Table Top Role Playing Game

First Post June 12, 2024 08:44 PM

I was listening to Crystal Logic again today and thinking about Metal, has a decent association with D&D and the like. My wife and run a table top gaming club at our high school, and I've been developing a TTRPG of my own design. It's in a playable if not fleshed out state. Is anyone else taking up similar ventures? Would anyone like to see what I've got and attempt to play test it? I'd be willing to test out and feed back on anything your building too, or help you flesh something out. General TTRPG disussion welcome here too of course. 

I brought my polyhedrials. Let's roll!

June 12, 2024 11:40 PM

You know the Metal Academy clan map that I've made ( I made it a few years ago in case anyone here who's good at game designing wanted to make an MMORPG based on Metal Academy. That never happened, though it was fun making that map.

June 13, 2024 04:15 AM
I spent 2 years reading up and learning game design. I can help you design one if you want, but I'd like to get your thoughts on the one I've been developing too. 

Game shops sell this thing called "The White Box" it comes with all kinds of dice, tokens, markers, etc. Along with a book on how to design and market a TTRPG or Board Game. Ask you're local shop about it, or you can google it. It's a loooong road, and there will be set backs, and you've got to have a strong ego.
June 13, 2024 05:11 AM

I spent 2 years reading up and learning game design. I can help you design one if you want, but I'd like to get your thoughts on the one I've been developing too. 

Sounds great, thanks Zach!

Game shops sell this thing called "The White Box" it comes with all kinds of dice, tokens, markers, etc. Along with a book on how to design and market a TTRPG or Board Game. Ask you're local shop about it, or you can google it. It's a loooong road, and there will be set backs, and you've got to have a strong ego.

Quoted ZeroSymbolic7188

Definitely something cool to have in D&D and any other TTRPG. I'm up to testing out yours, but let's see what the other members think of the idea first.

June 13, 2024 05:53 AM

No no, I mean I've literally fully developed one, it's not metal-specific or anything I just in general need it to be tested, and I remembered somebody had talked about TTRPG design (you). I was suggesting that if you had a table to try it with you might give it a go.

Character Sheet
Starter Kit Adventure
Skills and Talents

June 13, 2024 06:07 AM

Cool game! As soon as I buy a White Box from a game shop that sells it, I'll give it a go.

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
June 13, 2024 10:19 AM

Always wanted to play a D&D campaign. Never had any friends that were into it.

June 13, 2024 10:33 AM

I would have done it mofo

June 13, 2024 01:46 PM

I was in a gaming club back in the Eighties playing Iron Crown's Rolemaster system which I much preferred to D&D. I think I may still have some of the lore books in the attic somewhere.