8-Track Themes "Ctrl-Alt-Replace"

First Post January 25, 2025 01:56 AM

I really like the 8-Track Themes idea by Zach and felt like starting it in my own clans. The theme for The Sphere is "Ctrl-Alt-Replace", so one member at a time can decide which energetic industrial/cyber metal track should get the boot and replaced.

1. The Kovenant - "The Human Abstract"

2. Skrew - "Cold Angel Press"

3. Health, Lamb of God - "Cold Blood"

4. The Interbeing - "Face Deletion"

5. Mechina - "Tartarus"

6. Godflesh - "Don't Bring Me Flowers"

7. Turmion Katilot - "Verta Sataa"

8. Ministry - "No W Redux"

You know the drill... Replace, reorder, add, drop, discuss! All in the same theme for a good jamming time.

January 26, 2025 02:50 AM

My wife (Kosie) will be here later with a more expert opinion than mine. 

For me I'm going to swap "Face Deletion" with "Edge Crusher" from Fear Factory's Obsolete album. It seams like a straight across upgrade to me. 

1. The Kovenant - "The Human Abstract"

2. Skrew - "Cold Angel Press"

3. Health, Lamb of God - "Cold Blood"

4. Fear Factory-"Edge Crusher"

5. Mechina - "Tartarus"

6. Godflesh - "Don't Bring Me Flowers"

7. Turmion Katilot - "Verta Sataa"

8. Ministry - "No W Redux"

January 26, 2025 03:06 AM

Nice one, Zach, another solid track that I enjoy and accept! The tough lyrics and hip-hop beat sound quite odd in the band's attempt to discard their death metal roots, yet it brings me great delight. Guilty pleasure for me much!?

January 26, 2025 03:35 AM

I'd like to sacrifice the Turmion Katilot track in the name of including my favourite track from last month's The Sphere feature release. Deathless were a duo that included two vocalist/bassists & a drum machine in the early 1990's. One of them used to serve me regularly at my favourite metal record store Utopia Records in Sydney back in the day too.

1. The Kovenant - "The Human Abstract"

2. Skrew - "Cold Angel Press"

3. Health, Lamb of God - "Cold Blood"

4. Fear Factory-"Edge Crusher"

5. Mechina - "Tartarus"

6. Godflesh - "Don't Bring Me Flowers"

7. Deathless - "In Unmet Chambers Slain I"

8. Ministry - "No W Redux"

January 26, 2025 03:58 AM

I've just listened to that Deathless track on my phone while taking a small walk across town (in a soft decent volume so I wouldn't disturb the peace). Pretty cool experimental sludgy industrial metal vibes there, ala Godflesh/Skrew. Good one, Daniel!

January 26, 2025 05:06 AM

 I took off the Mechina song because it was so floaty and kind of a down song if I'm reading the prompt and I'm thinking energy? I need some more power in my Industrial.  So I went with some Corrections House. If you didn't want to crank it up too hard I didn't go with their fastest number but still quite heavy hitting and made more sense there than where the other track was.

1. The Kovenant - "The Human Abstract"

2. Skrew - "Cold Angel Press"

3. Health, Lamb of God - "Cold Blood"

4. Fear Factory-"Edge Crusher"

5. Godflesh - "Don't Bring Me Flowers"

6. Deathless - "In Unmet Chambers Slain I"

7. Corrections House - " Dirt Poor and Mentally Ill"

8. Ministry - "No W Redux"

January 26, 2025 05:54 AM

Great choice, Kosie! That's one of my personal highlights of that Corrections House album with its dark heavy sound and lyrics of poetic rage.