Pelle Johnson's Forum Replies

new Viscera Infest dropped last couple of weeks ago

July 08, 2024 01:09 AM

eh any time, I guess... don't really have anything going on at home

July 07, 2024 03:48 AM

all my playlists are on youtube, probably not how that's supposed to go but it works just fine... this sounds like a cool idea though, be looking forward to it if something like this does happen

July 07, 2024 03:47 AM

That sounds really cool, it's been a thousand years since I touched Spotify though haha 

oh, and also I forgot to mention Aliene Ma'riage...
they're a visual kei band and I have no idea if they can even be added here but their stuff is pretty metal sounding, specifically alternative. At least to me

Thank you!

hey, I think the Irish band Kerbdog should be on here. I think they're pretty metal since they remind me a bit of Only Living Witness. Also, another band called Smut. All female grungy Hardcoreish stuff, kind of like L7 but more metal. Other bands:
- Merva, folk nu metal hahahaha
- LeFT
- Audiopsicotica, "brutal" nu metal, mistaken for death metal sometimes

Hey, what's up? hope you're having a sick ass day dude, Aufnorden and Compatriot have 2024 releases that aren't on here yet. Cool stuff, last one is argho/gbk sounding. Other black metal stuff that I sound wasn't on here yet are: Pergale, Hakenkreuz, Xantotol (they have an EP so they count, right?), Thor's Hammer, Lust, Benighted Leams, Acheronian Dirge (i'd say essential but sadly very forgotten usbm). Sorry if I request a lot, thank you.

New Standard Elite puts out some badass stuff... newest Internal Suffering was put out by NSE last year. As well as the newest Despondency this year. Delusional Parasitosis Baalsebub, Cerebral Effusion, Dissevered, Anal Stabwound (one man band, guy was 16 during his first record iirc which is crazy), Gorgasm, Ecchymosis, Iniquitous Deeds, Excoration... list goes on. Essential stuff for any fan of brutal death metal. Very particular example, though.

June 11, 2024 08:59 AM

ah well it seems I've since fixed them during that time. Thanks anyways!

June 11, 2024 08:58 AM
oh damn, thanks for telling me. I did not know they were missing. Have a great day!
June 07, 2024 07:08 AM
okay thank you
haha, this is pretty embarrassing... thanks for letting me know!

natsoc alt metal 

June 02, 2024 04:19 AM
Hi, you're more than welcome here!

Hey, Andi. I've checked out a few tracks off that Disbelief album you recommended to me... I was honestly pretty weary of the post-metal sludge elements that you described since I don't really listen to bands like that but I honestly think it's pretty interesting. I haven't quite listened to the whole album yet but thanks for recommending it to me!

Anyways, that got me thinking back to some death'n'roll and related albums that I recall really enjoying. I think you should check out "There's Something Rotten... In the State of Denmark" by Illdisposed if you haven't already. This album sees them playing melodic death metal with a heavy groove to it. Literally the most rockin' melodeath album I've ever heard. Melodic death/groove metal just sounds like Scar Symmetry if you just go by that but this album is different. Groove is more like hard rock riffs.

I'm glad that you find yourself in good spirits despite it all. This might come as a bit of a shock but my name isn't actually Pelle... I don't know why but i'm not comfortable in sharing my real name online. It's always been a thing with me. Sometimes I go by John, Scott and now, i'm Pelle. I'm from the Philippines and life is going great. I'm not at a stage in my life where I have to worry about employment yet but the prospect of finding good work kind of terrifies me. I think I'm just very weary about the future in general. I'm very happy at the moment, though and I hope you continue to be happy as well.

How is everyone doing at this present moment? I hope you're doing great!

wow, that sounds like a tall order. I hope you enjoy some of these bands

oh, and also Will 'O' Wisp, old-school prog death with synths and keys

Hey, how you doin? just dropping by the suggest a few bands I noticed weren't on here:

Leishmaniasis - particularly sloppy death metal in their album from '97, kind of a forerunner of the unhinged Colombian sound
In fact, there's a lot of bands from the Colombian scene that aren't on here: My Plague, Mental Apraxia, Suppuration, Blasting Hatred, Extremely Rotten Flesh, Melting Flesh, Nihil Obstat

Jasad, Bloody Gore, Siksakubur - a bunch of Indonesian bdm bands

Gorepoflesh - Nicaraguan band that's in the same ballpark as those Colombian bands because of how over the top brutal it is

Abaddon - old school brutal death with distinctly funky slap bass, the album's literally called "Funkin' Murderers" (1995)

Nunwhore Commando 666 - side project of a few guys from Gut, classic cybergrind

Fuck Bitch - funny stupid little band, released an EP called "1999" in, well, 1999. Some beatdown bdm with a hilarious but kinda bad taste song

Haemophagia - just a slam band with one album

Mentality - album from 1998 is some crazy, symphonic kind of deathgrind. Loaded with cheesy synths which you cant really say for a most death metal (there are a few tho)

Haruspex - textbook stupid, stompy stuff. Sole album from '96 combines hardcore, death metal and groove metal. Kinda shitty but not really, I like it

Retch - notable bdm/goregrind fusion if you don't mind a drum machine. I kid you not, the album's called "Ben Wa Babyheads" also have an EP before that, nsfw bands coming up btw

Sperm of Mankind - distinctly groovy pornogrind, like if Korn started playing that kind of music which sounds like the worst thing ever haha but its pretty interesting

Pigtails - pornogrind band, not really much to it, A few albums among a ton of splits, like most of these bands

2 Minuta Dreka - same story, started out pretty noisy tho

Dehydrated Tissues - some more pornogrind

Funeral Rape - another one of these bands and they actually have a ton of album

...and that's it! i'm sorry if that was a lot, have a nice day

thanks! i'll check it out

Creed isn't really metal at all. I just really associate them with alt metal for some reason. I probably should've put this in the non-metal thread hahaha

wdym Reeves aside, that's honestly one of the reasons to watch the movie imo

Bram Stoker's Dracula - Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (1992)

This was a birthday gift from my appropriately named cats Vlad and Mina.  Each year , my wife challenges herself to buy me one vinyl record that she thinks I will like. Before now I have ended up with Asphyx records, ambient Nordic albums and now a movie soundtrack.  She has been spot on with each release and this one keeps her golden run going.  Dramatic and theatrical with a constant sense of underlying tension and darkness.  Might get round to watching the movie at some point.

Quoted UnhinderedbyTalent

Just now saw this post.  Have you seen the movie yet?  It's one of my personal favorites, Reeves aside.

Quoted Rexorcist

might be pretty random but how do you guys remember Creed? did you think they were shit like everyone else? are you willing to revisit some Creed at the present day just to see if they were really that bad? Not really alt metal but I consider them to be pretty close to the genre, if not for just the influence. Idk, when I think of butt rock sounding stuff, I just think of Creed. I don't really know if that's influence but hey, they were a pretty big band, weren't they? well, personally, I think Creed are pretty good. Sure, the singer is one of the more famous examples of Eddie Vedder from Wish but I do really think they were a pretty nice band. This came to light for me when I read someone saying that Human Clay is a pretty good album and I decided to check it out. I didn't listen to the whole thing but I did listen to a few tracks, particularly a few of the ones I remember and yeah, it was pretty nice. Maybe they're a guilty pleasure for me, like how Maroon 5 is. 

Hey, saw that Wretched (band from Maryland) isn't on here. Could you please add them? they have Jeff Parsons on guitar from the band Unorthodox which is another Maryland doom band that is on here, that would kinda complete the whole thing if Wretched is added. Speaking of which, another Maryland doom band if Life Beyond and they aren't on here either. They had Gus (whose a member of Wretched, hence the connection) and Louis and they were both member of Iron Man and speaking of Iron Man, Al Morris' band Force is worth checking out and also isn't on this site. Other than that, Life Beyond shared members with some unrelated non-doom metal but pretty cult bands like Indestroy and interestingly, Dreadnot (really weird thrash band that also isn't on here probably because they released nothing but demos). Also, Unorthodox used to be a band called Asylum who had released an album in 2018 when they had previously released nothing but demos. Finally, The Hounds of Hasselvander is another one that isn't on here. Related to Pentagram since it's the solo project of Joe Hasselvander, the guy who did all the instruments when the band became a two-piece for a while. All of these guys are from Maryland, funny enough.

Sorry, that was a lot of bands! here's their releases to add if that somehow makes it easier:

- Wretched ("Life Out There" album 1993, "Psychosomatic Medicine" album 1994, "Center of the Universe" album 1995. "Black Ambience" ep 2009)
- Life Beyond ("Ancient Worlds" ep 2000, "Thousand Vision Mist" album 2002)
- Force (s/t album 1991, "Discography 1981-84" compilation album 2017)
- Asylum ("3-3-88" album 2018)
- The Hounds of Hasselvander (s/t album 2007, "Further Torments of the SG" ep 2009, "The Ninth Hour" album 201l, "Midnight Dweller" album 2015, "Ancient Rocks" album (2016), "Another Dose of Life" album 2021)

Thanks! have a nice day.

okay, yeah that was a mistake on my part hahaha thanks for letting me know. Maybe the gateway? i'm into a lot of things when it comes to metal but i'd say bdm and lately alt metal have been a particular interest to me so those two clans could be good. Thank you again, have a nice day

Hey, may you please add Skribble here? two nu metal albums "S.W.K.Y" and "Get Dead" from 2001 and 2003 respectively. Funny enough, they're in the metal archives listed as "groove/death metal" probably because of their 2004 and 2005 demos where they did actually started playing death metal

I always thought Dir En Grey was the only band that can blend together Japanese pop rock with extreme metal so easily, but this band can do it quite well too. Nice one, Pelle!

speaking of, I've never listened to anything by that band before. Looks like they've had a lot of style changes, generally a weird band. What do you think is their best record?

awesome and classic band, I only really love mystic places of dawn, though. Hey, you're pretty active in this thread, that's pretty cool!

An enjoyable piece of symphonic death metal:

Quoted Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Self-proclaimed "old school death metal pop" band. Is it good? you decide!

Ah, well. That's good to know, though. Thanks!
Is Enuff Z'Nuff eligible to be added to this site as glam metal?

yeah, honestly I thought the bfg = bound for glory acronym was a bit clever but like you guys said, it's a shame that these guys are literal Nazis. I feel like any or at least most band that tries to blend their metal with oi! is cursed with falling into rac which really sucks since as far as I know, oi! music was all about the working class life and struggles.

hey, just found that Grum isn't on here. Sort of like a really early nu metal attempt at their 1995 album "Unworship" that really reminds me of 90s alternative metal despite being a death metal album. Supposedly a favourite of Rob Halford idk if that's true or not, though

they're really controversial but can Bound For Glory be added to this site?

yeah, it was an interesting find. I'm glad you enjoy the idea

Hey, could you please add Malaysian band, Gayang Kulintangan? really strange band, they play some sort of fusion between proggy death metal and, of all things, kulintang folk music, an ancient folk music style that can be found in southeast Asia. It's like this set of gongs and drums that is played melodically and you can hear it all throughout the album "Lambayad Naga do Totuvong" (2008). just this really interesting way of going about the percussion in the record. Thank you, have a nice day. 
Hey man, I feel kind of bad for asking this since there's so many other requests here but could you please add French band Fate? they released an album called "No Sense" in 2000 as well as a compilation album "Odyssey" in 2003 which compiles their three demos. They play a unique type of brutal death metal with record scratches and vocals that sound very rap inspired, like a nu metal version of death metal. That sounds really bad but this band is worth checking out.