Judgement Submissions

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2015's "Abyss of Longing Throats" album from Surinamese producer Gnaw Their Tongues is generally labelled as Black Metal/Black Noise however I feel that there's enough Industrial Metal to warrant inclusion in The Sphere on top of its existing position in The North.

This submission has been posted in the Hall of Judgement.


The lone self-titled full-length from US Black Noise artist Nahvalr offers just as much in the way of Post-Metal so I'd like to see it added to The infinite on top of its existing position in The North.

This submission has been posted in the Hall of Judgement.


It may be very extreme but Gnaw Their Tongues' "Genocidal Majesty" album is clearly a Power Electronics record in my opinion with very little actual metal on offer. As a result I'd like to see the release removed from The North & placed under Non-Metal.

This submission has been posted in the Hall of Judgement.


The 1993 debut album from unusual Swedish artist Abruptum is generally tagged as Black Metal & Black Noise however I don't think the Black Metal component is prevalent enough to be deemed a primary genre. I'd suggest that the Avant-Garde Metal tag is much more appropriate to I'd like to post two submissions:

1. Have the album added to The Infinite under Avant-Garde Metal &

2. Have the album removed from The North.

I've just posted the first submission in the Hall of Judgement.


The 2017 fourth album from Canadian artist La Torture des ténèbres really doesn't contain much in the way of metal. It's much more of traditional Noise release so I'd like to see it removed from The North & added to Non-Metal.

I've posted this release in the Hall of Judgement.


The 1988 debut album from English outfit Deviated Instinct is generally labelled as Stenchcore however I don't hear much in the way of metal. It's a conventional Crust Punk release in my opinion so I'd like to see it removed from The Pit & placed under Non-Metal.

I've posted this release in the Hall of Judgement.


This nomination has now been posted in the Hall of Judgement.


Look, if you agree with my argument Andi then I'm just gonna push this one through as the only reason the release was added to The Revolution in the first place was due to your deciding genre vote on RYM which left Metalcore at 2-1. 

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This submission has been posted in the Hall of Judgement.


Elder's sophomore album "Dead Roots Stirring" has far too strong a blues rock influence in both tone & structure to qualify as metal in my opinion & I'd subsequently like to see it removed from The Fallen & reside under Non-Metal.


This nomination has been added to the Hall of Judgement.


With a current vote tally of YES 7 NO 2, I've decided to pass the second of the two submissions so the Post-Metal genre has now been added to "Mestarin kynsi". Thank you to everyone who contributed to the vote & allowed us to achieve a majority outcome.


Most people seem to want to lump Boris' 2002 fourth album "Heavy Rocks" in with Stoner Metal but I don't feel that's entirely accurate. There’s far too much of a late 60's blues rock influence in this material for it to sit primarily in the metal space. In fact, I really struggle to see why "Heavy Rocks" is not unanimously tagged as Stoner Rock because it fits the description of that genre to a tee in my opinion. Subsequently, I'd like to see "Heavy Rocks" removed from The Fallen & placed under the Non-Metal banner.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This submission has now been posted in the Hall of Judgement.


With a result of Yes 7 No 1, I've today decided to uphold this Hall of Judgement entry & add "Värähtelijä" to The Infinite clan as well as the the Post-Metal genre.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Also what the sh*t is this?! I checked on the release page for the Leave Everything Behind EP, and The Sphere clan appeared as part of the release's clan lineup! I enjoy The Sphere, but there's no way Amaranthe can be part of that clan...unless they can be considered cyber metal, but even that's way too far-fetched.

Quoted Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Well spotted Andi. I'd suggest that was simply a data-entry error from Ben. I've corrected that in the database now.

Also, I'm going to add an additional Hall entry to have "Leave Everything Behind" removed from Trance Metal as I don't think there's enough Trance there to justify it.


Given the lop-sided tally to date I've decided to pass this Hall nomination at YES 7 NO 1. As a result the Speed Metal genre has been added to the release on top of its existing Thrash Metal one. Thanks to everyone that contributed to this vote. 


This definitely doesn't sound like death metal to me. In fact it sounds more like a hardcore punk release. I guess it's a bit like SOD with the same immature humour. Personally I hated it!

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This submission has been posted in the Hall of Judgement.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This nomination has been posted in the the Hall of Judgement.


Stormcrow's sole full-length "Enslaved in Darkness" is a an example of sludgy Death Metal but doesn't include much of a Crust Punk component so I'd like to see it removed from The Pit. I've already added a Hall of Judgement entry for this.


I've added an additional Hall of Judgement entry to have this release removed from the Stenchcore genre & The Pit.


Ok, so I've decided to pass this Hall entry given that the current vote tally is so conclusive at YES 7 No 0. I've now added a new Hall entry to have "Killing Technology" removed from The Pit given that it has a second clan to reside in now.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Yes, that's true. As you can probably tell, I've been trying to drum up some interest in the Hall of Judgement of late as it's an integral part of the site.


This doesn't sound like much of a problem to be honest. We'd simply swap out the album in the list & there'd be no implications of doing that. If someone had already completed a review of the album in question then we'd simply accept that as we're not here to nit-pick over technicalities. The intent of the clan lists was always to a) prove that someone has a reasonable understanding of a fourth clan before allowing them to take on membership & b) to promote activity on the site (particularly early on in the website's existence). Whether one of the releases changes doesn't really impede the process much at all & in the case of "Rising" it's still an important release for the early metal scene even it may not technically be metal enough to convince me that it's not more of a hard rock record than it is a metal one.


I didn't hear any guitars on "The Ashes of Light" at all to be honest. If they were there they must have been so far back in the mix that I couldn't pick them up. The programmed drums were nothing out of the ordinary for New Age music as far as I could see so I think we'll have to agree to disagree on this one.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Today IS the Sabbath.  Good day to give it another spin if I can fit it in.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Two Hall entries have been created for this nomination.


I've added "Aenima", "Lateralus" & "10,000 Days" to the Hall of Judgement.

For the record, people should feel free to submit as many releases for judgement as they feel like as long as they feel they're legitimately mistagged.


Sore Throat's 1989 "Inde$troy" album is generally referred to as a mixture of Crust Punk & Industrial Metal but I'd suggest that there's more Sludge Metal than there is Crust so I'd like to see the record added to The Fallen under the Sludge Metal genre.


Can't say I agree.  It's not as speed-oriented as Metallica, but it's certainly heavier and more thrash-oriented than any album Pantera ever released.  Some of it straight up fucking jams in that same way.


This submission has now been posted in the Hall of Judgement.


This submission has now been posted in the Hall of Judgement.

Morpheus Kitami

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OK, so the industrial metal tag for this album is quite a stretch, but a few songs are close to cyber metal in the synths, and I've already started expanding my cyber metal knowledge with that part of the Sphere playlists.


This nomination has now been posted in the Hall of Judgement.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This submission has been posted in the Hall of Judgement.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This release has been posted in the Hall of Judgement.

Morpheus Kitami

I added an entry in the Hall of Judgement for this release to be added to The Pit. If that's successful then we'll add another one to have The Guardians removed. Otherwise we could potentially be left without a clan.


This release has now been posted in the Hall of Judgement.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This release has been posted in the Hall of Judgement.

Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Thanks, Daniel! I’d also like the Atheist and Trivium albums I’ve submitted last month sent to the Hall when possible please:



Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

This release has now been posted in the Hall of Judgement.


Pantera's classic "Cowboys From Hell" album may well have been the birth place of the Groove Metal genre but it was also very much a transitional album & I feel that there's enough genuine Thrash Metal on offer to qualify for a dual tagging (see tracks like "Heresy", "Message In Blood" & "The Art Of Shredding" for example).


Judgement Submissions / Last Replied

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