Ben's Forum Replies

January 02, 2023 12:40 AM

Time for another Review Draft for The North. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Vinny

2. Ben

3. Xephyr

4. Sonny

The six releases to select from are... (drumroll)...

Over to you Vinny...

January 02, 2023 12:37 AM

Time for another Review Draft for The Horde. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Vinny

2. Ben

The four albums to select from are... (drumroll)...

Over to you Vinny...

January 02, 2023 12:35 AM

Time for another Review Draft for The Fallen. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Sonny

2. Ben

The four albums to select from are... (drumroll)...

Over to you Sonny...

December 31, 2022 09:13 PM

January 2023

1. Misþyrming - Aftaka (from Með hamri, 2022)

2. Stormruler - Sacred Rites & Black Magick (from Sacred Rites & Black Magick, 2022)

3. Darkthrone - Caravan of Broken Ghosts (from Astral Fortress, 2022)

4. Ellende - Hand aufs Herz (from Ellenbogengesellschaft, 2022)

5. Windir - The Spiritlord (from 1184, 2001) [Submitted by Daniel]

6. SkyThala - Eternal Nuclear Dawn (from Boreal Despair, 2022)

7. Abhorrency - Feces Aspergillum (from Climax of Disgusting Impurities, 2022)

8. Woods of Desolation - Beneath a Sea of Stars (from The Falling Tide, 2022)

9. Departure Chandelier - Between This World and the Next (from Dripping Papal Blood, 2020) [Submitted by Vinny]

10. Verberis - Autumn Aurora (from Adumbration of the Veiled Logos, 2022)

11. Drudkh - The First Snow (from Autumn Aurora, 2004) [Submitted by Daniel]

12. Behemoth - The Deathless Sun (from Opvs Contra Natvram, 2022)

13. Horna - Rautamyrksky (from Horna / Behexen, 2004) [Submitted by Vinny]

14. Djevel - Afgrundsferd (from Naa skrider natten sort, 2022)

15. Liturgy - PASAQALIA (from H.A.Q.Q., 2019) [Submitted by Daniel]

16. Aara - Phthonos I (from Phthonos, 2022)

17. Kampfar - Urkraft (from Til klovers takt, 2022)

18. Nordicwinter - Beneath the Fleeting Light (from Beneath the Fleeting Light, 2022) [Submitted by Vinny]

December 21, 2022 01:39 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 17th to the 21st of December, 2022.

1. Vile Creature & Bismuth (FALLEN)

2. Early Moods (FALLEN)

3. Shit and Shine (FALLEN)

4. Humanotone (FALLEN) - requested by Xephyr

5. Hydra (POL) (FALLEN)

6. Medication (GATEWAY)

7. Vault (GUARDIANS)

8. Vanadium (GUARDIANS)

9. Ace Lane (GUARDIANS)

10. Cacumen (GUARDIANS)

11. Panzer (GUARDIANS)

12. Dedringer (GUARDIANS)

13. Impeccable (GUARDIANS)

14. Michael Schenker Group, The (GUARDIANS)

15. Lady Killer (GUARDIANS)

16. Hyksos (GUARDIANS)

17. Audrey Horne (GUARDIANS)

18. Lykotonon (HORDE, NORTH, SPHERE)

19. Cemetery Rapist (HORDE)

20. Triac (HORDE)

21. Clairvoyance (HORDE)

22. Deathcult (HORDE, PIT)

23. Organic Infest (HORDE)

24. Deliriant Nerve (HORDE)

25. Occulsed (HORDE)

26. A Hope for Home (INFINITE)

27. Bootlxgg (NORTH)

28. Glyph (NORTH)

29. Greve (NORTH)

30. Vermilia (NORTH)

31. Stormruler (NORTH)

32. Void of Vision (REVOLUTION)

33. From the Shallows (REVOLUTION)

34. Black My Heart (REVOLUTION)

35. Harvest (REVOLUTION)

Yes please Sonny...

  • Mortiferum - Incubus of Bloodstained Visions off Preserved in Torment (2021)
  • Procession - To Reap Heavens Apart off To Reap Heavens Apart (2013)
  • Rapture - This Is Where I Am off Futile (1999) - I'm pretty chuffed that this is finally on Spotify


December 15, 2022 11:13 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 14th to the 16th of December, 2022.

1. Space Coke (FALLEN) - requested by Xephyr

2. Final Light (FALLEN, INFINITE) - requested by Xephyr

3. Fucked Up (FALLEN)

4. Nadja / Aidan Baker (FALLEN)

5. Cardinals Folly (FALLEN)

6. Scene Queen (GATEWAY)

7. Breaker (GUARDIANS, PIT)

8. Havoc (GUARDIANS)


10. Steel Vengeance (GUARDIANS)

11. Jade (GUARDIANS)

12. Wizz (GUARDIANS)

13. Dark Wizard (GUARDIANS)

14. Spellbound (GUARDIANS)

15. Leviticus (GUARDIANS)

16. Steeltower (GUARDIANS)

17. Ultima Grace (GUARDIANS) - requested by Xephyr

18. Moonlight Haze (GUARDIANS) - requested by Xephyr

19. Shield of Wings (GUARDIANS) - requested by Xephyr

20. Crystal Ball (GUARDIANS) - requested by Xephyr

21. Eternal Ascent (GUARDIANS) - requested by Xephyr

22. Mirage (GUARDIANS)

23. Saints' Anger (GUARDIANS)

24. Bloody Six (GUARDIANS)

25. Stray Gods (GUARDIANS) - requested by Xephyr

26. Nonexist (HORDE)

27. Experiment Fear (HORDE)

28. Sisyphean (HORDE, NORTH)

29. Anal Stabwound (HORDE)

30. Horror God (HORDE)

31. Craniotomy (HORDE)


33. Cobra the Impaler (INFINITE) - requested by Xephyr

34. Riverwood (INFINITE)

35. Epistasis (INFINITE, NORTH)

36. Forbidden Temple (NORTH) - requested by Xephyr

37. Nightgaunt (NORTH)

38. Girtablullû (NORTH)

39. Almach (NORTH)

40. SS-18 (NORTH)

41. Erupt (PIT)

42. Atomic Genocide (PIT)

43. Hanabie. (REVOLUTION)

44. Holding Absence / Alpha Wolf (REVOLUTION)

45. Sea of Treachery (REVOLUTION)

Happy to see that you're digging more of what The Fallen has to offer. Turn Loose the Swans has always been a favourite album for me. One of the first that I think of when coming up with any sort of favourite albums list.

December 12, 2022 10:15 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 3rd to the 13th of December, 2022.

1. The HIRS Collective / Thou (FALLEN)

2. Hearse (FALLEN, HORDE)

3. Svartmálm (FALLEN, NORTH)

4. Mother of Graves (FALLEN, HORDE)

5. Saint Asonia (GATEWAY) - requested by Andi

6. Mythra (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

7. Mortal Kombat (GUARDIANS) - requested by DinaricWarrior

8. Giuntini Project (GUARDIANS)


10. Kryst the Conqueror (GUARDIANS)

11. Noisehunter (GUARDIANS)

12. Adrian (GUARDIANS)

13. Angel of Mercy (GUARDIANS)

14. Tarantula (GUARDIANS)

15. Panther (GUARDIANS)

16. Bane of Winterstorm (GUARDIANS)

17. Doyle (GUARDIANS)


19. Winterborn (GUARDIANS, INFINITE)

20. Böhse Onkelz (GUARDIANS)

21. Killer Fox (GUARDIANS)

22. Citron (GUARDIANS)

23. Titan (GUARDIANS, PIT)

24. Vortex (GUARDIANS)

25. Septage (HORDE)

26. Snuffed on Sight (HORDE)

27. Tchornobog / Abyssal (HORDE, NORTH)

28. Heretical Sect (HORDE, NORTH)

29. Estuary (HORDE, PIT)

30. Merlin (HORDE)

31. Mucupurulent (HORDE)

32. Loudblast / Agressor (HORDE, PIT)

33. Obsidious (HORDE, INFINITE)


35. Swampborn (INFINITE, NORTH)

36. Gauntlet Ring (NORTH)

37. Celestial Sword / Trhä (NORTH)

38. Old Growth (NORTH)

39. Riivaus (NORTH)

40. Omega Centauri (NORTH)

41. Beltez (NORTH)

42. Owl's Blood (NORTH)

43. Fluisterwoud (NORTH)

44. Amduscias (NORTH)

45. Felvum (NORTH)

46. Souls at Zero (PIT)

47. Mystik (PIT)

48. Lobotomia (PIT)

49. Clown Alley (PIT)

50. Armagedom (PIT)

51. Executioner (PIT)

52. SpiritWorld (PIT, REVOLUTION)

53. Mayhem (USA) (PIT)

54. Cruel Bomb (PIT) - requested by Vinny

55. Asgard (PIT)

56. Impalers (PIT) - requested by Vinny

57. Chemicide (PIT) - requested by Xephyr

I see Darksynth, Electronic, and Djent as main genres and a Cyber Metal subgenre on RYM, unless you use another way to determine it. If Polymorphic Code and Compiler Optimization Techniques are considered to have Djent as a main genre then I'm not sure why Data Renaissance cannot as well. Which I now realize is The Infinite and not The Sphere, which is probably another issue as these albums definitely have a Cyber Metal component to them due to all the electronics. 

Quoted Xephyr

We use a 50% rule when looking at genres on RYM, meaning the amount of No votes for a release cannot be over 50% of the Yes votes (unless there is only one primary genre selected, in which case it's accepted). So in the case of Data Renaissance, Djent is currently 6 Yes and 5 No. Since No is well over 50% of the Yes votes, it's discounted. Note that Electronic is 5 Yes and 4 No, making Darksynth the only Metal Academy acknowledged primary genre for the album.

This system has really helped to remove a LOT of the dubious genre selections on RYM, particularly releases that have 200 Yes to 180 No for any given genre. I'm always happy to adjust a release's genre(s) over time without needing to go through the Hall if things change dramatically on RYM. So if in 6 months time, Djent is upvoted to 20 Yes and 8 No, I'll just change it. Otherwise I can add it as Non-Metal and it can be added to the Hall for judgement.

I note that both the secondary genres for the release are metal (Djent is 6 to 1and Cyber Metal is 7 to 2), so it seems a lot of voters are not hearing metal when they listen to it.

Hi Xephyr... The Algorithm's Data Renaissance release is considered a purely Darksynth release on RYM. I can add it as Non-Genre if you plan to add it to the Hall of Judgement.

Hi Xephyr. Pain Into Power is considered a purely Hardcore Punk release on RYM. I can add it as Non-Metal if you plan to add it to the Hall of Judgement.

December 08, 2022 12:16 AM

Tempted by the Schizophrenia EP after enjoying their full length, but I've never heard Violator so that's my pick.

Great discussion, and a HUGE welcome to DinaricWarrior. You are most welcome here!

I must admit that I have nostalgia for the time when I could genuinely keep up with the majority up metal releases. Back in the early to mid 90s, I could genuinely check out every black and death metal album that appeared on any label of significance, not to mention a whole heap of albums from other genres. Nowadays I scratch that OCD itch by trying to add every relevant release to Metal Academy, but I have zero chance of listening to them all.

This was actually the first year that I made an attempt to review every release with over 100 ratings on RYM in my favoured genres. I made it to about August before realising I a) was already way behind and b) was starting to find it to be a bit of a chore. I've since started doing the Review Drafts to make sure I check out something I've never heard, while also attempting to finally figure out what my top 20 / 50 metal albums of all time are. It's been awesome listening to all my favourite releases rather than slogging through a heap of albums in the hope of finding something that floats my boat.

All that said, I think it's only my own personal completist nature that makes the huge number of releases coming out feel like a problem. When I take a step back and just listen to what grabs my attention at any given time, and ignore the mass of releases passing me by, I find myself in a healthier headspace. It's a certainty that future albums will end up favourites. It might be harder to discover them, but that's much better than them not existing at all.

December 01, 2022 09:08 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 19th of November to the 2nd of December, 2022.

1. Gnome (FALLEN)


3. The Otolith (FALLEN)


5. Eyes of Eden (FALLEN)


7. Proletaryat (GATEWAY)

8. Clockhammer (GATEWAY)

9. Richie Kotzen (GATEWAY, GUARDIANS)

10. Stompbox (GATEWAY)

11. Ignorance (GATEWAY)

12. Into Another (GATEWAY)

13. Crush (GUARDIANS)

14. Cherny Obelisk (GUARDIANS)


16. Cronos (GUARDIANS)

17. Detritus (GUARDIANS, PIT)

18. Kinghorse (GUARDIANS)

19. STS 8 Mission (GUARDIANS)

20. Moon of Steel (GUARDIANS, INFINITE)

21. Guardian (GUARDIANS)

22. Strana Officina (GUARDIANS)

23. Leader (GUARDIANS, PIT)

24. Neon Cross (GUARDIANS)

25. Exit Eden (GUARDIANS)


27. Moby Dick (GUARDIANS, PIT)

28. Show-Ya (GUARDIANS)

29. Drakkar (GUARDIANS, PIT)


31. Fisc (GUARDIANS)

32. Wrust (HORDE)

33. Splattered Cadaver (HORDE)

34. Aggressor (HORDE)

35. Schismatic (HORDE)

36. Crusher (HORDE)

37. Phlegethon (HORDE)

38. Graveside (HORDE)

39. Maceration (HORDE)

40. Dark Half (HORDE)

41. Ósserp (HORDE)

42. Kinetic Dissent (INFINITE, PIT)

43. Spectral Incursion (INFINITE)

44. Nishaiar (INFINITE, NORTH)

45. Toadeater (INFINITE, NORTH)

46. Mortuus (NORTH)

47. Marxthrone (NORTH)

48. The Meads of Asphodel / Mayhem (NORTH)

49. Dinbethes (NORTH)

50. Serpents Lair (NORTH)

51. G.B.H (PIT)

52. Explicit Hate (PIT)

53. Savage Steel (PIT)

54. Last Descendants (PIT)

55. Holocross (PIT)

56. Panic (USA) (PIT)

57. Dementia (PIT)

58. Eudoxis (PIT)

59. Witchhammer (BRA) (PIT)

60. Vulture (NED) (PIT)

61. Ananda ((REVOLUTION)

62. Malhavoc (SPHERE)

December 01, 2022 05:01 AM

Time for another Review Draft for The Pit. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Sonny

2. Vinny

3. Ben

The six releases to select from are... (drumroll)...

Sonny gets first pick...

December 01, 2022 04:57 AM

This is an easy pick for me. I'm not sure I've ever listened to Furia! I don't know how, given how highly rated a number of their releases are. So I'll take Furia's Nocel release.

Over to you Xephyr...

December 01, 2022 04:54 AM

Time for another Review Draft for The North. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Ben

2. Xephyr

3. Sonny

4. Vinny

The six releases to select from are... (drumroll)...

December 01, 2022 04:39 AM

I have first pick, so I'll go for Dischordia's Triptych album. Don't know anything about it, but decent ratings for a Technical Dissonant Brutal death metal release.

December 01, 2022 04:32 AM

Time for another Review Draft for The Horde. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Ben

2. Vinny

The four albums to select from are... (drumroll)...

December 01, 2022 03:58 AM

Hmmm... this is not a great draft for me. Even with first pick, I'm not certain any of them are up my alley. I'll go with the Sacred Monster EP, partly because it's under 10 minutes in length, but mostly because the first track is Charles Dexter Ward. Sure, Lovecraft in metal is overdone, but I'm all for that.

Over to you Sonny...

December 01, 2022 03:53 AM

Time for another Review Draft for The Fallen. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Ben

2. Sonny

The four albums to select from are... (drumroll)...

December 01, 2022 03:50 AM

Memory Garden - Forever (1995)

I'll say straight off that if you enjoy Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus, I thoroughly recommend checking out this debut EP from Swedish band Memory Garden. It contains the sort of doomy riffs and soaring vocals that you'd expect from both of those classic bands. So why am I only giving it 3 stars? Well, for starters, it's only 18 minutes in length which is, particularly for a doom release, reasonably insubstantial. But the main reason I can't give Forever the sort of score that it probably deserves is due to vocalist Stefan Berglund. He's a fantastic singer, clearly having a level of training to match the legendary vocalists from the aforementioned bands. But, well, he has such a strong lisp that I find myself laughing at how hilarious it all sounds. If you've ever watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, well imagine if Biggus Dickus joined a doom metal band and sang lyrics such as "With my thord and thpear, I'll make the hereticth thuffer." It's such a shame really, as this is otherwise great.

3 stars

December 01, 2022 03:18 AM

Sorry Ben, I haven't found time to review the Draft release for November. If I get time I will try to get it done early in December.

Quoted Sonny

All good Sonny. I don't think anyone should feel pressure to review every draft release they pick. Like everything, once it feels like a chore, the fun rapidly dissipates. I've missed a couple of releases in the first few drafts. :yum:

November 30, 2022 08:40 PM

December 2022

1. Patristic - 03 (from Apologetica, 2022)

2. Negativa - XVII (from 03, 2018)

3. Cirith Gorgor - The Declaration of Our Neverending War (from Onwards to the Spectral Defile, 1999) [Submitted by Daniel]

4. Sear Bliss - Omen of Doom (from The Arcane Odyssey, 2007) [Submitted by Vinny]

5. Aborym - U.V. Impaler (from With No Human Intervention, 2003)

6. Drudkh - Till We Become the Haze (from All Belong to the Night, 2022)

7. Axis of Advance - Of One to Conflict It (from Obey, 2004)

8. Coldworld - Wound (from Isolation, 2022)

9. Thy Darkened Shade - Or She-Ein Bo Mahshavah (from Liber Lvcifer I: Khem Sedjet, 2014) [Submitted by Vinny]

10. Ateiggär - Us Lyschegiftig Schlaf verwached (from Tyrannemord, 2022)

11. Gudsforladt - The Three Sights (from Friendship, Love and War, 2022)

12. White Ward - Love Exchange Failure (from Love Exchange Failure, 2019)

13. Gevurah - Towards the Shifting Sands (from Gehinnom, 2022)

14. Lord Belial - Enter the Moonlight Gate (from Enter the Moonlight Gate, 1997)

15. Fleurety - Englers piler har ingen brodd (from Min tid skal komme, 1995)

November 30, 2022 10:07 AM

Here's my list for the year...

1. Inanna - Void of Unending Depths

2. Immolation - Acts of God

3. Artificial Brain - Artificial Brain

4. Ataraxy - The Last Mirror

5. Pharmacist - Flourishing Extremities on Unspoiled Mental Grounds

6. Hath - All That Was Promised

7. Cosmic Putrefaction - Crepuscular Dirge for the Blessed Ones

8. Allagaeon - Damnum

9. Aeviterne - The Ailing Facade

10. Schizophrenia - Recollections of the Insane

11. Shadow of Intent - Elegy

12. Esoctrilihum - Consecration of the Spiritüs Flesh

13. The Chasm - The Scars of a Lost Reflective Shadow

14. The Halo Effect - Days of the Lost

15. Undeath - It's Time... to Rise From the Grave

16. Imperial Triumphant - Spirit of Ecstasy

17. Needless - The Cosmic Cauldron

November 29, 2022 07:39 PM

Unlike the last few years, I can actually contribute here, having listened to a lot of 2022 albums. I should caveat this by saying I haven't listened to Dvvell of Funeral Orchestra yet, both of which have potential to sit towards the top of my list.

1 - Shape of Despair - Return to the Void

2 - Mournful Congregation - The Exuviae of Gods - Part 1

3 - Mizmor & Thou - Myopia

4 - Epitaphe - II

5 - Messa - Close

6 - Ataraxy - The Last Mirror

7 - Tzompantli - Tlazcaltiliztli

8 - Druid Lord - Relics of the Dead

9 - Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard - The Harvest

10 - Friends of Hell - Friends of Hell

11 - Primitive Man - Insurmountable

12 - Konvent - Call Down the Sun

13 - Night Hag - Phantasmal Scourge

14 - Hangman's Chair - A Loner

15 - Temple of Void - Summoning the Slayer

16 - Obsidian Sea - Pathos

17 - Mizmor - Wit's End

18 - Bog Body - Cryonic Crevasse Cult

November 29, 2022 03:21 AM

Assassin - Combat Cathedral (2016)

While I've always been aware of Assassin (their debut album The Upcoming Terror is held in reasonably high regard), I'm not certain I'd ever checked them out. Selecting their 5th album, 2016's Combat Cathedral, as my November draft pick for The Pit has given me the opportunity to do just that. Right from the get go I've been impressed with what I've heard. The production is strong, and the band certainly know how to write punchy thrash riffs. Vocalist Ingo Bajonczak is a definite highlight too, being a cross between Testament's Chuck Billy and Pantera's Phil Anselmo, albeit with a German accent. When I listen to the album while doing other things, I'm consistently drawn in by the album's highlight moments, but I have to admit that it's formulaic approach and 53 minute running time have made it a bit of a slog to really focus on in one sitting. In the end I think I get enough enjoyment out of Combat Cathedral to go with 3.5 stars. If you enjoy traditional thrash metal, you could do a lot worse than this.

3.5 stars

Dead to Fall - For the Memories

Quoted Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Metal-Archives has this release listed as a demo. The lack of ratings on RYM also suggests this is likely the case. Do you have anything to suggest otherwise?

November 17, 2022 08:50 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 12th to the 18th of November, 2022.

1. Forbidden Site (FALLEN, NORTH)

2. 7Zuma7 (FALLEN)

3. Cattle Press / Agoraphobic Nosebleed (FALLEN, HORDE)

4. Profecium (FALLEN, NORTH)

5. Ashbreather (FALLEN, INFINITE)

6. Lilitu (FALLEN, HORDE)

7. Poundhound (GATEWAY)

8. Zebrahead (GATEWAY)

9. Catupecu Machu (GATEWAY)

10. Manhole (GATEWAY)

11. Rainbow Butt Monkeys (GATEWAY)

12. Unjust (GATEWAY, PIT)

13. Nothing More (GATEWAY)

14. Roland Grapow (GUARDIANS)

15. October 31 (GUARDIANS, PIT)

16. Holy Martyr (GUARDIANS)

17. Prophanity (HORDE)


19. HatePlow (HORDE)

20. Judgement Day (HORDE)

21. Necrotic Mutation (HORDE)

22. Nembrionic (HORDE)

23. Maat (HORDE)

24. Crimson Midwinter (HORDE, NORTH)

25. Withering Surface (HORDE)

26. Ever Dark (HORDE)

27. Christ Denied (HORDE)

28. Stabbing (HORDE)


30. Altura (INFINITE)

31. The Afterimage (INFINITE, REVOLUTION)

32. Nächtlich (NORTH)

33. Psychonaut 4 / Nocturnal Depression (NORTH)

34. Grimoire (ISR) (NORTH)

35. Thy Repentance (NORTH)

36. Grabunhold (NORTH)

37. Nekrasov (NORTH)

38. Surrender of Divinity (NORTH)

39. Arathorn (NORTH)

40. Unlord (NORTH)

41. Nahash (NORTH)

42. Mussorgski (NORTH, SPHERE)

43. Thornium (NORTH)

44. Grafvitnir (NORTH)

45. Malón (PIT)

46. Johnny Booth (REVOLUTION)

47. Training for Utopia / Zao (REVOLUTION)

48. Culture (REVOLUTION)

49. Spread the Disease (REVOLUTION)

If I'm not too late...

  • Mammoth Weed Wizard Bastard - Valmasque off Y proffwyd dwyll (2016)
  • Candlemass - Solitude off Epicus Doomicus Metallicus (1986)
  • Daylight Dies - Dismantling Devotion off Dismantling Devotion (2006)
November 11, 2022 02:36 AM

Necrodeath - Ton(e)s of Hate (2003)

It's my understanding that Necrodeath released a couple of decent thrash metal albums in the late 80s, but the awful ratings that are generally attributed to Ton(e)s of Hate made me feel pretty uncomfortable about having to pick it for the latest Horde Review Draft. It didn't take long for me to understand why its been so consistently criticised over the years. While the death and thrash genre tags are accurate, it's fairly clear that the band were attempting to make an accessible and occasionally pop-inspired release. What they completely forgot to do in the process was include great riffs, or any riffs really. While it's not unusual for bass players to simply accompany the guitar riffs in this style of music, I think it's pretty rare that the base completely overpowers the guitars in the mix. I find myself knowing what the riffs probably are at any given moment, but all I can really hear is the bass. It causes the whole experience to lack power and impact, particularly during the thrashier sections where the riffs should be front and centre. Even ignoring any production issues, the songwriting just isn't that great, with some of the more memorable sections only being so because they're repetitive and annoying. Queen of Desire is probably the only track that I really enjoy the whole way through, with no silly repetitious vocal line or grating cymbal / cowbell combo. These Italians have 13 full length releases, but I can't say that Ton(e) of Hate has made me want to go and check any of the others out.

2.5 stars

November 11, 2022 12:12 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 5th to the 11th of November, 2022.

1. Todd (FALLEN)

2. Examination of the... (FALLEN, INFINITE)


4. Worship / Stabat Mater (FALLEN)

5. Abuse (FALLEN, HORDE)

6. Angel Rot (FALLEN)

7. Ancient Ceremony (FALLEN, HORDE, NORTH)

8. Kal-El (FALLEN)


10. Level (GATEWAY)

11. Pressure 4-5 (GATEWAY)

12. Professional Murder Music (GATEWAY)

13. Relative Ash (GATEWAY)

14. Trapt (GATEWAY)

15. Decyfer Down (GATEWAY)

16. Insolence (GATEWAY)

16. Darwin's Waiting Room (GATEWAY)

17. The Deadlights (GATEWAY)

18. Fleshwater (GATEWAY)

19. Alkemyst (GUARDIANS)

20. Butcher ABC (HORDE)

21. Corpse Molestation (HORDE)

22. Human Mastication (HORDE)

23. Necrotic Disgorgement (HORDE)

24. Sympathy (HORDE)

25. Japanische Kampfhörspiele (HORDE)

26. Mutilated (HORDE)

27. Sanatorium (HORDE)

28. Dawn of Orion (REVOLUTION)

29. Hypnos (HORDE)

30. Eskhaton (HORDE, NORTH)

31. Scholomance (INFINITE)

32. Tarantula Hawk (INFINITE)

33. Braindance (INFINITE)

34. Night of the Vampire (NORTH)

35. Ātesh (NORTH)

36. Wormsblood (NORTH)

37. Sun of the Sleepless / Nachtmahr (NORTH)

38. Imperial Crystalline Entombment (NORTH)

39. Iuvenes / Leviathan (NORTH)

40. Nazgul (NORTH)

41. Titan Mountain (NORTH)

42. Daeva (NORTH, PIT)

43. Glittertind (NORTH)

44. Nydvind (NORTH)

45. XIV Dark Centuries (NORTH)

46. Crucial Unit / Municipal Waste (PIT)

47. Fordirelifesake (REVOLUTION)

48. All Else Failed (REVOLUTION)

49. Speed (REVOLUTION)

50. Annisokay (REVOLUTION)

51. Death Threat (SPHERE)

November 10, 2022 03:59 AM

Negative - 03  (2018)

I very much enjoyed Spanish band Negativa's unimaginatively titled 2022 album 04, so was excited to be able to first pick it's predecessor (yep, you guessed it...03) in the November Review Draft for The North. My excitement appeared to be well founded after the first couple of tracks, with both XVII and XVIII having the same hypnotic Shining-meets-modern-Leviathan quality that made 04 so effective. The band really understand how to get the most out of their riffs, with the other instruments staying relatively clear of the spotlight while they work their magic. This restraint makes the uptempo sections all that more effective, and allow tracks that might otherwise have blended together to become more memorable. Sadly, after this great start, 03 gradually falls away throughout the remaining four tracks, becoming less and less gripping, right up to the noisy and fairly pointless final track, XXII. There's enough good stuff here to hang on for a 3.5 star rating, but I'm fairly certain 03 will always sit behind 04 (see what I did there?) to the point I'm not sure I'll revisit this with any regularity.

3.5 stars

November 03, 2022 08:54 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 28th of October to the 4th of November, 2022.

1. SpiRitual (FALLEN)

2. Wreck of the Hesperus (FALLEN)

3. Shores of Null (FALLEN, INFINITE)

4. Imindain (FALLEN)

5. Mandragora Scream (FALLEN)

6. Slimelord (FALLEN, HORDE) - requested by Vinny


8. Sleeping With Sirens (GATEWAY)


10. Digital Summer (GATEWAY)

11. Inactive Messiah (GATEWAY, HORDE)

12. Stonegard (GUARDIANS, PIT)

13. Steel Assassin (GUARDIANS)

14. Knorkator (GUARDIANS, SPHERE)

15. The Codex (GUARDIANS)

16. Metal Inquisitor (GUARDIANS)

17. Sockweb (HORDE)


19. Stoma (HORDE)

20. Vacuous (HORDE) - requested by Vinny

21. Gutvoid (HORDE)

22. Coscradh (HORDE, NORTH)

23. Horrified (GBR) (HORDE, INFINITE, NORTH)


25. Stillborn (POL) (HORDE, NORTH)

26. Divinity (HORDE)

27. Embalmer (HORDE)

28. Serpent (HORDE)

29. Renascent (HORDE, NORTH)

30. Non-Human Level (HORDE)

31. Mortuary Spawn (HORDE) - requested by Vinny

32. Counter-World Experience (INFINITE)

33. Age of Nemesis (INFINITE)

34. Arkheth (INFINITE, NORTH)

35. Blood Tyrant

36. Circle of Ouroborus / Crooked Necks

37. The Skaden (NORTH)

38. Slavia (NORTH)

39. Control Human Delete (NORTH, SPHERE)

40. Altorių Šešėliai (NORTH)

41. Skogyr (NORTH)

42. Deadlife (NORTH)

43. Angantyr / Nasheim (NORTH)

44. Oakhelm (NORTH)

45. Abusiveness (NORTH)

46. Kroda / Oprich (NORTH)

47. Slechtvalk (NORTH)

48. Gjallarhorn (NORTH)

49. Harlots (REVOLUTION)

50. Dance Club Massacre (REVOLUTION)

51. A Wake in Providence (REVOLUTION)

November 01, 2022 07:40 PM

I'll take Assassin's Combat Cathedral. I think I've heard their debut at some point, but that's about it.

November 01, 2022 07:36 PM

Both of us have already rated Schizophrenia's album, which didn't leave a huge amount of choice this month. I haven't spent much time with Necrodeath, so I'll take their Ton(e) of Hate album. It's ratings suggest I might be in for a rough time.

October 31, 2022 10:00 PM

Hmmm...that was going to be my choice. I look forward to hearing what you think of it.

I'll try out the Memory Garden release. It has very high ratings, so perhaps it's a hidden gem?

October 31, 2022 08:28 PM

Sorry, I cut off the band names and titles. I obviously can't get the randomised page back, so they're...

  • Amon Amarth - Once Sent from the Golden Hall
  • Machetazo - Necrocovered
  • Schizophrenia - Recollections of the Insane
  • Necrodeath - Ton(e)s of Hate
October 31, 2022 08:24 PM

Time for another Review Draft for The Pit. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Vinny

2. Ben

3. Sonny

I've removed Rexorcist, as he failed to check in last month. If you're still interested Rexorcist, let me know. The six releases to select from are... (drumroll)...

Vinny has first pick this month...

October 31, 2022 08:18 PM

As it's my first pick this month, I'm going with Negativa's 03. I very much enjoyed 04, so I'm pretty happy to have an excuse to check out its predecessor.

Over to you Xephyr...

October 31, 2022 08:12 PM

Time for another Review Draft for The North. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Ben

2. Xephyr

3. Sonny

4. Vinny

The six releases to select from are... (drumroll)...


October 31, 2022 08:06 PM

Time for another Review Draft for The Horde. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Vinny

2. Ben

The four albums to select from are... (drumroll)...

Vinny gets first pick this month...

October 31, 2022 08:02 PM

Time for another Review Draft for The Fallen. This month's pick order will be as follows...

1. Sonny

2. Ben

The four albums to select from are... (drumroll)...

Sonny gets first pick this month...

November 2022

1. Batushka - Ектения • VIII • Спасение (from Litourgiya, 2015) [Submitted by Daniel]

2. Keep of Kalessin - Crown of the Kings (from Armada, 2006)

3. Gnaw Their Tongues - Lick The Poison From The Cave Walls (from Abyss of Longing Throats, 2015) [Submitted by Daniel]

4. Raventale - Author of Incest (from Transcendence, 2012) [Submitted by Sonny]

5. Adorior - Birth of Disease (from Author of Incest, 2005) [Submitted by Xephyr]

6. Nazxul - Vow Of Vengeance (from Black Seed, 1998)

7. Immortal - Penance (from Northern Chaos Gods, 2018) [Submitted by Primordial_Demiurge13]

8. Mo'ynoq - Penance (from Penance, 2022) [Submitted by Vinny]

9. Urfaust - Der halbtoten Dichters Schein-Existenz (from Ritual Music for the True Clochard, 2012) [Submitted by Vinny]

10. Khors - Throne of Antiquity (from The Flame of Eternity's Decline, 2005) [Submitted by Sonny]

11. Gaerea - Mirage (from Mirage, 2022) [Submitted by Vinny]

12. Nahvalr - Swallower of Bile (from Nahvalr, 2008) [Submitted by Daniel]

13. Windfaerer - Depletion (from Breaths of Elder Dawns, 2021)

14. Behexen - Night of the Blasphemy (from Rituale Satanum, 2000) [Submitted by Sonny]

15. Thy Light - The Crossing of the Great White Bear (from Thy Light, 2021)

Congratulations Vinny! Have an awesome time in Wales!

October 28, 2022 04:23 AM

Rejoice! The Light Has Come - Rejoice! The Light Has Come (2020)

I took a bit of a stab in the dark when picking this EP by oddly named U.S. band Rejoice! The Light Has Come in the October North Review Draft. The only review on RYM namedropped Deathspell Omega and, given my adoration for that band, I figured I'd have to find something to enjoy here. Well I'll start by saying that the aforementioned review certainly wasn't wrong. There's a LOT of Deathspell Omega influence on display here, with the same style of dissonant riffing and drumming we've come to expect from those French legends. The vocalist even sounds like Mikko Aspa, making the connection pretty blatantly obvious. I have to say that the band have done a pretty decent job in replicating what makes Deathspell Omega so interesting, particularly on the lengthier third track (Vultures Swirling Overhead, an Obsidian Wreath Cast Above a Sleeping Mind), but there are sadly a few aspects holding their first release back. Firstly, while the production is strong overall, the drums are a bit too clicky for my liking, drawing a little too much attention. Secondly, the band stop and start more than is necessary, building and releasing momentum too regularly in my opinion. Thirdly, and probably most importantly, there just isn't enough of substance on this 14 minute EP to really get your teeth into. There's definitely potential here though, and given the right production and a full length running time, Rejoice! The Light Has Come could produce something special. I guess time will tell.

3.5 stars

October 27, 2022 04:14 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 20th to the 27th of October, 2022.

1. Herder (FALLEN)

2. Echtra (FALLEN, NORTH)


4. Livsnekad (FALLEN, NORTH)

5. Pussygutt (FALLEN)

6. Pig Heart Transplant (FALLEN)

7. Nadja / Aidan Baker / Leah Buckareff (FALLEN)

8. Nadja / Atavist / Satori (FALLEN)

9. Black Death Cult (FALLEN, NORTH)

10. Rituals of the Oak (FALLEN)

11. Woburn House (FALLEN, INFINITE)

12. Lipali (GATEWAY)

13. Straight Line Stitch (GATEWAY, REVOLUTION)

14. Scheepers (GUARDIANS)

15. Pharaoh Overlord (GUARDIANS)


17. Tantric Bile (HORDE)

18. Imaginary Flying Machines (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

19. Bamseom Pirates (HORDE)

20. Infested (HORDE)

21. Pseudogod / Blaze of Perdition (HORDE, NORTH)

22. Mulk (HORDE)

23. Weeping Birth (HORDE, NORTH)

24. Embodied Torment (HORDE)

25. Barghest (HORDE, NORTH)

26. Darkness Ablaze (HORDE, INFINITE, NORTH)

27. Dagon (HORDE)

28. Bone Gnawer (HORDE)

29. Embryonic Devourment (HORDE)

30. Carnophage (HORDE)

31. Spasm (HORDE)

32. Insidious Disease (HORDE)

33. Incinerate (HORDE)

34. A.A. Williams (INFINITE)

35. Al-Kamar (INFINITE, NORTH)

36. Jumalhämärä (INFINITE, NORTH)

37. Thence (INFINITE)

38. Tomorrow's Eve (INFINITE)

39. Ashdautas / Bone Awl (NORTH)

40. Haud Mundus / Wormlust (NORTH)

41. Infernal Stronghold (NORTH)

42. Panopticon / Wheels Within Wheels (NORTH)

43. Velho (NORTH)

44. Hanging Garden (USA) (NORTH)

45. ... (NORTH)

46. Skullflower (NORTH)

47. Ars Diavoli (NORTH)

48. Lake of Blood (NORTH)

49. Folkstone (NORTH)

50. Draugadróttinn (NORTH)

51. Orcivus (NORTH)

52. Wastelander (PIT)

53. House vs. Hurricane (REVOLUTION)

54. Reign Supreme (REVOLUTION)

55. Nasty (REVOLUTION)

56. Gwen Stacy (REVOLUTION)

57. Herrschaft (SPHERE)

October 21, 2022 02:47 AM

The Gathering - Nighttime Birds (1997)

It took me a while to find my way to the gothic metal genre, having first formed an obsession with death doom in the early nineties. If you ignore the gothic aspect of My Dying Bride, it was probably Moonspell and Tiamat that gave me my first real taste, along with Type O Negative's October Rust. It wasn't until late in 1998, when I returned home from a trip to Utopia Records in Sydney with The Gathering's How to Measure a Planet and Theatre of Tragedy's Aegis, that the ingredient that really draws me to the genre was revealed to me... female vocals. Musicianship is rarely the main focus in gothic metal, with atmosphere and song-writing being brought right to the fore. The angelic beauty of Anneke van Giersbergen and Liv Kristine's performances on these two albums completely destroyed me, and formed an infatuation that has continued up to the present, when Heike Langhans (Draconian) and Aleah (Trees of Eternity) blissfully torture my soul. That first The Gathering experience led me to the band's most prized releases, and while many fans appear to prefer 1995's Mandylion, it's Nighttime Birds that became (and remains) my personal favourite.

It often feels like this album was designed to showcase just how talented Anneke is. The softer moments allow her emotion and tenderness to shine, while the heavier sections are really just vehicles for her to soar to places most vocalists could only ever dream of. The lyrics are simplistic and at times almost child-like, but they're given huge gravitas and power through her delivery. The music does everything it needs to do, while occasionally introducing creative techniques and instrumentation that aren't often heard in metal. A few of these more experimental moments aren't all the successful for me, particularly the toe-tapping chorus section of Third Chance, which ruins any chance that Nighttime Birds had of receiving 5 stars from me. In the end though, I'm really glad that the October Review Draft allowed me to use my first pick and finally give this a review and rating.

4.5 stars

October 18, 2022 09:46 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy from the 13th to the 19th of October, 2022.

1. Ethereal Riffian (FALLEN)


3. Take Over and Destroy (FALLEN, HORDE, NORTH)

4. The Order of Israfel (FALLEN)


6. Mothership (FALLEN)

7. Dvvell (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny

8. Primal Rock Rebellion (GATEWAY, GUARDIANS)

9. Fight the Fury (GATEWAY) - requested by Andi

10. Sonja (GUARDIANS)

11. Triddana (GUARDIANS, NORTH)

12. Kaledon (GUARDIANS)

13. No/Más (HORDE)

14. Dire Omen (HORDE, NORTH)

15. The Haunting Presence (HORDE, NORTH)

16. 13th Moon (HORDE, NORTH)

17. Serpent of Gnosis (HORDE)

18. A Million Dead Birds Laughing (HORDE)

19. Revel in Flesh (HORDE)

20. Traumatomy (HORDE)

21. Yossi Sassi (INFINITE)

22. Profusion (INFINITE)


24. Four Stroke Baron (INFINITE)

25. Lazer/Wulf (INFINITE)

26. Akeldama (INFINITE)

27. District 97 (INFINITE)

28. Lost in Kiev (INFINITE)

29. Bad Salad (INFINITE)

30. Anup Sastry (INFINITE)

31. Lubbert Das (NORTH)

32. Intolitarian (NORTH)

33. Aurvandil (NORTH)

34. Loss of Self (NORTH)

35. Liminal Shroud (NORTH)

36. Alraune (NORTH)

37. Adorn (NORTH)

38. Midnight Odyssey / Aeon Winds (NORTH)

39. White Medal (NORTH)

40. Windbruch (NORTH)

41. The Ongoing Concept (REVOLUTION)

42. Simulakra (REVOLUTION)

43. Babymetal x Kiba of Akiba (REVOLUTION)