Tankard - Zombie Attack (1986)Release ID: 5978

Tankard - Zombie Attack (1986) Cover
Ben Ben / May 16, 2019 / Comments 0 / 1

I'm afraid this is not my thing at all. It reminds me a lot of Nuclear Assault with all their apparently humorous, punk influenced thrash metal. I can't stand Nuclear Assault for more than about 3 tracks and Tankard's debut album is even worse. It just gets so terribly boring due to every track sounding almost identical. The riffs are simplistic, the drums completely uninspired and the whole feel to the album is just monotonous to the nth degree.

I can't say I've heard any other Tankard releases, but I find it hard to believe they would find any real interest in producing this sort of music for the 20 plus years they have been in existence. I assume the alcohol that these German dudes are so obsessed with keeps them going somehow.