Have you heard the news? last two Death albums are... thrash???

First Post September 29, 2023 01:47 AM

This is NOT a hall request, and this is NOT based on my beliefs.  But there's been some talk lately that the last two Death albums, Symbolic and The Sound of Perseverance, are actually thrash metal.  This talk is all over RYM reviews for the album, saying that it's light on the death and some saying that it's a hard album to determine.  Metalstorm even tags the two as thash, although Symbolic still keeps the death tag.  Reasoning?  The lightness of heaviness in comparison to stormier albums like Altars of Madness, as well as the higher pitch of both the guitars and the vocals.

Thoughts?  I'll let the real death metal junkies sort this one out.

September 29, 2023 02:17 AM
Well, I call bullshit on any reference to thrash metal with either of these records. "Symbolic" is a progressive death metal release as far as I'm concerned but I'll conceed that "The Sound of Perseverance" is a straight-up progressive metal record that just happens to have death metal vocals over it. There's really bugger all death metal in the instrumentation on that one.
September 29, 2023 02:34 AM
There are barely any thrash elements in The Sound of Perseverance from what I heard when I listened to and reviewed that album. It's full-on progressive death metal to my ears, and the association with thrash is a little out of control in my opinion.
The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
September 29, 2023 04:30 AM

I honestly can't understand how anyone can consider these albums to be thrash metal. It's like people automatically shift releases into thrash metal when a death metal band starts to lost it's extremity. I agree with Daniel's assessment.

October 01, 2023 09:27 PM

After going over a bunch of death metal, I can see some elements of it in Symbolic, but they're much more faint in TSOP.  Although I feel like TSOP switches from being a prog death album to a prog album on a regular basis.  But I'd say that the majority goes to prog because the album is more melodramatic and emotional on a slower and higher-pitched level than death really allows.

October 01, 2023 09:37 PM

At least some of the material on "The Sound of Perseverance" was originally intended for Chuck's clean-sung progressive metal project Control Denied so it's hardly surprising that it doesn't sound like death metal.