Detroit's Harpos Concert Theater hosted a Secret NSBM show last night-01.25.25
I am super fuckin' bummed out to hear this, but I did the research and it absolutely 100% went down. They promoted the show unofficially-it's not listed on any of their social media or their website. The line up was announced a week in advance, and the location was kept secret until the day of the show. This is a stain on a legendary venue in my back yard. Needless to say I will be boycotting the venue-not playing there, not going there until it is under new ownership. This fuckin' sucks.
I don't know how public or how big of news this will be outside of the local scene, but Harpos really does have pretty large stature in heavy metal, and this is a stain on the venues reputation. In the event that it did become big news. I wanted you to hear it from a local, rather than a second hand source. This concert does not represent my city or the citizens therein. Ownership (Ruzvelt Stevanovski) should be ashamed (redacted; this sentence was written before OP knew that ownership cut the show short-cutting the show short was the right thing to do and I applaud ownership for this course of action).
With how things are panning out, it was probably openly promoted on X with full approval of Mr. Musk. I have a feeling black metal acts won't be the only nazis coming out of the closet in the next four years.
It still sucks though.
Being an old techno DJ & a diehard Pistons fan, I don’t want this for Detroit.
Today the Detroit Metro TImes picked up the story, and you can read the article here:
Key takeaways: The show was stopped during the 2nd band's set, and the owner claims they did not know ahead of time. That they were mislead about the nature of the bands.
r/detroit takes are here:
Note: The original post was made before the metro times article came out, so if you are visiting here from reddit. Let me frame how I came to know about the show:
My vocalist called me the morning of yesterday and told me "Harpos hosted a NSBM show, and therefore he did not want our band to play the venue". I asked him what he knew about it, and he just said that several people at his workplace had been talking about it. He explained to me that the show was not publicly advertised on Harpos website or on their social media, and he showed me a flyer for the show that stated "Venue to be Announced Day of Show".-It looked really shady.
I feel better knowing that they pulled the plug, but it still shouldn't have happened, and would not have happened had the owners done research into the bands. They said as much themselves, but I also understand that shit happens. Whether I will personally play there or go to shows there will be a band decision after we talk about everything at practice.
Looks like the venue owners were deceived by duplicitous bastards. If nazis are so proud about who they are why are they so fucking sneaky about it?
It sounds like the venue did the right thing shutting it down as soon as they realised what was going on.
Maybe your band could talk to the venue owners about putting on an anti-fascist show or something?
Personally, I'd be down to play there knowing what I know now, but my vocalist is a much less forgiving about these kinds of things. We are going to compare notes at practice, explain points of view and make a team decision.