New Bands Added to Metal Academy

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
February 24, 2020 10:48 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 24th/25th of February, 2020:

1. Mansion (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

2. Tuskar (FALLEN) - requested by Tymell

3. Toxikull (GUARDIANS, PIT) - requested by Tymell

4. Seven Spires (GUARDIANS)

5. Torture (PIT) - requested by Tymell

6. Reaper (PIT, NORTH)

7. Profanatica (NORTH, HORDE) - requested by Daniel

8. Provocation (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

9. Apep (HORDE)

10. Pighead (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
February 26, 2020 02:12 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 26th of February, 2020:

1. Van Canto (GUARDIANS) - requested by Tymell

2. The Spirit (NORTH, HORDE)

3. Izthmi (NORTH)

4. Chakal (PIT) - requested by Daniel

5. Ensnared (HORDE)

6. Vallenfyre (HORDE, FALLEN) - requested by Tymell

7. Ursinne (HORDE) - requested by Tymell

8. Putrid Pile (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

9. Pyrexia (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

10. Skeleton Gong (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

11. The Wandering Midget (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

12. Acolytes of Moros (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

13. Saturnalia Temple (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

February 26, 2020 03:35 PM

Thanks Ben. That was quick!

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
February 26, 2020 10:52 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 27th of February, 2020:

1. Violet Sun (GUARDIANS) - requested by Tymell

2. Veonity (GUARDIANS) - requested by Tymell

3. Venom Inc. (GUARDIANS, PIT) - requested by Tymell

4. NightFear (GUARDIANS)

5. Necrowretch (HORDE, NORTH)

6. Coffin Curse (HORDE)

7. Deadspawn (HORDE)

8. Skyforest (NORTH)

9. Scáth na Déithe (NORTH)

10. Faustian Pact (NORTH)


The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 03, 2020 05:13 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 3rd of March, 2020:

1. Acid Witch (FALLEN, GUARDIANS) - requested by Sonny92

2. Drown (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

3. Coal Chamber (GATEWAY) - requested by shadowdoom9

4. Kittie (GATEWAY) - requested by shadowdoom9

5. Mulla (NORTH)

6. Grógaldr (NORTH)

7. E-X-E (PIT, GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

8. Accu§er (PIT) - requested by Daniel

9. Xenobiotic (REVOLUTION, HORDE)

10. Blutfeld (HORDE) - requested by Tymell

11. Casket Feeder (HORDE) - requested by Tymell

12. Plague (HORDE)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 04, 2020 05:19 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 4th of March, 2020:

1. Ramesses (FALLEN) - requested by Daniel

2. Deathkings (FALLEN) - requested by Tymell

3. Suum (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

4. Papa Roach (GATEWAY) - requested by shadowdoom9

5. Limp Bizkit (GATEWAY) - requested by shadowdoom9

6. Wolf Spider (PIT) - requested by Daniel

7. Khiral (PIT, HORDE) - requested by Tymell

8. Famous Last Words (REVOLUTION) - requested by Tymell

9. Resist The Thought (REVOLUTION) - requested by Daniel

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 05, 2020 04:38 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 5th of March, 2020:

1. Rompeprop (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

2. Rise To Fall (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

3. Invictus (HORDE)

4. Rev. Kriss Hades (NORTH) - requested by Daniel

5. Regarde les hommes tomber (NORTH, FALLEN, INFINITE)

6. Lonescar (PIT) - requested by Tymell

7. Lumberhead (PIT) - requested by Tymell

8. Total Annihilation (PIT)

9. Proscrito (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

10. Nomad (FALLEN) - requested by Tymell

11. Devil Seed (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

12. Konvent (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

13. Khazad-dûm (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 08, 2020 07:35 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 6th of March, 2020:

1. Rosetta / East of the Wall / Year of No Light (FALLEN, INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

2. Rwake (FALLEN, INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

3. Insect Ark (FALLEN)

4. Owl Maker (GUARDIANS) - requested by Tymell

5. Thoren (HORDE) - requested by Tymell

6. Schizogen (HORDE)

7. Ruins (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

8. Cult of Fire (HORDE)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 09, 2020 07:36 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 9th of March, 2020:

1. Sarath (NORTH) - requested by Daniel

2. Circle of Ouroborus (NORTH)


4. Apokryphon (NORTH) - requested by Sonny92

5. Secrets of the Moon (NORTH, FALLEN) - requested by Daniel

6. Sekhmet (PIT) - requested by Tymell

7. Virus (PIT) - requested by Tymell

8. Decimator (PIT)

9. Void Rot (FALLEN, HORDE) - requested by Sonny92

10. Atavisma / Void Rot (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 09, 2020 10:41 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 10th of March, 2020:

1. Sarcophagy (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

2. Déhà (NORTH, FALLEN, INFINITE) - requested by Sonny92

3. Semen Datura (NORTH) - requested by Daniel

4. Heol Telwen (NORTH) - requested by Daniel

5. The True Werwolf (NORTH)

6. Sentinel Beast (PIT, GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

7. Vokonis (FALLEN, INFINITE) - requested by Tymell

8. Ironflame (GUARDIANS)

9. Vision Divine (GUARDIANS, INFINITE) - requested by Tymell

10. Witherscape (INFINITE) - requested by Tymell

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 11, 2020 03:50 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 11th of March, 2020:

1. Diespnea (NORTH) - requested by Sonny92

2. Nechochwen (NORTH)

3. Nechochwen / Panopticon (NORTH)

4. Kvaen (NORTH)

5. Overdose (PIT, GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

6. Sepultura / Overdose (PIT, HORDE) - requested by Daniel

7. Walpyrgus (GUARDIANS) - requested by Tymell

8. Ilium (GUARDIANS)

9. Skeleton Of God (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

10. Vomitorial Corpulence (HORDE) - requested by Tymell

11. Waking the Cadaver (HORDE, REVOLUTION) - requested by Tymell

12. Disembowel (HORDE)

13. Serocs (HORDE, INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 12, 2020 05:18 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 12th of March, 2020:

1. Sorrow (FALLEN) - requested by Daniel

2. Wardehns (FALLEN) - requested by Tymell

3. Warmachine (GUARDIANS, GATEWAY) - requested by Tymell

4. Wolfpakk (GUARDIANS)

5. Earth Rot (HORDE)

6. Skewered (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

7. Skyharbor (INFINITE) - requested by Daniel


9. Glaciation (NORTH)

10. Nawaharjan (NORTH)

11. Warpath (PIT) - requested by Tymell


13. Pressure Cracks (REVOLUTION)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 13, 2020 05:43 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 13th of March, 2020:

1. Weltesser (FALLEN) - requested by Tymell

2. Kirk Windstein (FALLEN)

3. Sotajumala (HORDE, GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel


5. Splattered Entrails (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

6. White Skull (GUARDIANS) - requested by Tymell

7. Warrel Dane (GUARDIANS, INFINITE) - requested by Tymell

8. Novena (INFINITE)

9. Thoughts Factory (INFINITE)

10. Mourir (NORTH)

11. Seed of Pain (REVOLUTION)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 15, 2020 11:52 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 16th of March, 2020:

1. Soul of Salem (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92


3. Earthmass (FALLEN, INFINITE) - requested by Sonny92

4. Mount Hush (FALLEN)

5. Doomfall (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

6. Dark Matter (FALLEN) - requested by Sonny92

7. Woebegone Obscured (FALLEN) - requested by Tymell

8. Wolf (GUARDIANS) - requested by Tymell

9. Stealing Axion (INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

10. Night Crowned (NORTH, HORDE)

11. Witches Hammer (PIT) - requested by Tymell

12. Altar of Gore (HORDE, NORTH)

13. Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 17, 2020 05:17 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 17th of March, 2020:

1. Woven Man (FALLEN) - requested by Tymell

2. Elden (FALLEN)

3. Longing for Dawn (FALLEN)

4. Diabulus in Musica (GUARDIANS)

5. Wolfheart (HORDE) - requested by Tymell

6. X.Kernel (HORDE) - requested by Tymell

7. Tacoma Narrows Bridge Disaster (INFINITE, FALLEN) - requested by Daniel

8. Deogen (NORTH)

9. Fortress of the Olden Days (NORTH)

10. Warmoon Lord / Vultyrium (NORTH)

11. Wodensthrone (NORTH)

12. Sudden Impact (PIT) - requested by Daniel

13. Zimmers Hole (PIT, GUARDIANS) - requested by Tymell

14. Suicide Silence (REVOLUTION, GATEWAY) - requested by Daniel

March 17, 2020 09:51 AM

Thanks so much for working through all those I requested Ben, you're a legend!

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 17, 2020 09:56 AM

Thanks so much for working through all those I requested Ben, you're a legend!

Quoted Tymell

No problem at all! I love having a focus, and you gave me a couple of months worth. Please keep them coming if you have anything else you’d like added.

In the meantime, I’ll turn my attention back to some label lists.

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 18, 2020 02:04 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 18th of March, 2020:

1. Catalepsia (FALLEN)


3. Taproot (GATEWAY) - requested by Daniel

4. Talanas (INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

5. Caverne (NORTH)

6. Vredehammer (NORTH, HORDE)

7. Korgonthurus (NORTH)

8. Spectral Lore & Mare Cognitum (NORTH)

9. Invent, Animate (REVOLUTION)

10. Afterbirth (HORDE)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 19, 2020 02:47 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 19th of March, 2020:

1. Huntsmen (FALLEN, INFINITE)

2. Blessed Black (FALLEN)

3. Almanac (GUARDIANS)

4. The Red Shore (HORDE, REVOLUTION) - requested by Daniel

5. Filthy Christians (HORDE)

6. Terrordrome (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

7. The Levitation Hex (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

8. Heresy / Concrete Sox (PIT)

9. Spazztic Blurr (PIT)

10. Lawnmower Deth (PIT)

11. Hellbastard (PIT)


13. Thematic (INFINITE)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 21, 2020 11:02 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 21st of March, 2020:

1. Officium Triste (FALLEN)

2. Thrash Queen (PIT) - requested by Daniel

3. Hellbringer (PIT)

4. Blood From The Soul (SPHERE)

5. Fliege (SPHERE, NORTH)

6. Agvirre (NORTH, INFINITE) - requested by Sonny92

7. Thrall (NORTH) - requested by Daniel

8. Mavorim (NORTH)

9. Gloosh (NORTH) - requested by Sonny92

10. Pestilength (NORTH)

11. White Stones (INFINITE, HORDE)

12. Elegy (INFINITE)

13. Anal Cunt (HORDE, GUARDIANS)

14. Deformity (HORDE, REVOLUTION)

15. Taipan (GUARDIANS) - requested by Daniel

16. Archon Angel (GUARDIANS)

17. Russell Allen / Anette Olzon (GUARDIANS)

18. Viscera (REVOLUTION)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 24, 2020 04:43 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 23rd/24th of March, 2020:

1. Trepalium (HORDE, PIT, INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

2. Tombthroat (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

3. Slaughter Messiah (PIT, NORTH)

4. Tombs (FALLEN, INFINITE, NORTH) - requested by Daniel

5. Blind Dog (FALLEN)

6. Bongzilla (FALLEN)

7. Sons of Otis (FALLEN)

8. The Mystick Krewe of Clearlight (FALLEN)

9. Demon Flight (GUARDIANS)

10. Witchkiller (GUARDIANS)

11. Bitch (GUARDIANS)

12. Obsession (GUARDIANS)

13. Mobius (INFINITE)

14. Vananidr (NORTH)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 25, 2020 10:20 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 25th/26th of March, 2020:

1. Weedeater (FALLEN)

2. Lento (FALLEN, INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

3. Ufomammut/Lento (FALLEN, INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

4. Stoned Jesus (FALLEN)

5. Dark Buddha Rising (FALLEN, INFINITE)

6. Fostermother (FALLEN)

7. Pandemonium (GUARDIANS)

8. Tysondog (GUARDIANS, PIT) - requested by Daniel

9. 3rd Stage Alert (GUARDIANS)

10. Silver Mountain (GUARDIANS)

11. Mad Max (GUARDIANS)

12. Novelists (REVOLUTION)

13. Asgrauw (NORTH)

14. Aggression (PIT) - requested by Daniel

15. Razormaze (PIT)

16. Brand of Sacrifice (REVOLUTION)

17. From Ashes to New (GATEWAY)

18. Gruesome (HORDE)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 27, 2020 07:57 AM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 27th of March, 2020:

1. Sentient Divide (HORDE, NORTH)

2. Unfathomable Ruination (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

3. Sweven (INFINITE)

4. Malokarpatan (NORTH, GUARDIANS)

5. Faidra (NORTH)


7. Tyrant (GUARDIANS)

8. Dark Heart (GUARDIANS)

9. Thrust (GUARDIANS)

10. Attacker (GUARDIANS)

11. Mortal Scepter (PIT)

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
March 28, 2020 09:10 PM

The following bands have been added to Metal Academy on the 28th of March, 2020:

1. Black Royal (FALLEN, HORDE)

2. Mark Edwards (GUARDIANS)

3. Bloodlust (GUARDIANS, PIT)

4. Predator (GUARDIANS)

5. Sound Barrier (GUARDIANS)

6. Ambush (GUARDIANS, PIT)

7. Vectom (PIT) - requested by Daniel

8. Meth Leppard (HORDE)

9. Valtari (HORDE) - requested by Daniel

10.Target (PIT) - requested by Daniel

11. Vildhjarta (INFINITE) - requested by Daniel

12. Medico Peste (NORTH)

13. Valkyrja (NORTH) - requested by Daniel

14. Malist (NORTH)