Track Of The Day - The Infinite Edition
^^^^ I'd suggest that that track is the only genuine avant-garde metal inclusion on the album.
A tremendous highlight of heavy keyboard-fueled progressive metal to be grateful for:
A 7-minute epic that shows Angra transcending the progressive boundaries farther than before:
Still a heart-touching progressive metal epic for me despite my year-long absence from listening to this band:
An avant-garde mix of mathy grindcore with Daft Punk-like synths and Polysics-like ambient rock guitar:
Solid progressive blend of brutal, melodic, and wacky:
Adding the Genghis to this thread, huh? I don't blame you, as they're one of the most justifiably certifiable bands on Earth.
Yeah. That band is more avant-garde/experimental than people out there think they are.
An early honorable standout of progressive/neoclassical metal:
A fantastic intense finale for this progressive black metal offering:
A highlight of progressive metal/rock with traces of black metal:
One of the most frantic trips through different tempos and time signatures I've ever heard in extreme progressive metal, all in just under 4 minutes:
A 7-minute doomy progressive metal creation that's out of this world:
The last bit of death growls from Amorphis before its absence from the two albums after this one:
The one track of Am Universum that really stands out compared to the rest of the songs of the album, in which some of those other songs are still good:
One of my top 10 favorite Amorphis songs! And right on time shortly before the less innovative second half of that album:
A highlight from Amorphis' return to their mid-90s perfect glory:
Amorphis' Queen of Time shows that perfect lightning can strike twice, and then twice again, proven by epic highlights like this one:
A sinister track of epic folk-ish melodeath-infused progressive metal that can fit well for a worldwide adventure:
A progressive metal instrumental from this mid-80's French heavy/speed metal outfit.
A very solid djenty progressive metal instrumental from this New York avant-garde black metal act.
Mid 80's progressive metal from Canada.
A prime example of psychedelic progressive black metal: