Candlemass - Candlemass (2005)Release ID: 485

Messiah Marcolin rejoined Candlemass for the third time in 2004 and the band then went on to lay down my second favourite Candlemass album after the seminal debut. I know it will be considered heresy among the faithful, but I prefer this over the acclaimed early classics Nightfall, Ancient Dreams and Tales of Creation. It's quite uptempo for a Candlemass album, leaning heavily toward classic heavy metal. Don't misunderstand, it does have some great slower tracks (Copernicus and The Day and the Night spring to mind), but there's also a nice balance of quicker material. The riffs have a strong Tony Iommi influence (Born in a Tank is a dead ringer for the riff from Children of the Grave) and with Messiah's epic vocals the whole has a ring of Dio era Sabbath throughout. The opening track Black Dwarf in particular is strongly reminiscent of Dio-led tracks like Neon Knights or Mob Rules. The majority of the songs are extremely memorable with some nice hooks and the production lends the sound a clarity that allows all involved to shine. Arguably this was the last great Candlemass album and although follow-up release King of the Grey Islands has it's moments, in my opinion, the Swedes were never this good again.
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