Monthly playlists

January 12, 2024 07:22 AM

1. Gateway playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: 12)

2. Horde playlist - 4/5 (number of songs commented: 8)

3. Infinite playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: 8)

4. Revolution playlist - 4/5 (number of songs commented: ALL 32)

5. Sphere playlist - 4/5 (number of songs commented: ALL 24)

For the clans I've made the monthly playlists for (The Revolution and The Sphere), I've listened to the entire playlists! I'm grateful to Saxy and Daniel for their playlist works. I really dig the tracks I've reviewed in the Gateway, Horde, and Infinite playlists made by Saxy and Daniel, and I'm glad the playlists I've made have paid off. I recommend them to any fan of the clans' respective genres and anyone who isn't into those genres but wants to get into a great start in enjoying them. Thanks, Daniel, for accepting these playlists, and good work all!

February 11, 2024 05:32 AM

1. Gateway playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: 14)

2. Infinite playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: 9)

3. Revolution playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: ALL 28)

4. Sphere playlist - 4/5 (number of songs commented: ALL 24)

For the clans I've made the monthly playlists for, I've listened to the entire playlists! I'm grateful to Saxy and Daniel for their playlist works. I really dig the tracks I've reviewed in the Gateway and Infinite playlists made by Saxy, and I'm glad the playlists I've made have paid off. I recommend them to any fan of the clans' respective genres and anyone who isn't into those genres but wants to get into a great start in enjoying them. Thanks, Daniel, for accepting these playlists, and good work all!

March 13, 2024 10:53 AM

1. Gateway playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: 11)

2. Infinite playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: 10)

3. Revolution playlist - 4/5 (number of songs commented: ALL 29)

4. Sphere playlist - 4/5 (number of songs commented: ALL 25)

For the clans I've made the monthly playlists for, I've listened to the entire playlists! I'm grateful to Saxy and Daniel for their playlist works. I really dig the tracks I've reviewed in the Gateway and Infinite playlists made by Saxy, and I'm glad the playlists I've made have paid off. I recommend them to any fan of the clans' respective genres and anyone who isn't into those genres but wants to get into a great start in enjoying them. Thanks, Daniel, for accepting these playlists, and good work all!

April 07, 2024 10:32 AM

1. Gateway playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: 15)

2. Infinite playlist - 4.5/5 (number of songs commented: 8)

3. Revolution playlist - 4/5 (number of songs commented: ALL 26)

4. Sphere playlist - 4/5 (number of songs commented: ALL 26)

For the clans I've made the monthly playlists for, I've listened to the entire playlists! I'm grateful to Saxy and Daniel for their playlist works. I really dig the tracks I've reviewed in the Gateway and Infinite playlists made by Saxy, and I'm glad the playlists I've made have paid off. I recommend them to any fan of the clans' respective genres and anyone who isn't into those genres but wants to get into a great start in enjoying them. Thanks, Daniel, for accepting these playlists, and good work all!