Max_Grean's Forum Replies

Vocals that you can't understand. Cookie monster vocals. If I can't understand you then I assume you are not proud of what you say and it's not worth me hearing.
Down tuned extended range guitars. It's not the guitars but how these types of bands use them. The tone has become so generic and bland. Every production sounds the same.
Too much X -- IE: To many pinch harmonics, to many bends, to many notes.
Djent - Ther is no redeeming qualities to this genre.
Overly complicated leaps and jumps across the fretboard for the sake of seeming complex.
Thin flat drums / the overuse of cymbals
Dirty piss poor production. 

June 11, 2024 04:11 AM

@ Daniel Ahh Ok Thanks. We don't have the full lp posted up outside of the single and the B side, it's only available on cassette at the moment. 

Good to know for the future, we are in the works on our next one.