December 2023 - Feature Release - The Gateway Edition

First Post December 01, 2023 11:48 AM

So just like that we find that a new month is upon us which of course means that we’ll be nominating a brand new monthly feature release for each clan. This essentially means that we’re asking you to rate, review & discuss our chosen features for no other reason than because we enjoy the process & banter. We’re really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on our chosen releases so don’t be shy.

This month’s feature release for The Gateway has been nominated by myself. It's 2000's "Salival" live album from legendary Los Angeles alternative/progressive metallers Tool. They're clearly one of the best live bands I've ever experienced & this release showcases that beautifully. It's massively underrated in my opinion & I'd even go so far as to say that I regard it as a classic live album these days. See what you think of it.