Hall of Judgement

Hall of Judgement Directory

537 Threads | 807 Replies

Hall of Judgement Threads

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These are the releases that are currently very close to a result in the Hall of Judgement:

Pink - "Boris" (The Fallen)

Turbo - "Dorosłe dzieci" (The Guardians)

Motorhead - "Motorhead" (The Guardians)

M.S.W. - "Obliviosis" (The Fallen/The Infinite)

Cryptic Shift - "Visitations From Enceladus" (The Horde/The Infinite/The Pit)

Katatonia - "The Great Cold Distance" (The Gateway/The Infinite)

maudlin of the Well - "Leaving Your Body Map" (The Infinite)

Månegarm - "Vredens tid" (The North)

Mastodon - Blood Mountain (The Fallen/The Infinite)

Author & Punisher - "Krüller" (The Fallen/The Sphere)

Hexer - "Cosmic Doom Ritual" (The Fallen/The Infinite)

If you're familiar with any of these releases but are still yet to cast your vote then what are you waiting for!


Hall of Judgement / Last Replied

Daniel in Hall of Judgement submissions that are close to a result at 28.06.2024 09:13 PM: These are the releases that are curr...
Daniel in Hall of Judgement submissions that are close to a result at 22.08.2022 02:36 AM: I thought I'd create a thread that w...

Hall of Judgement / Hottest Threads