Between the Buried and Me's "The Anatomy Of" should be in The Infinite and The Gateway

First Post December 16, 2019 08:07 AM

First of all, BTBAM's cover album "The Anatomy Of" actually has two metal genres in their RYM primary genre list, Progressive Metal and Alternative Metal. Second, in the album, the band stays close to each song's original style, and as a result, half of the covers each have a different genre (grunge, rock, jazz, pop, etc.), and the other half of the covers still sound really metal ("Blackened", "Forced March", "Territory", "Cemetery Gates", etc.). Therefore I'm suggesting adding Between the Buried and Me's "The Anatomy Of" to The Infinite and The Gateway.

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
December 16, 2019 08:00 PM

First of all, BTBAM's cover album "The Anatomy Of" actually has two metal genres in their RYM primary genre list, Progressive Metal and Alternative Metal.

Quoted shadowdoom9

To avoid confusion, I thought I'd explain the criteria used when adding releases to Metal Academy in case you weren't aware of it.

Only the most agreed upon primary genre on RYM is applied. For any other primary genres, they must have at least a 2:1 ratio for Yes vs No. This means releases aren't automatically added to clans when there is any significant debate. Having spent hundreds of hours adding releases, I think this is working really well, and has avoided countless albums being incorrectly assigned to multiple clans when some of them really don't feel right.

You happen to have picked a release that has a complete mess of genre voting though, and no-one seems to be able to agree on what it should be. When I apply the above criteria, the most agreed upon genre is Alternative Rock (which is also the only primary genre that has a 2:1 ratio - 32 Yes, 16 No), which puts it in Non-Metal. This sort of mess is rare thankfully. For releases like this one, I'd prefer to rely on Metal Academy members to check them out and make their own judgement (in the Hall).

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
January 19, 2020 01:32 AM

This release has been added to the Hall of Judgement.

January 19, 2020 03:08 AM

Great, thanks Ben!

November 13, 2022 05:51 AM
I've decided to uphold this submission given the YES 5 NO 0 vote tally & the changes have been made in the database. Thank you to everyone that contributed to this result.