Praemorior's Forum Threads

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Welcome to The Academy Praemorior. We're excited you made it over & think you'll find our little community to be a rewarding addition to your life. Our intention was always to create the perfect metal site by ticking all of our own personal wish-list boxes & we think we're well on the way to seeing that come to fruition. It's open for debate as to whether "Metal Academy" will offer long-term appeal to the casual metal listener. It's far more relevant to the serious metalhead like yourself & as our membership grows I think you're going to see the percentage of "lifers" continuing to strengthen. I'd like to encourage you to be as active as possible because the more personalities & view-points we present the more powerful the tool becomes. Have fun with it & please... let us know if you find any bugs or can think of any improvement suggestions. We want the site to reflect our members needs.