Track Of The Day - The Sphere Edition
A powerful anthem and one of the best in this new and improved Neurotech:
Pretty much everything Neurotech fans love is in in this 8-minute progressive cyber metal monumental epic:
An annihilating highlight of extreme symphonic industrial/cyber metal:
A highlight from this EP, exemplifying the band's true sound:
This cyber metal highlight is obviously not a Wicked cover (thank goodness!), though it's quite diverse with all you can hear from the more progressive and melodic bands:
One of many highlights from The Interbeing's cyber metal/melodeath masterpiece debut:
Underrated otherworldly djenty cyber metal for those who want similar music to Mnemic and other modern bands:
A nice rough heavier remix than the original White Zombie track:
The perfect starting track to treat you with what to expect in this industrial metal album:
Sludgy industrial metal great for a motorcycle ride in the night: