
First Post June 12, 2024 08:01 PM

Ahoy fellas! How do you do?

My name is Karl. Stumbled upon this website while on the lookout for album art. I really enjoy the old-fashioned vibe - there even is no log in through facebook crap! Mostly in for the forums - lists, chains, recommendations, un/popular opinions - all that jazz; always delighted to talk metal.
That said, these clan lists do look strangely appealing, perhaps my review-less life is about to end as well? Let's find out!

Have a great day fellas,

June 12, 2024 08:07 PM

Good afternoon from Detroit MI. Karl. My name is Zachary, and I joined fairly recently. The site is pretty good but it does have a lot of moving parts, so if you need anything feel free to post questions right here, or DM me. Alternatively, the site is owned and adminstrated by brothers Ben and Daniel. Dan is usually a bit more forward, whilst Ben operates in a lower key behind the scenes. Sonny, Shadow, Rex, and Unhindered are all seasoned users. My wife (Kosie) and my guitarist (Max) are also members. Please enjoy yourself. 


did... did you say AHOY? Do you like nautical things?

June 12, 2024 08:14 PM

Welcome Karl. We're delighted to have you & look forward to getting to know you & your musical tastes. I think you'll find that the site ticks all of the boxes you're looking to tick & our community is generally very welcoming & encouraging of new members so feel free to explore & express yourself.

June 12, 2024 09:47 PM

Thanks for the warm welcome fellas!

I'm looking through all these fresh threads on the forums. Compiling a list of heavy metal deal breakers? - this is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking forward to.

Also, Hall of Judgement ? Man I like the idea. And I like the name even more.

did... did you say AHOY? Do you like nautical things?

Quoted ZeroSymbolic7188
  • I'll never miss an opportunity to see a museum ship, if there is one in town I'm visiting.
  • Whenever I travel by ship (which is not often, sadly) I feel nothing but a deep sense of joy and calmness.
  • My dream vacation: From Europe to the States by sea (perhaps on a cargo vessel since these "hotel cruises" are certainly not my thing); and back the same way after a month or so.
  • This one might be controversial - i have nothing against pirate metal!

One may conclude that I have a soft spot for nautical things  :-)

June 12, 2024 10:04 PM

Hey Karl. Great to make your acquaintance. Hope you enjoy the site. Feel free to post any questions you may have - we're a pretty chilled bunch here, so dive in!

The Fallen The Horde The North The Pit
June 12, 2024 10:50 PM

Welcome Karl! Happy to hear that you're finding the site interesting. Let us know (using the request threads in the forums) if you want me to add any bands / releases to the site.

June 12, 2024 11:33 PM

Welcome, Karl! Hope you have a good time here.

June 13, 2024 04:19 AM

Thanks for the warm welcome fellas!

I'm looking through all these fresh threads on the forums. Compiling a list of heavy metal deal breakers? - this is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking forward to.

Also, Hall of Judgement ? Man I like the idea. And I like the name even more.

did... did you say AHOY? Do you like nautical things?

Quoted ZeroSymbolic7188
  • I'll never miss an opportunity to see a museum ship, if there is one in town I'm visiting.
  • Whenever I travel by ship (which is not often, sadly) I feel nothing but a deep sense of joy and calmness.
  • My dream vacation: From Europe to the States by sea (perhaps on a cargo vessel since these "hotel cruises" are certainly not my thing); and back the same way after a month or so.
  • This one might be controversial - i have nothing against pirate metal!

One may conclude that I have a soft spot for nautical things  :-)

Quoted Karl

June 13, 2024 12:22 PM

Hello Sonny, Ben & Andi, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Zachary, you'll be pleased to hear that I gave The Call of the Wretched Sea a spin and I must say, I dig it quite a bit. Since I'm new to the band (and fairly new to funeral doom in general), it's going to take a fair amount of time & subsequent listens before I fully wrap my head around it. That said, I'm genuinely impressed with how cohesively they managed to execute the theme and the lyrics are top tier. What's more, I can already say that I have two personal highlights: The Sermon (when he goes My song forever shall record that terrible, that joyful hour... - man, shivers down my spine!) & Ahab's Oath (this one is soul-crushingly heavy and i really like the synth parts here). Curious to hear which one is your favorite.

June 13, 2024 01:50 PM

Hello Sonny, Ben & Andi, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Zachary, you'll be pleased to hear that I gave The Call of the Wretched Sea a spin and I must say, I dig it quite a bit. Since I'm new to the band (and fairly new to funeral doom in general), it's going to take a fair amount of time & subsequent listens before I fully wrap my head around it. That said, I'm genuinely impressed with how cohesively they managed to execute the theme and the lyrics are top tier. What's more, I can already say that I have two personal highlights: The Sermon (when he goes My song forever shall record that terrible, that joyful hour... - man, shivers down my spine!) & Ahab's Oath (this one is soul-crushingly heavy and i really like the synth parts here). Curious to hear which one is your favorite.

Quoted Karl

That's a great place to start with Ahab, Karl, and with funeral doom in general - definitely one of my favourite FD releases.

June 13, 2024 03:11 PM

Hello Sonny, Ben & Andi, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Zachary, you'll be pleased to hear that I gave The Call of the Wretched Sea a spin and I must say, I dig it quite a bit. Since I'm new to the band (and fairly new to funeral doom in general), it's going to take a fair amount of time & subsequent listens before I fully wrap my head around it. That said, I'm genuinely impressed with how cohesively they managed to execute the theme and the lyrics are top tier. What's more, I can already say that I have two personal highlights: The Sermon (when he goes My song forever shall record that terrible, that joyful hour... - man, shivers down my spine!) & Ahab's Oath (this one is soul-crushingly heavy and i really like the synth parts here). Curious to hear which one is your favorite.

Quoted Karl

It's one of my all time favorites, and I am glad that you enjoyed it!

Here is my review: https://metal.academy/reviews/34371/6530