (PIT)

29. Soundsurgery (PIT, SPHERE) - requested by Daniel

30. Blood Runs Cold (REVOLUTION)

31. Earth Groans (REVOLUTION)

32. Erase Them (REVOLUTION)

33. Fallen God (REVOLUTION)

34. Serling (REVOLUTION)

35. Shockpoint (REVOLUTION)

December 31, 2024 08:17 PM

January 2025

1. Djevel - Bespottelsen (from Natt til ende, 2024)

2. Kvist - Min lekam er meg blott en byrde (from For kunsten maa vi evig vike, 1996) [Submitted by Karl]

3. Doedsmaghird - Death of Time (from Omniverse Consciousness, 2024)

4. Havukruunu - Tavastland (from Tavastland, 2024)

5. Slaughter Lord - Taste of Blood (from Taste of Blood, 1987) [Submitted by Daniel]

6. Primeval Well - Ghost Fires Burn Light in Our Eyes (from Talkin' in Tongues with Mountain Spirits, 2021) [Submitted by Vinny]

7. Deus Mortem - W serce płomiennej gnozy (from Thanatos, 2024)

8. Ungfell - S Alpeglüeh (from De Ghörnt, 2024)

9. Nachtmystium - Survivor's Remorese (from Blight Privilege, 2024)

10. Thorns - Underneath the Universe 2 (from Thorns, 2001)

11. Polemicist - The Ambition and the Wrath (from Polemicist, 2024) [Submitted by Karl]

12. Drudkh - Wind of the Night Forests (from Autumn Aurora, 2004)

13. Bathory - Crosstitution (from Requiem, 1994) [Submitted by Daniel]

14. Horn - Dagetostaon (from Daudswiärk, 2024) [Submitted by Vinny]

15. An Axis of Perdition - I Am Odium (from Apertures, 2024)

16. Malignant Eternal - Tårnet (from Tårnet, 1995) [Submitted by Karl]

17. Immortal - In My Kingdom Cold (from Sons of Northern Darkness, 2002)

18. Bríi - Enlutados (from Camaradagem póstuma, 2024)

December 31, 2024 03:20 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 13th to the 31st of December, 2024.

1. Codespeaker (FALLEN, INFINITE)

2. Offernat (FALLEN)

3. Regere Sinister (FALLEN, NORTH)

4. Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol (FALLEN, GATEWAY)

5. Spiral Staircase (MA-USA) (FALLEN, INFINITE)

6. Trollcave (FALLEN)

7. Witchorious (FALLEN)

8. Wretched Blessing (FALLEN, HORDE)

9. Uchikubi Gokumon Doukoukai (GATEWAY)

10. Flamekeeper (GUARDIANS)

11. Avtotheism (HORDE)

12. Feral Forms (HORDE, NORTH)

13. Misanthropy (HORDE)

14. Ritual Fog (HORDE)

15. Sarcophagum (HORDE)

16. Sickening (HORDE)

17. Vomitrocious (HORDE)

18. Machukha (INFINITE)


20. Blasfeme (NORTH)

21. Incipient Chaos (NORTH)

22. Servant (NORTH)

23. Theigns and Thralls (NORTH) - requested by Morpheus

24. Lifeless Dark (PIT)

25. Mass Confusion (PIT) - requested by Daniel

26. S.I.C. (PIT) - requested by Daniel

27. beforeyouleave / Septemberistheonlytimeidontthinkofyou (REVOLUTION)

28. Discontent (REVOLUTION)

29. Inertia (REVOLUTION)


December 23, 2024 10:29 AM

I hope everyone is enjoying the festive season!

I've been away with the family for the past week, so haven't added any new bands / releases. Given the time of year, I'll be adding new releases and requests only for the next two weeks, starting tomorrow.

December 11, 2024 08:46 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 6th to the 12th of December, 2024.

1. The Evil (FALLEN)


3. Shallow North Dakota (FALLEN, GATEWAY)

4. Unkirk (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

5. 20 Dead Flower Children (GATEWAY, SPHERE)


7. Self Deception (GATEWAY) - requested by Andi

8. Buzzard (GUARDIANS)

9. Gloomy Reflections (GUARDIANS)

10. Iorio - Flavio (GUARDIANS)

11. Bludgeoned (HORDE)

12. Dehydrated (HORDE)

13. Excess of Cruelty (HORDE)

14. Field Dressed (HORDE)

15. Greenwitch (HORDE)

16. Groin (HORDE)

17. Meat Spreader (HORDE)

18. Necrotum (HORDE)

19. Repuked (HORDE)

20. Scordatura (HORDE)

21. Strigoi (CHL) (HORDE, NORTH, PIT)

22. Twink Obliterator (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

23. Unnatural (HORDE)

24. Besra (INFINITE)

25. Laudare (INFINITE)

26. Pathogen (INFINITE)

27. Beyond Man (NORTH)

28. Blinding Sun (NORTH)

29. Cage of Creation (NORTH)

30. Daedalia (NORTH)

31. Fleckentarn (NORTH)

32. Heavenfield (NORTH)

33. Hidden Mothers (NORTH)

34. Legion of Doom (NORTH)

35. Nemorous (NORTH)

36. Northern Solitude (NORTH)

37. Pale Riders, The (NORTH)

38. A Rose Dying in the Rain (NORTH)

39. Faüst (PIT)

40. beforeyouleave (REVOLUTION)

41. Neglect (REVOLUTION)

42. NJ Bloodline (REVOLUTION)

I generally don't add compilations that are just previous releases dumped together, but since you requested it...
December 04, 2024 09:35 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 28th of November to the 5th of December, 2024.

1. Aberrator (FALLEN, HORDE)

2. Neolithic (FALLEN)

3. Sabaoth (FALLEN, NORTH)

4. Wellington (FALLEN)

5. Amira Elfeky (GATEWAY)

6. Lodestar (GATEWAY)


8. Blizard (GUARDIANS)

9. Brothers Grimm (GUARDIANS, INFINITE, PIT)

10. Overload (GUARDIANS)

11. Vavel (GUARDIANS)

12. Corpse (HORDE)

13. Damnable (HORDE)

14. Desecration (HORDE)

15. Gutless (HORDE)

16. Hell-Born (HORDE, NORTH)

17. Indecent Excision (HORDE)

18. Iniquitous Savagery (HORDE)

19. Killengod (HORDE)

20. Neural Indent / Gorenette Coleman (HORDE)

21. Scabbard (HORDE)

22. Shredded Corpse (HORDE)

23. Tlön (HORDE, NORTH)

24. Ubiquity (HORDE, INFINITE)

25. Blindead 23 (INFINITE)

26. Múr (INFINITE)

27. Angizia / Amestigon (NORTH)

28. Grave Heresy (NORTH)

29. Hell Is Other People (NORTH)

30. Ragnarok (GBR) (NORTH)

31. Wolves' Winter (NORTH)

32. Callous (REVOLUTION) - requested by Daniel

33. Miserere (REVOLUTION)

34. Opal in Sky (REVOLUTION)

35. Slugfest (REVOLUTION)

36. victimblamed (REVOLUTION)

37. Christian Death (SPHERE)

To date, I haven't been adding 7 inch vinyl releases, mostly due to the huge amount that have no covers and no ratings on RYM. It's also unclear as to whether many of them are considered to be singles or EPs. Once I finish adding all metal albums and non-7 inch EPs with 50 or more votes from all years, I'll look a bit further into them.

November 30, 2024 06:56 PM

December 2024

1. Stiriah - Sterbend im Nebel (from Portal, 2024) [Submitted by Karl]

2. Yoth Iria - We Call Upon the Elements (from Blazing Inferno, 2024)

3. Aara - Senkrechte Welten (from Senkrechte Welten, 2024)

4. Emperor - Wrath of the Tyrant (from Emperor, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

5. Furia - Ptaki Ida (from Nocel, 2014) [Submitted by Xephyr]

6. Labrynthus Stellarum - The Light of Dying Worlds (from Vortex of the Worlds, 2024) [Submitted by Vinny]

7. Sørgelig - Those of the Depths (from Φθορά, 2024) [Submitted by Karl]

8. Panzerfaust - Occam's Fucking Razor (from The Suns of Perdition - Chapter IV: To Shadow Zion, 2024)

9. Watain - The Limb Crucifix (from Rabid Death’s Curse, 2000) [Submitted by Daniel]

10. Gargul - Gallows (from Gallows, 2024) [Submitted by Karl]

11. Horna - Haudanusva (from Perimä vihassa ja verikostossa, 2000) [Submitted by Vinny]

12. Veilburner - Ill Visions of Hex-Shaped Hiss, Behead the Howling Spirit (from The Duality of Decapitation and Wisdom, 2024)

13. Necrowretch - Dii Mauri (from Swords of Dajjal, 2024) [Submitted by Xephyr]

14. Dark Horizon - Secrets of the Nightmare Prophecies (from Darkness Falls upon Mankind, 2024) [Submitted by Karl]

15. Nargaroth - Black Metal ist Krieg (from Black Metal ist Krieg, 2001) [Submitted by Vinny]

16. Saor - Amidst the Ruins (from Amidst the Ruins, 2024)

17. Imperial Triumphant - Hotel Sphinx (from Hotel Sphinx, 2024)

18. Isolert - The End of Beauty (from Wounds of Desolation, 2024) [Submitted by Karl]

19. Enslaved - Slaget I skogen bortenfor (from Hordanes Land, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

November 28, 2024 07:31 AM

That's something we already have. I just had God in the Schizoid Mind as the alternate name for that band. I just changed it to GISM and you can now search for that name on the Bands page.

November 27, 2024 12:01 AM

In early 1994, I made my way to Sandy's Records in Dee Why on the Northern Beaches (which is astonishingly still there) to try to find a new metal album to purchase. The guy behind the counter seemed to enjoy bringing metal albums into the store and while I imagine there were a few other metal fans in our area, I have to think he did this mostly for Daniel and I. On this particular day he offered up two death doom releases, being Enchantment's Dance the Marble Naked and Anathema's Serenades. I can't recall whether I listened to either of them before deciding, but somehow I ended up leaving the store with Enchantment in my hands. This would be one of many bad decisions that I would make as a teenager, and after a couple of days of gritting my teeth while trying to enjoy fairly decent death doom despite the fucking atrocious vocals, I made my way back to the store and picked up Serenades. That album quickly became a favourite for me and dare I say even more so for Daniel, so all is well that ends well I guess.

November 26, 2024 11:48 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 23rd to the 27th of November, 2024.

1. Avernus (FALLEN) - requested by Karl


3. Elbereth (FALLEN)

4. Kollaps\e (FALLEN, INFINITE)

5. Lavra (FALLEN)


7. Shadowseeds (FALLEN, NORTH)


9. Void Moon (FALLEN) - requested by Karl

10. Shinigami & Billy Martin (GATEWAY, REVOLUTION)

11. Asgard (GER) (GUARDIANS)

12. Letter X (GUARDIANS)

13. Timeless Fairytale (GUARDIANS)

14. Aberration / Diabolic Oath (HORDE)

15. As the World Dies (HORDE)

16. Blemish (HORDE)

17. Disgusting (HORDE)

18. Lunatic Invasion (HORDE)

19. Necrosis (USA) (HORDE)

20. Nemesism (HORDE)

21. Psychrist (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

22. Reincarnation (HORDE)

23. Tsygun (HORDE)

24. Typhonian (HORDE)

25. Darkstar (INFINITE)

26. Lowheaven (INFINITE)

27. Proton Burst (INFINITE, SPHERE)

28. Seaweed Mustache (INFINITE)

29. Wowod / Somn (INFINITE, NORTH)

30. Dispar (NORTH)

31. Gotthammer (NORTH)

32. Lord Valtgryftåke (NORTH)

33. Synteleia (NORTH)

34. Defender (GER) (PIT)

35. Creak (REVOLUTION)

36. Homewrecker. (REVOLUTION)

37. Crawl (WI-USA) (SPHERE)

November 24, 2024 10:31 AM

The post had been set to Enable Admin Only, which is why you could add to it Daniel but others couldn't. You and I are the only ones that can enable that, so perhaps you clicked it accidentally (I haven't been to that thread in a long time). I've removed the Enable Admin Only option on the thread, so should be all good now.

Secondly, the thread loads really quickly for me (a couple of seconds per page). I can't see any issue, either on my PC or my phone.

November 22, 2024 04:17 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 16th to the 22nd of November, 2024.

1. It Is I (FALLEN)

2. See You Next Tuesday & meth. (FALLEN, HORDE)

3. Extrema (GATEWAY, PIT)

4. God Machine, The (GATEWAY)

5. Mary Beats Jane (GATEWAY, PIT)


7. Scat Opera (GATEWAY)

8. Shootyz Groove (GATEWAY)


10. Amphibian (GUARDIANS)

11. Attika (GUARDIANS)

12. Coventhrall (GUARDIANS)

13. Deliverance (GBR) (GUARDIANS, PIT)

14. Fingernails (GUARDIANS, PIT)

15. Kreyson (GUARDIANS)


17. Spread Eagle (GUARDIANS)

18. Accessory (HORDE, PIT)

19. Brainchild / Living Sacrifice / Circle of Dust (HORDE, SPHERE)

20. Dead Orchestra (HORDE, PIT)

21. Demigod / Necropsy (HORDE)

22. Disgorged (HORDE)

23. Excruciating Pain (HORDE)

24. Extreme Deformity (HORDE)

25. Guillotine Terror (HORDE)

26. Holostoj Vystrel (HORDE, PIT)

27. Inner Thought (HORDE, SPHERE)

28. Necrocannibal (HORDE)

29. Necrophil (HORDE)

30. Profanation (HORDE)

31. Celelalte Cuvinte (INFINITE)

32. Donor (INFINITE, PIT)

33. Lord Bane (INFINITE)

34. Skeptic Sense (INFINITE, PIT)

35. Unleashed Power (INFINITE, PIT)

36. Murder Rape (NORTH)

37. Acridity (PIT)

38. Assesor (PIT)

39. Death Power (PIT)

40. Entophyte (PIT)

41. Front (PIT)

42. Icemen, The (PIT)

43. IronChrist (PIT)

44. Kabát (PIT)

45. Metal Duck (PIT)

46. Mystrez (PIT)

47. away with words (REVOLUTION)

48. Death Goals / Dreamwell (REVOLUTION)

49. In Which Divides Us (REVOLUTION)

50. Optimum Wound Profile (SPHERE)

November 19, 2024 10:37 PM

I have every single issue of Heavy Metal magazine and 2000 A.D. (digitally). I've dipped in and out (particularly Judge Dredd), but maybe when I retire I will actually get around to reading through them.

November 18, 2024 08:25 PM

Welcome to the site David. I'm a big comic reader, and have been since I picked up Spawn issue 1 in a comic store back in the mid 90s. I became an instant Image fanboy, collecting Spawn, Witchblade, Darkness and Cyberforce for the next few years. These days I tend to focus on all things Marvel, DC and Image, but dabble in Dark Horse and Boom when something grabs my interest. It should be no surprise, given I'm a huge metal fan, that I'm attracted to the darker side of comics, so I've read a lot of the stuff you mentioned in your intro message.

To answer your question though, surely there can be no more metal comic series than Murder Falcon though!

Ben, please add these new albums:

As I Lay Dying - Through Storms Ahead

The Browning - OMNI

Quoted Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Just so you know Andi, every week I add every new metal release that has 50 or more ratings on RYM. So you don't need to request new releases for these bigger bands. They'll already be on my list.

November 14, 2024 08:27 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 8th to the 15th of November, 2024.

1. Absolut Null Punkt (FALLEN)

2. Beefeater (GATEWAY)

3. Aaronsrod (GUARDIANS)

4. Axe Victims (GUARDIANS)

5. Backwater (GUARDIANS, PIT)

6. Bad Lizard (GUARDIANS)


8. Black Out (GUARDIANS)


10. Crying Steel (GUARDIANS)

11. Dammaj (GUARDIANS)

12. Der Kaiser (GUARDIANS)

13. Devil Childe (GUARDIANS)

14. Emerald (NED) (GUARDIANS)

15. Final Axe (GUARDIANS)

16. Firstryke (GUARDIANS)

17. Hunt, The (GUARDIANS)

18. Khaos (GUARDIANS)

19. Lord (USA) (GUARDIANS)

20. Marseille (GUARDIANS)

21. Masque (GUARDIANS)

22. Metalwolf (GUARDIANS)

23. Oral (GUARDIANS)

24. Reckless (GUARDIANS)

25. Serpent's Knight (GUARDIANS)


27. Valhalla (GUARDIANS)

28. Antagonyze (HORDE) - requested by Karl

29. Burnt Offering (HORDE, PIT)

30. Emasculator (HORDE)

31. Awful Truth, The (INFINITE)

32. Enigma Division, The (INFINITE)

33. Ink & Fire (NORTH)

34. Niboowin (NORTH)

35. Destroyers (PIT)

36. Evil Sinner (PIT)

37. Holosade (PIT)

38. Nuclear Simphony (PIT)

39. Prestige (PIT)

40. Steel Fury (PIT)

41. Stupids (PIT)

42. Unsane, The (PIT)

43. Xyster (PIT)

November 06, 2024 10:19 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 2nd to the 7th of November, 2024.

1. Drug Cult (FALLEN)

2. Fátima (FALLEN)

3. Neon Nightmare (FALLEN)


5. Ave Mujica (GATEWAY)

6. Bezdna Analnogo Ugneteniya (GATEWAY, HORDE, PIT, REVOLUTION)

7. Dirty $prite (GATEWAY, REVOLUTION)

8. Live Conform Die (GATEWAY, REVOLUTION)

9. Seven Hours After Violet (GATEWAY, REVOLUTION)


11. Master Sword (GUARDIANS, INFINITE)

12. Rumahoy (GUARDIANS, NORTH)

13. Aborted Fetus (HORDE)

14. Aesmah (HORDE)

15. Anal Trump (HORDE)

16. Apparatus (HORDE, NORTH)

17. Bleeding Gods (HORDE, PIT)

18. C0mputer (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

19. Concrete Caveman (HORDE)

20. Darkness Everywhere (HORDE)

21. Gorestorm (HORDE)

22. Ironmaster (HORDE)

23. Odious Spirit (HORDE)

24. Olivia Neutered John (HORDE)

25. Omnivide (HORDE, INFINITE)


27. Washboard Vomit (HORDE, NORTH)

28. Drowse / Planning for Burial (INFINITE)

29. Poem (INFINITE)

30. Aldheorte (NORTH)

31. Beorn's Hall (NORTH)

32. Cemetery Lights (NORTH)

33. Hellfire Deathcult (NORTH)

34. Krummholz (NORTH)

35. Meschera (NORTH)

36. Misrule (NORTH)

37. Neckbeard Deathcamp / Gaylord (NORTH)

38. Nornír (NORTH)

39. Realm of Wolves (NORTH)

40. Úzkost (NORTH)

41. Wilt (NORTH)

42. Black Cyclone (PIT)

43. Vicious Blade (PIT)

44. Dysphoria (REVOLUTION)

45. Ill Natured (REVOLUTION)

46. NoiSays (REVOLUTION)


48. Deathless (SPHERE)

November 01, 2024 06:12 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 26th  of October to the 1st of November, 2024.

1. Christbait (FALLEN) - requested by Daniel

2. Decaying (FALLEN, HORDE)


4. Potmos Hetoimos (FALLEN, INFINITE)

5. Armored Dawn (GATEWAY, GUARDIANS)

6. Lansdowne (GATEWAY) - requested by Andi

7. Against Evil (GUARDIANS)

8. Anima Hereticae (HORDE)

9. Appalling (HORDE, NORTH) - requested by Karl

10. Blighted Eye (HORDE, INFINITE, NORTH)

11. Born to Murder the World (HORDE)

12. Dead and Dripping / Prophecy of Suffering (HORDE)

13. Distruzione (HORDE, PIT) - requested by Karl

14. Dysmorfectomy (HORDE)

15. Ferox (HORDE) - requested by Karl

16. Hostia (HORDE)

17. Outer Graves (HORDE) - requested by Karl

18. Phenocryst (HORDE)

19. Spinal Cord (HORDE) - requested by Karl

20. Theurgy (HORDE)

21. Etienne Pelosoff (INFINITE, NORTH)

22. Ser (INFINITE)

23. Polterwytch (NORTH)

24. Rundagor (NORTH)

25. Stromptha (NORTH)

26. Vicious Circle (AUS) (PIT) - requested by Daniel

27. Kurama /'redead / Thotcrime / The Queen Guillotined (REVOLUTION)

28. Mindsnare (REVOLUTION) - requested by Daniel

29. Pacmanthemovie (REVOLUTION)

November 01, 2024 04:55 AM

November 2024

1. Vyrda Griep - Brenning av Likhalmen (from Brenning av Likhalmen, 2024) [Submitted by Vinny]

2. Spectral Wound - The Horn Marauding (from Songs of Blood and Mire, 2024) [Submitted by Xephyr]

3. Black Curse - Spleen Girt With Serpent (from Burning in Celestial Poison, 2024)

4. Walknut - Skinfaxi (from Graveforests & Their Shadows, 2007) [Submitted by Daniel]

5. Theotoxin - World, Burn for Us (from Fragment: Totenruhe, 2022) [Submitted by Karl]

6. Schammasch - I Hail You, Old Ocean (from The Maldoror Chants: Old Ocean, 2024)

7. One of Nine - The Silence of Heaven (from Eternal Sorcery, 2023) [Submitted by Vinny]

8. Abigor - Blood and Soil (from Supreme Immortal Art, 1998) [Submitted by Karl]

9. Ethereal Shroud - Desperation Hymn (from They Became Falling Ash , 2015) [Submitted by Xephyr]

10. Forlorn - Spiritshade (from Opus III: Ad caelestis res, 2000) [Submitted by Karl]

11. Nahtrunar - Einem Fürsten (from Hrima, 2024)

12. Umbra Conscientia - Constant Self Sacrifice in Devotion to Darkness (from Nigredine Mundi, 2022) [Submitted by Vinny]

13. Sacramentum - Portal of Blood (from The Coming Of Chaos, 1997) [Submitted by Xephyr]

14. Bonjour Tristesse - Against the Grain (from The World Without Us, 2024)

15. Satyricon - Walk the Path of Sorrow (from Dark Medieval Times, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

16. Amestigon - The Gates to a Red Moon (from Höllentanz, 1998) [Submitted by Karl]

17. Serpent Column - Unto Works and Days (from Tassel of Ares, 2024)

18. Summoning - The Legend of the Master-Ring (from Minas Morgul, 1995) [Submitted by Karl]

Ben, please add Aussie outfit Spiderbait.

Quoted Daniel

Spiderbait are already on the site. The only release that made the cut was 1992's Shashavaglava.

October 25, 2024 04:34 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 19th to the 25th of October, 2024.

1. Aboleth (FALLEN)

2. Abrams (FALLEN)

3. Abythic (FALLEN, HORDE)

4. Argonavis (FALLEN)

5. Collapse of Light (FALLEN)


7. Megaton Leviathan (FALLEN, INFINITE)

8. Starved (FALLEN, NORTH)

9. Udol (FALLEN)



12. Minna no Kodomo-chan (GATEWAY)

13. Ariabl'eyeS (GUARDIANS)

14. Mike LePond's Silent Assassins (GUARDIANS)

15. Axis of Despair (HORDE)

16. Chainsaw Torture (HORDE)

17. Crepitation / Splattered / Gorevent / Stillbirth (HORDE)

18. Cutterred Flesh (HORDE)

19. Deracinated (HORDE)

20. Dysmorphic (HORDE)

21. Enblood (HORDE)

22. Fecundation (HORDE)

23. Khanus (HORDE, NORTH)

24. Lecherous Nocturne (HORDE)

25. Loneshore (HORDE, INFINITE)

26. No Point in Living (HORDE, NORTH, REVOLUTION)

27. Sun Eater (HORDE)

28. HIRS Collective, The / Night Witch (HORDE)

29. Vhorthax (HORDE)



32. Nyu. (INFINITE)


34. Apognosis (NORTH)

35. Blackrat (NORTH, PIT)

36. Délice (NORTH)

37. Farsot / ColdWorld (NORTH)

38. Kosmogyr (NORTH)

39. Nachtlieder (NORTH)

40. Nigredo (NORTH)

41. Old Coven (NORTH, PIT)

42. Pandiscordian Necrogenesis (NORTH)

43. Scumpulse (NORTH)

44. Serum Dreg (NORTH)

45. Shroud of Satan (NORTH)

46. Sternatis (NORTH)

47. Vígljós (NORTH)

48. Wastëland Riders (NORTH, PIT)

49. With the End in Mind (NORTH)

50. Shakma (PIT)

51. Kind Eyes (REVOLUTION)

52. Nocturnal Bloodlust (REVOLUTION)

October 21, 2024 07:54 PM

I haven't settled on the order just yet, but I reckon mine would look something like this...

1. My Dying Bride - Turn Loose the Swans

2. diSEMBOWELMENT - Transcendence Into the Peripheral

3. Cynic - Focus

4. Satyricon - Dark Medieval Times

5. Pestilence - Spheres

6. Darkthrone - Under a Funeral Moon

7. Death - Individual Thought Patterns

8. Morbid Angel - Covenant

9. Coroner - Grin

10. Carcass - Heartwork

October 17, 2024 11:19 PM

Off topic, but I recently discovered that my group of friends have a Music League, where they all submit songs for certain topics every few weeks. Then everyone votes up and down all the submitted tracks, and points are attributed to the people whose songs get the most votes. They've never invited me to take part because in their minds I only listen to "shit metal stuff". They really believe that I have too narrow a view on what music is to partake in a music league, despite my tastes ranging from classical and ambient, through trip hop, IDM, big beat, downtempo, darkwave and synthwave, and then all the way through to extreme metal.

After I stated that I wouldn't mind being involved to see what it was all about, I've discovered that they literally only listen to the same tracks they were listening to in the 90s. Every single league they all submit the likes of Coldplay, The Beatles, Portishead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Massive Attack, Michael Jackson, Daft Punk,  Queen, AC/DC, Jeff Buckley etc. There's barely ever a track submitted that I don't know extremely well, and probably owned on CD at some point.

I've been adding tracks to actually fit the topic of each league (imagine that), and trying to introduce my mates to new bands that are very much in line with what they already know but would probably never naturally discover. Of course, none of them actually listen to any of them, and I get consistently downvoted for including tracks that they've never heard of.

But yes, I'm the narrow minded music listener, because I like metal.

October 17, 2024 10:07 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 12th to the 18th of October, 2024.

1. Anatomia / Morbific (FALLEN, HORDE)

2. Crawling, The (FALLEN, HORDE)

3. Grajo (FALLEN)

4. High Parasite (FALLEN)

5. Lone Wanderer (FALLEN)


7. Subterraen (FALLEN, INFINITE)

8. Urza (FALLEN)

9. Brass Against (GATEWAY)

10. Enemy Inside (GATEWAY, GUARDIANS)

11. Rob Scallon (GATEWAY, INFINITE)

12. Trash Boat (GATEWAY)

13. Animal Drive (GUARDIANS)

14. Midnight Force (GUARDIANS)

15. Toledo Steel (GUARDIANS)

16. Tristan Harders' Twilight Theatre (GUARDIANS)

17. Abhorration (NOR) (HORDE)

18. Abominablood (HORDE, NORTH)

19. Aftermath, The (HORDE)

20. Bohemyst (HORDE, NORTH)

21. Cadaveric Fumes / Skelethal (HORDE)

22. Crematory Stench (HORDE)


24. Feind (HORDE)

25. Goathammer (HORDE, NORTH)

26. Inisans (HORDE)

27. Monnier (HORDE)

28. Nosferatruxe (HORDE)

29. Svavelvinter (HORDE, NORTH)

30. Vermicular Incubation (HORDE)

31. Vulnificus (HORDE)

32. Doedsmaghird (INFINITE)

33. Evergarden (INFINITE, NORTH)

34. All My Sins (NORTH)

35. Embra (NORTH)

36. Eosphoros (NORTH)

37. Evil Warriors (NORTH)

38. Hellevaerder (NORTH)

39. Nelecc (NORTH)

40. Occelensbrigg (NORTH)

41. Sorrow Plagues / De la nostalgie / Elderwind / Dreams of Nature (NORTH)


43. Hellfuck (PIT)

44. Earth Burial (REVOLUTION)

45. Geisterfahrer (REVOLUTION)

46. Nothin' but Enemies (REVOLUTION)

October 10, 2024 08:21 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 4th to the 11th of October, 2024.

1. Cowardice (FALLEN)

2. Death Wheelers, The (FALLEN)


4. Moloch (GBR) (FALLEN)

5. Scientist (FALLEN, INFINITE)

6. Stimulant / Water Torture (FALLEN)

7. Vodun (FALLEN)

8. Dream Child (GUARDIANS)

9. Elvellon (GUARDIANS)

10. Espionage (GUARDIANS)

11. Exanimis (GUARDIANS, HORDE)

12. Imperial Age (GUARDIANS)

13. Kalidia (GUARDIANS)

14. Nozomu Wakai's Destinia (GUARDIANS)

15. Phaëthon (GUARDIANS)

16. Whisper of Runes (GUARDIANS, NORTH)

17. Autumnfall (HORDE, NORTH)

18. Black Forest (AUT) (HORDE)

19. Carcinoma / Abyssal (HORDE, NORTH)

20. Carnifex (FIN) (HORDE)

21. Expurgo (HORDE)

22. Lago (HORDE)

23. MxMxM / Ziplock (HORDE)

24. Pissblood (HORDE)

25. Rawhead (HORDE)

26. Reduced (HORDE)

27. Reversed (HORDE)

28. Unbirth (HORDE)

29. Unravel (HORDE)

30. Bliss-Illusion (INFINITE, NORTH)

31. Maestrick (INFINITE)


33. Atra Vetosus (NORTH)

34. Bastardizer (NORTH, PIT)

35. Circle of Ouroborus / Cénotaphe (NORTH)

36. Dead Moon Temple (NORTH)

37. Himelvaruwe (NORTH)

38. Invocation Spells (NORTH)

39. Invunche (NORTH)

40. Nadir (NORTH)

41. Null (NORTH)

42. Voodus (NORTH)

43. Zhmach (NORTH)

44. Mindforce / Dead Heat (PIT)

45. Actor|Observer (REVOLUTION)

46. Burn Victim (REVOLUTION)

47. Dead Soma (REVOLUTION)

48. Filth (REVOLUTION)

49. King Nine (REVOLUTION)

50. No Right (REVOLUTION)

51. Suntouch House (REVOLUTION)

October 02, 2024 10:43 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 27th of September to the 3rd of October, 2024.

1. Aseethe (FALLEN)

2. Bright Curse (FALLEN)

3. Concilium (USA) (FALLEN)

4. Shishkin Les (FALLEN)

5. Still (FALLEN)

6. War Iron (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

7. Afterlife (FL-USA) (GATEWAY)

8. Deez Nuts (GATEWAY)

9. Kane Roberts (GATEWAY)

10. Swings & Han Yo Han (GATEWAY)

11. Alterium (GUARDIANS)

12. Battle Ruins (GUARDIANS)

13. Ice Sword (GUARDIANS)

14. Löded Diper (GUARDIANS)

15. Sign of the Jackal (GUARDIANS, PIT)

16. Asphalt Grieving (HORDE, NORTH)

17. Defleshed and Gutted (HORDE)

18. Dreamless Veil (HORDE, NORTH)

19. Grace Disgraced (HORDE)


21. Impure Conception (HORDE)

22. iwantyoutofuckmywife (HORDE)

23. Murder Made God (HORDE)

24. Orthostat (HORDE)

25. Paleface Swiss (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

26. Rotted (HORDE)

27. Sanguinary Consummation (HORDE)

28. Starkweather / Concealment (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

29. Undergang / Gorephilia (HORDE)

30. Charlotte Wessels (INFINITE)

31. Elizabeth Colour Wheel (INFINITE)


33. Thrailkill (INFINITE)

34. Vestige (INFINITE)

35. Afraid of Destiny (NORTH)

36. Astral Lore (NORTH)

37. Frostveil (NORTH)

38. Grole (NORTH)

39. Isolert (NORTH)

40. Khaos Labyrinth (NORTH)

41. Terminal Nation / Neckbeard Deathcamp (NORTH, REVOLUTION)

42. Trench Warfare (NORTH)

43. Voyage in Solitude / Crescent Days / Falaise / An Ocean of Light / Sadness (NORTH)

44. Wormreich (NORTH) - requested by Vinny

45. Fatum (PIT)

46. Tyrus (PIT) - requested by Daniel

47. Killing of a Sacred Deer (REVOLUTION)

48. Lionheart (REVOLUTION)

49. Needle Under the Nail, A (REVOLUTION)

50. Vanguard (REVOLUTION)

October 2024

1. Dreamless Veil - Dim Golden Rave (from Every Limb of the Flood, 2024)

2. Necrowretch - Total Obilteration (from Swords of Dajjal, 2024) [Submitted by Vinny]

3. Samael - Rebellion (from Rebellion, 1995) [Submitted by Daniel]

4. Horna - Hymni I (from Nyx - Hymnejä yölle, 2024)

5. Firtan - Arkanum (from Ethos, 2024)

6. Satanic Warmaster - Bafomet (from Aamongandr, 2022) [Submitted by Karl]

7. Unanimated - Blackness of the Fallen Star (from In the Forest of the Dreaming Dead, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

8. Winterfylleth - Upon This Shore (from The Imperious Horizon, 2024) [Submitted by Vinny]

9. Spite Extreme Wing - Acqua di fonte di gloria (from Magnificat, 2003) [Submitted by Karl]

10. Vafurlogi - Reikul vofa (from Í vökulli áþján, 2024)

11. Impaled Nazarene - Hate (from Ugra-Karma, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

12. Marduk - Those of the Unlight (from Those of the Unlight, 1993) [Submitted by Karl]

13. Agrypnie - Aus rauchlosem Feuer (from erg, 2024)

14. Sorhin - Livets löfte (from Apokalypsens ängel, 2000) [Submitted by Karl]

15. Rotting Christ - The 4th Knight of Revelation (from Thy Mighty Contract, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

16. Groza - Dysthymian Dreams (from Nadir, 2024)

17. Beherit - Lord of Shadows & Golden Wood (from Drawing Down The Moon, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

18. Trelldom - Fra Mitt Gaml (from Til Minne…, 2007) [Submitted by Vinny]

19. Funeral Mist - Funeral Mist (from Devilry, 1998) [Submitted by Karl]

20. Ellende - Scherben Teil I (from Todbringerin, 2024)

September 25, 2024 08:58 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 18th to the 26th of September, 2024.

1. Föhn (FALLEN)

2. Ivan (FALLEN)

3. Yaaroth (FALLEN)


5. a crowd of rebellion (GATEWAY, REVOLUTION)

6. House of Protection (GATEWAY)

7. Kaizo Slumber (GATEWAY)

8. Amulet (GUARDIANS)


10. Grendel's Sÿster (GUARDIANS)

11. Lord Goblin (GUARDIANS)

12. Ar'lyxkq'wr (HORDE, INFINITE, NORTH)

13. Black Dust (HORDE)

14. Brain Tourniquet / Deliriant Nerve (HORDE)

15. Buried Realm (HORDE)

16. Deathbringer (HORDE, INFINITE)

17. Extermination Order (HORDE)

18. Human Instrumentality Project (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

19. Prion (HORDE)

20. Pyra (HORDE, NORTH)

21. Sanity Slip (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

22. Spectral Damnation (HORDE, NORTH)

23. Spewtum (HORDE)

24. Pillars (INFINITE)

25. Ploughshare (INFINITE, NORTH)

26. Sutekh Hexen / Sleepwalker (INFINITE, NORTH)

27. Celestial Annihilator (NORTH)

28. Délétère / Sarkrista (NORTH)

29. Diva Karr (NORTH)

30. Kval (NORTH)

31. Lander (NORTH)

32. Lhaäd (NORTH)

33. Nazghor (NORTH)

34. Night Shall Drape Us (NORTH)

35. Thyrathen (NORTH)

36. Vafurlogi (NORTH)

37. Warfist (NORTH, PIT)

38. Disembodied Tyrant (REVOLUTION)

39. Reality Denied (REVOLUTION)

September 17, 2024 05:49 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 13th to the 17th of September, 2024.

1. Asthma Castle (FALLEN)

2. Idiot Child (FALLEN)

3. Morast (FALLEN)

4. Nightfucker (FALLEN)

5. Pesta (FALLEN)


7. Void King (FALLEN)



10. Spirits of Fire (GUARDIANS)

11. Vandor (GUARDIANS)

12. Aether (HORDE)

13. Alpdruck (HORDE, NORTH)

14. Breaking Wheel (HORDE)

15. Dissanity (HORDE)

16. Immanifest (HORDE)

17. Lwstndrds (HORDE)

18. Parasitic Ejaculation / Party Cannon / Gorevent / Bloodscribe (HORDE)

19. Plaguebringer (HORDE)

20. Posthumous Regurgitation (HORDE)

21. Raped by Pigs (HORDE)

22. Shock Withdrawal (HORDE)

23. Splattered (HORDE)

24. Tracriomy (HORDE)

25. Weak Flesh (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

26. Cartographs (INFINITE, NORTH)


28. Ancient Moon (NORTH)

29. Autumn Heart (NORTH)

30. Controlled Death (NORTH)

31. Eggs of Gomorrh / Sarinvomit (NORTH)

32. Evil / Vothana (NORTH)

33. Extirpation (NORTH, PIT)

34. Gherzen (NORTH)

35. Grave Circles (NORTH)

36. J'ai si froid... (NORTH)

37. Modern Rites (NORTH)

38. Mýrdal (NORTH)

39. Mysticism (NORTH)

40. Offenbarung (NORTH)

41. Örmagna (NORTH)

42. Penance Stare (NORTH)

43. Unkindness (NORTH)

44. Veiled (GER) (NORTH)

45. Witchgöat (NORTH)

46. Above, Below (REVOLUTION)

47. Many Eyes (REVOLUTION)

September 16, 2024 08:36 PM

I like these ideas and will investigate adding them in the next batch of updates. I'm strapped for cash at the moment while the cost of living / interest rates are so high in Australia, so I'm afraid it won't happen quickly.

September 16, 2024 08:33 PM

Hi Sonny. I experienced something similar with one of my lists a while back, but I don't know what the cause is. I plan to bring all the site's platforms up to the latest versions in the coming months and hope that might stop the issues. If not, I'll get my developer to look into it. I know it's a pain, but lists with under 200 entries seem to be much more stable than those above that mark.

One day I plan to redesign the lists altogether to make it easier to add / remove entries from long lists while still maintaining the order.

September 11, 2024 10:58 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 6th to the 12th of September, 2024.

1. Lord Vicar / Funeral Circle (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

2. 7777 Angels (GATEWAY)

3. Takamachi Walk (GATEWAY, REVOLUTION)

4. Idol Throne (GUARDIANS, PIT)

5. Kings Cross (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

6. S.A.S. (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

7. Virgin Soldiers (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

8. Blasteroid (HORDE, PIT)


10. Carnal Savagery (HORDE)

11. Deformatory (HORDE)

12. Fields of Elysium (HORDE)

13. Mortify (JPN) (HORDE)

14. Neverus (HORDE)

15. Perveration (HORDE)

16. Purulence (HORDE)

17. Serpents Athirst / Genocide Shrines / Trepanation / Heresiarch (HORDE, NORTH)

18. Torturers' Lobby (HORDE, NORTH, PIT)

19. Unborn Salivate (HORDE)

20. Wasp Mother (HORDE)

21. Cosmic Jaguar (INFINITE, PIT)

22. Valis Ablaze (INFINITE)

23. Avmakt (NORTH)

24. Bejel (NORTH)

25. Black Forest (NORTH) - requested by Vinny

26. Crystayler (NORTH)

27. Dawn Treader (NORTH)

28. Goatkraft (NORTH)

29. Hænesy / Autumn Nostalgie (NORTH)

30. Hovmod (NORTH)

31. Kerasfóra (NORTH)

32. Lichen (NORTH)

33. Malva Silvestre (NORTH)

34. Maquahuitl / Ifernach (NORTH)

35. Nocturnal Sorcery (NORTH)

36. Thormesis (NORTH)

37. Tormentador (NORTH)

38. Triumph, Genus (NORTH)

39. Wormwitch / Sadistic Ritual (NORTH, PIT)

40. Cavalerie (PIT)

41. Excuse (PIT)

42. Missouri Executive Order 44 (REVOLUTION)

43. Starve (REVOLUTION)

Let's see,  first four Metallica albums, Sepultura with Schizophrenia through Arise, Drudkh from Autumn Auroa through Blood in Our Wells

Ulcerate are still on a golden run on their last four albums.

Maiden for me would also match Ben's opinion and I would also go with that Opeth run too.

I would throw in Judas Priest from Sad Wings of Destiny through Stained Class.

Quoted UnhinderedbyTalent

I considered that Sepultura run. I need to revisit Schizophrenia.

September 04, 2024 11:02 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 30th of August to the 5th of September, 2024.



3. Andvaka (FALLEN)

4. Anguish (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

5. Black Magician (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

6. Blackout (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

7. Cardinals Folly / Church of Void / Acolytes of Moros (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

8. Church of Void (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

9. Cloud Rat / The World Is a Vampire (FALLEN)

10. Fordomth (FALLEN, NORTH)

11. Mireplaner (FALLEN, INFINITE)

12. Rowsdower (FALLEN)

13. Space Witch (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

14. Sporae Autem Yuggoth (FALLEN)

15. Sun of the Dying (FALLEN)

16. Superlynx (FALLEN)

17. Un / Coltsblood (FALLEN)

18. Phoxjaw (GATEWAY)

19. Attick Demons (GUARDIANS) - requested by Karl

20. Galaxy (GUARDIANS, PIT)

21. Light Force (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

22. Lucifer's Hammer (GUARDIANS)


24. Simone Simons (GUARDIANS, INFINITE)

25. Carnal (NZL) (HORDE)

26. Cenotafio (HORDE, NORTH)

27. Chiens (HORDE)

28. Dawn of Disease (HORDE)

29. Deprecation (HORDE)

30. Evilyn (HORDE)

31. Horrisonous (HORDE)

32. Kruelty / Moment of Truth (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

33. Necroripper (HORDE, PIT)

34. Necrotic Infibulation (HORDE)

35. Relics of Humanity (HORDE)


37. Vitriol (GER) (HORDE)

38. Andy Gillion (INFINITE)

39. Horizon's End (INFINITE)

40. Knight Area (INFINITE)

41. Maïeutiste (INFINITE, NORTH)

42. Omnific, The (INFINITE)


44. Rototypical (INFINITE)

45. Darkenhöld & Griffon (NORTH)

46. Drave (NORTH)

47. Eskapism (NORTH)

48. Glistening (NORTH)

49. Jordslået (NORTH)

50. Kestrel (NORTH)

51. Mòr (NORTH)

52. Pale / 濃霧 [Nhomme] / 冬蟲夏草 [Tochu-Kaso] / 明日の叙景 [Asunojokei] (NORTH)

53. Sachiel / Sugar Wounds (NORTH)

54. Thorybos (NORTH)

55. Umbra Conscientia (NORTH)

56. Witchtrial (NORTH)


58. Burning Wind, The (REVOLUTION)

59. Paramount, a Love Supreme, A (REVOLUTION)

60. Point of Contact (REVOLUTION)

61. Staining the Twilight Black (REVOLUTION)

62. Strangled (REVOLUTION)

I think Maiden's Powerslave, Somewhere in Time, Seventh Son and Metallica's Ride the Lightning, Master of Puppets, And Justice for All runs are my favourite

Death's Human, Individual Thought Patterns, Symbolic, Morbid Angel's Altars of Madness, Blessed Are the Sick, Covenant, Domination, Opeth's Still Life, Blackwater Park, Deliverance and Slayer's Reign in Blood, South of Heaven, Seasons in the Abyss runs are also incredible.

I'm sure there's something I'm missing, but these are the ones that immediately come to mind.

September 2024

1. Pestilential Shadows - Devil's Hammer (from Devil's Hammer, 2024) [Submitted by Karl]

2. Spectral Wound - Aristocratic Suicidal Black Metal (from Songs of Blood and Mire, 2024)

3. Impaled Nazarene - I Al Purg Vompo: My Blessing (The Beginning Of The End) (from Tol Cormpt Norz Norz Norz…, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

4. Schammasch - They Have Found Their Master (from They Have Found Their Master, 2024)

5. Ljå - Til Satan (from Til avsky for livet, 2006) [Submitted by Karl]

6. Aetheria Conscientia - The Blossoming (from The Blossoming, 2024) [Submitted by Daniel]

7. Korgonthurus - Syyttäjäenkeli (from Kuolleestasyntynyt, 2020) [Submitted by Vinny]

8. Oranssi Pazuzu - Valotus (from Valotus, 2024)

9. Véhémence - L'étrange clairière (from Par le sang versé, 2019) [Submitted by Karl]

10. Mystifier - An Elizabethan Devil Worshipper's Prayer Book (from Göetia, 1993)

11. Havohej - Fucking of Sacred Assholes (from Dethrone the Son of God, 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

12. In Aphelion - A Winter Moon's Gleam (from Reaperdawn, 2024)

13. Hulder - Hearken the End (from Verses in Oath, 2024) [Submitted by Vinny]

14. Wraithfyre - Ablaze in Abyssal Frosts (from Of Fell Peaks and Haunted Chasms, 2024)

15. Absu - Infinite & Profane Thrones (from Barathrum: V.I.T.R.I.O.L., 1993) [Submitted by Daniel]

16. Ymir - Silvery Howling (from Ymir, 2020) [Submitted by Vinny]

17. Paysage d'Hiver - Urgrund (from Urgrund, 2024)

18. Blut aus Nord - Elevation (from Memoria Vetusta II: Dialogue With The Stars, 2009) [Submitted by Daniel]

August 28, 2024 11:37 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 22nd to the 29th of August, 2024.


2. Necroplanet (FALLEN)


4. Falling in Reverse (GATEWAY)

5. Tom Morello (GATEWAY)


7. Jeris Johnson (GUARDIANS, REVOLUTION) - requested by Andi


9. Ara (USA) (HORDE)

10. Berzerker Legion (HORDE)

11. Dysylumn (HORDE, NORTH)

12. Eye Eater (HORDE)

13. Gimli, Son of Glóin (HORDE)

14. Gore Infamous (HORDE)

15. Kombat (HORDE)


17. Video Nasties (HORDE, NORTH)

18. Gelassenheit (INFINITE, NORTH)

19. Hexenschuss (INFINITE, NORTH)

20. Transit Method (INFINITE)

21. Allelic (NORTH)

22. Ars Veneficium (NORTH)

23. Behrosth (NORTH)

24. Burden of Ymir (NORTH)

25. Daius (NORTH)

26. Drakum (NORTH)

27. Duivel (NORTH)

28. Kyrios (NORTH)

29. Omnikinetic (NORTH)

30. Phantom Spire (NORTH)

31. Schattenfall (NORTH)

32. Taake / Deathcult (NORTH)

33. White Nights (NORTH)

34. Wraithfyre (NORTH)

35. Zifir (NORTH)

36. Your Spirit Dies (REVOLUTION)

August 21, 2024 12:33 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 17th to the 21st of August, 2024.

1. Apostle of Solitude / Rituals of the Oak / The Flight of Sleipnir (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

2. Dirt Woman (FALLEN)

3. Evaporated Sores (FALLEN)

4. Las Historias (FALLEN)

5. The Ritualist (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

6. Vøid (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

7. Weight of Emptiness (FALLEN, HORDE)

8. Yarrow (FALLEN)

9. Zetra (FALLEN)

10. Saint Agnes (GATEWAY)

11. Volturian (GATEWAY)

12. Category 7 (GUARDIANS, PIT)

13. Jacob’s Well (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

14. Trilogy (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

15. Vice (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

16. Witchtower (GUARDIANS)

17. Amnio / Shenk / Astral Decay (HORDE)

18. Bleeding Out (HORDE)


20. Desolator (SWE) (HORDE)

21. Engutturalment Cephaloslamectomy (HORDE)

22. Failed Treatment (HORDE)

23. Ghost Dances (HORDE)

24. Perpetual Gestation (HORDE)

25. Rat King (HORDE)

26. Toxaemia (HORDE)

27. Traumatomy / Coprocephalic Mutation / .357 Homicide / PeelingFlesh (HORDE)

28. VampireCunt (HORDE)

29. Visions of Disfigurement (HORDE)

30. Folian (INFINITE)



33. Precaria / Ôros Kaù (INFINITE, NORTH)

34. Bejel / Acwelan (NORTH)

35. Blackevil (NORTH, PIT)

36. Burier (NORTH)

37. Death Racer (NORTH, PIT)

38. Drought (NORTH)

39. Enepsigos (NORTH)

40. Hecate (NORTH)

41. Kūka’ilimoku / Ebony Pendant (NORTH)

42. Mitochondrial Sun (NORTH)

43. Moorgeist (NORTH)

44. Ofermod / Αχέροντας [Acherontas] / Black Altar (NORTH)

45. Old Nick / Hex Clock (NORTH)

46. Omitir (NORTH)

47. Sivyj Yar / Stworz (NORTH)

48. Starcave (NORTH)

49. Utzalu (NORTH)

50. Violent Hammer (NORTH)

51. Acidez (PIT)

52. Depression (PIT) - requested by Daniel

53. Shrapnel (PIT, REVOLUTION)

August 15, 2024 11:00 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 9th to the 16th of August, 2024.

1. Begotten (USA) (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

2. Blizaro (FALLEN, GUARDIANS) - requested by Sonny

3. Church of Lies (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

4. Condenados (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

5. Crone (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

6. Dea Marica (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

7. Demon Lung (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

8. Doomocracy (FALLEN, GUARDIANS)

9. Doomster Reich (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

10. Electric Priestess (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

11. Fed Ash (FALLEN, HORDE)

12. Flesh Megalith (FALLEN)

13. Goya (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

14. Herxheim (FALLEN, HORDE, NORTH)

15. Hymn (FALLEN)

16. Kroh (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

17. Lux Incerta (FALLEN)

18. Moeror (FALLEN, NORTH)

19. Of Spire & Throne (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

20. Old Witch (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

21. Othuum (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

22. Postvorta (FALLEN, INFINITE)

23. Prophets of Saturn (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

24. Spirit Descent (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

25. Spirit Division (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

26. Spook the Horses (FALLEN, INFINITE)

27. Subterranean Disposition (FALLEN, INFINITE)

28. Talisman Stone (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

29. Twin Sister (FALLEN, INFINITE)

30. Walk Through Fire (FALLEN, INFINITE)


32. Dimphonic (GATEWAY)

33. Smackbound (GATEWAY)

34. Assemble the Chariots (GUARDIANS, REVOLUTION)

35. Axatak (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

36. Black Jack (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

37. Fair Warning (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

38. Nemedian Chronicles (GUARDIANS)

39. Surrender (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

40. Tyrant (AUS) (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

41. Angerot (HORDE)

42. Brain Corrosion / Ripped to Shreds (HORDE)

43. Fatuous Rump (HORDE)

44. Gardenjia (HORDE, INFINITE, NORTH)

45. Hateful (HORDE)

46. Hereisaropegoodluck (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

47. Infesticide (HORDE)

48. Monument of Misanthropy (HORDE)

49. Rectal Smegma / Cliteater / Last Days of Humanity (HORDE)

50. Sanguinary Verdict (HORDE)

51. Slaughterday (HORDE)

52. Stoned God (HORDE, INFINITE, PIT)

53. Zmey Gorynich (HORDE, NORTH, REVOLUTION)

54. (0) (INFINITE)

55. Agabas (INFINITE)

56. Convulsif (INFINITE)

57. Arkhtinn / Starless Domain (NORTH)

58. Drengskapur (NORTH)

59. Eerified Catacomb (NORTH)

60. Goats of Doom (NORTH)

61. Gryftigæn (NORTH)

62. In Cauda Venenum (NORTH)

63. Lluvia / Ehecatl (NORTH)

64. Mørketida (NORTH)

65. Moulin Banal (NORTH)


67. Sinistral King (NORTH)

68. Summer Haze '99 (NORTH)

69. Three Eyes of the Void (NORTH)

70. Vazio (NORTH)

71. Vspolokh (NORTH)

72. Aphrodite (PIT)

73. Ends of Sanity (REVOLUTION)

74. God Awful Truth, The (REVOLUTION)

75. Nekonomicon (REVOLUTION)

76. Power Alone (REVOLUTION)

Hi Ben. I have been cataloguing my physical collection recently and have noticed a few omissions. Could you add the following bands please (sorry there's so many at once):

Begotten (NY, USA)

Blizaro (USA)

Church of Lies (UK)

Condenados (Chile)

Crone (Australia)

Dea Marica (UK)

Demon Lung (USA)

Doomster Reich (Poland)

Electric Priestess (UK)

Goya (USA),

Kroh (UK)

Of Spire & Throne (UK)

Old Witch (Canada)

Othuum (Germany)

Prophets of Saturn (UK)

Spirit Descent (Germany)

Spirit Division(USA)

Talisman Stone (unknown)

Quoted Sonny

Your wish is my command. All done!

August 07, 2024 10:57 PM

Does anyone still look at these posts? It's just another bit of admin I have to do, so I guess it would be good to know whether anyone would miss them.

August 07, 2024 10:49 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 2nd to the 8th of August, 2024.

1. 1782 / Acid Mammoth (FALLEN)

2. The Bottle Doom Lazy Band (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny



5. Ovtrenoir (FALLEN, INFINITE)

6. Pothamus (FALLEN, INFINITE)

7. Red Moon Architect (FALLEN)

8. Tomorrow's Rain (FALLEN)

9. Void Witch (FALLEN)

10. City of Souls (GATEWAY)

11. Psalm Zero (GATEWAY, INFINITE)

12. Alogia (GUARDIANS)

13. Mai Yajima (GUARDIANS)

14. Ahtme (HORDE)

15. Angel Morgue (HORDE)

16. Ayakasi Kagura (HORDE)

17. Burned in Effigy (HORDE)

18. Burning Palace (HORDE)

19. Burst Synapse (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

20. Civerous / Stygian Obsession (HORDE)

21. Desecation (HORDE)

22. Eternal (HORDE)

23. Garden Angel (HORDE)

24. Heresiarch / Antediluvian (HORDE, NORTH)

25. Make Them Die Slowly (HORDE, NORTH, REVOLUTION)

26. Miséricorde (HORDE, NORTH)

27. Repugnancy (HORDE)

28. Scarred (HORDE, INFINITE, PIT)

29. Strangulation (HORDE)

30. Sulk (HORDE)

31. Urosepsis (HORDE)

32. Vile Horrendous Aerial Bombardment (HORDE)

33. Barrens (INFINITE)

34. Bird Problems (INFINITE)

35. Le temps du loup (INFINITE)

36. Nordsind (INFINITE, NORTH)

37. Occulta Veritas (INFINITE, NORTH)

38. Complot! / Primitive Warfare (NORTH)

39. Drouth (NORTH)

40. Erancnoir (NORTH)

41. Fadheit (NORTH)

42. Grizzly Fetish / Reek of the Unzen Gas Fumes / Scatmother / 苦虫 [Nigamushi] (NORTH)

43. Grundhyrde (NORTH)

44. Hand of Glory (NORTH)

45. Invunche / Ifernach (NORTH)

46. Lure (NORTH)

47. Membaris (NORTH)

48. Nox Formulae (NORTH)

49. Shaidar Logoth (NORTH)

50. Trhä / Coffret de Bijoux (NORTH)

51. Vrörsaath (NORTH)

52. 14th Generation Toilet Hanako-san (PIT)

53. Rain of Salvation (REVOLUTION)

It was an error. Thanks for the pickup Andi!