Assembly Plant-Unsaid Things (Low-Fi, Blackened-Doom, Anarchy Rock).

First Post June 08, 2024 03:38 PM

Pardon the fuck long link, but I couldn't figure out how to shorten it. Anyway if you want an idea of where I'm going with music this summer. This was recorded under Assembly Plant-A variety project I work on with my good friend Max Green. We do diferent style and rotate other musicians in a no-rules format we call Anarchy Rock.

Anyways this one features me on Bass, Max on Vocals and Lead, and our friend Aaron guesting on the Saxophone. 

I'm very proud of this as it was the first time I got to record in this style and I'd wanted to do it for a long time. 

June 08, 2024 07:44 PM

It's got a bit of a psychedelic Velvet Underground/Lou Reed meets Americana feel to it. I like it. Well done mate.

June 08, 2024 09:11 PM

It's got a bit of a psychedelic Velvet Underground/Lou Reed meets Americana feel to it. I like it. Well done mate.

Quoted Daniel

Thank you Sir! I very much like Lou Reed, especially the Transformer Album! Glad you enjoyed it. I have more if you ever want it I can hook you up, but we don't sound like this all the time. I want to do this project this summer as TrencH. Just need to get the songs I've written tightened up and find me a metal drummer who doesn't want to play at 400bpm's lol