The Body's "I've Seen All I Need to See" should be removed from The Fallen

First Post February 17, 2021 08:47 AM
This album has received two reviews in this site, from me and Saxystephens. We both agree that the new Body album has barely any metal at all, despite the band's experimental sludge background. It's all just electronics with very minimal usage of guitars, or as an outside review would say, "death industrial and power electronics". Sure I understand what Daniel said about the guitars dominating a couple songs "like "Tied Up & Locked In" or the unbelievable album highlight "The City Is Shelled"" (I think that latter song is a highlight as well), but that's pretty much it. Everything else is electronic drone noise. Therefore I'd like to submit The Body's "I've Seen All I Need to See" to the Hall with the proposal of being removed from The Fallen and becoming just a non-metal album.
February 17, 2021 10:27 AM

You should probably be aware that there are guitars playing doom riffs throughout the vast majority of the album Andi. They've just had their signals peaked out to the max, been heavily processed & sometimes further detuned artificially. For mine this is 100% a drone metal album that's been mutilated via the techniques commonly found in power electronics. This has seen it being infused with the shockingly depraved atmosphere that the power electronics subgenre is known for which makes it pretty inaccessible to the majority of metal fans. It certainly requires multiple listens to fully understand, even for drone metal fans like myself.

February 17, 2021 11:14 AM
Hmm, I guess that's true. I'm just not fully immersed into drone...
February 20, 2021 06:07 AM

I can see where the counterpoint comes from with this album being a metal album. My personal opinion came from this sounding far too similar to the darkwave and death industrial that I hear from Lingua Ignota.

The drone tag is deserved, but the "metal" tag is ambiguous. If there is enough debate, then I don't think it should lose its tag.

February 20, 2021 07:16 AM
I just think it's too close to darkwave and death industrial for the most part, but since you two prefer to keep the drone tag, we'll put this submission on hold now.