Clan challenge progress
Hey all, i've been out a while due to the pandemic and man life has changed quite since i've been here last. Maybe I'm missing something, (and sorry I didn't feel like reading all the posts here in this thread) but what happened to the clan challenges lists, or where can I see them again? I was in the middle of doing the The North's challenges and reviewing all of the first album list but kinda lost track of that. I will say this site runs smoother than before as well and want to get back into things. Appreciate the hard work y'all do to see this still going through these last frustrating years though. :)
Great to hear from ya Shezma & welcome back. You can find the Clan Challenges here:
Hey all, i've been out a while due to the pandemic and man life has changed quite since i've been here last. Maybe I'm missing something, (and sorry I didn't feel like reading all the posts here in this thread) but what happened to the clan challenges lists, or where can I see them again? I was in the middle of doing the The North's challenges and reviewing all of the first album list but kinda lost track of that. I will say this site runs smoother than before as well and want to get back into things. Appreciate the hard work y'all do to see this still going through these last frustrating years though. :)
Good to have a metalhead back.
I would've never thought to look in lists to be fair, but thanks. Maybe a link to those on the clan page as well? Appreciate the help, will get back in on this now.
I would've never thought to look in lists to be fair, but thanks. Maybe a link to those on the clan page as well? Appreciate the help, will get back in on this now.
Are you on mobile? There should be three bars by your username, go a little under and to the right. Touch that, and a menu will drop down, including a link to the clans page and the lists page. If you're on Desktop, the menu is already expanded, albeit horizontal and not vertical.
Finally after over 3 years of being on here and coming back I have finally finished the THE NORTH: Black Metal The 2nd Decade. Black metal is still not my thing, but I found new artists and albums to add to my listening collection. Now on to THE GUARDIANS: Heavy Metal - The 1st Era, where I feel I'll get a better feel for the roots of metal and such. Wonder if anyone else is still working on these, or if I am a bit late to the party and everyone's already done what they wanted. Still a great idea in my opinion.
Congratulations Shezma. I'm sure you'll find The 1st Era The Guardians challenge to be genuinely rewarding.
Congrats, Shezma!
You weren't wrong Daniel! 3 years to finish the North challenge, and about 2 months to do the Guardian one. With the North I think I had only heard maybe one or two albums before going into it and Guardians I had heard at least half of them before and was at least acquainted with the other bands that I hadn't heard the album before. Only a few I had no knowledge of. It was a great spread of styles. Now I'm onto my last challenge for The Infinite. There sure is a bunch for them, any suggestions of where to start to get a good variety there? I know Progressive is such a huge genre as is that the Infinite might be the widest variety of all the clans.
Well done Shezma. I'd suggest going chronologically as it helps with context.
Congrats Shezma. I would look at all the Infinite challenge lists, see which is likely to appeal to you most and then go through it in chronological order. I have always found that it helps in understanding the development of a genre and possible influences if you do it that way.