"The Roots of Metal" Project
How about " Got a Bone of My Own"? I've got it down as progressive rock/heavy psych.
Also, I revisited Deep Purple's 1972 "Machine Head" album yesterday & generally found it to be a hard/blues rock record although there are two clear heavy metal tracks included in "Highway Star" & "Pictures of Home". Anyone feel otherwise & want it included here?
Heavy psych gets my vote.
Pretty sure most, if not all Deep Purple albums after this point are just hard rock. I know Rex said differently about Perfect Strangers, but that's no longer The Roots of Metal.
Pretty sure most, if not all Deep Purple albums after this point are just hard rock. I know Rex said differently about Perfect Strangers, but that's no longer The Roots of Metal.
To be fair, I'd suggest that there's actually just as much metal on "Machine Head" than there is on "In Rock".
Today's track is " Slush Pan Man" which I regard as being stoner rock.
Also, I gave Thin Lizzy's 1972 sophomore album "Shades of a Blue Orphanage" a couple of listens yesterday. There's no metal there. It's a hard rock record in my opinion.
Today's track is "Living With The Dying" which I regard as being genuine heavy metal.
I'd say both get my vote for heavy metal.
How about "Come Down"? I've tagged it as progressive rock.
Today's track is "Blind" which I've got down as being hard/blues rock.
Today's track is "Nightmare" which I've tagged as hard rock.
The last track from "Mournin'" is "Don't Start Flying" which I've tagged as progressive rock.
This leaves me with a clear result given that I've only tagged a single track from the album as metal, Anyone come up with a different result?
Come Down, prog rock.
Blind, very Led Zeppelin-ish, not metal.
Nightmare, uh, same as Blind, maybe a little bit of metal.
Don't Start Flying, rock of some kind.
I guess I got 1.8 or so tracks as metal. Not really metal.
I completely agree Morpheus. I had just the one track tagged as metal.
Today we'll move onto a record that is tagged as metal on both Metal Archive & RYM in the 1972 self-titled debut album from Philadelphia's Bang, starting with opening track "Lions, Christians" which I regard as sitting somewhere between hard rock & heavy metal.
A little late to the Night Sun - Mournin discussion, but my thoughts are it's not metal. However I did get an avant-garde vibe that I didn't see get thrown around as much as prog which I agree is on most of the songs as well. Heavy psych elements but not as much metal. Definitely influential.
I was very much in two minds between hard rock & heavy metal on “Lions, Christians” to be honest but in the end I decided that a both way bet was the best outcome.
A straight mix in my opinion of both.
Today's track is "The Queen" which I regard as being hard rock.
I hear nothing that would put it as anything but hard rock.
Today's track is "Last Will & Testament" which I've tagged as psychedelic rock.
Curiously Pink Floyd-ish, not metal.
Today's track is "Come With Me" which I tagged as being hard rock.
This morning's track is "Our Home" which I consider to be hard rock:
Come with Me, hard rock I'd say.
Our Home, feels like something off a band like Kansas, not quite sure where, but prog rock.
I've got traditional doom metal for this one: