March 2023 Feature Release - The Sphere Edition

First Post February 28, 2023 07:39 PM

So just like that we find that a new month is upon us which of course means that we’ll be nominating a brand new monthly feature release for each clan. This essentially means that we’re asking you to rate, review & discuss our chosen features for no other reason than because we enjoy the process & banter. We’re really looking forward to hearing your thoughts on our chosen releases so don’t be shy.

This month’s feature release for The Sphere has been nominated by myself. It's Ministry's popular 1990 live album " In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up (Live)" which was on high rotation in my family home when Ben & I were teenagers. It's been years since I've heard it but I have very fond memories of it's energetic & electric industrial metal stylings so I'm very much looking forward to revisiting it this month.

March 02, 2023 07:02 AM

I've done some listening and a review, here's its summary:

There are some industrial metal bands that are better off as studio-only, whether by their own choice or by fan demand, mainly due to heavy usage of electronics and samples as opposed to metal instruments. The band performed at Holiday Star Theatre in early 1990 and recorded it for a live album... In Case You Didn't Feel Like Showing Up! The performance has actually enhanced some songs better than in the studio versions. The CD version consists of 6 songs from the albums The Land of Rape and Honey and The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste, 3 songs per album. They selected some of the best songs from both albums, with some of them having good improvement. It's quite great hearing the songs from The Land of Rape of Honey get the heavier live treatment to suit the band's expanding metal sound. On the other hand, in the songs from The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Taste, there more weight in the groove rather than tightness. Both separate aspects combined, they foreshadow the sound in their later albums becoming more metallic. The video edition not only has two more songs, but also Jello Biafra of Dead Kennedys and Ministry side-project Lard reciting a parody of the Pledge of Allegiance. Ministry made a great performance showcasing the songs from their late 80s metal era. Not the best live album I've heard, but quite a memorable one in industrial metal....


March 10, 2023 07:25 AM

Upon revisiting this old fave I've found that my passion for it is as strong as it's ever been & that I still regard it as a genuine classic of the industrial metal genre. Sure, the material is generally faithful to the originals but the consistently high quality of the six tracks on offer & the electric energy & urgent vitality that Ministry have always possessed in a live environment sees them inevitably getting my juices pumping. The versions of "Deity", "Burning Inside" & album highlight "Thieves" are nothing short of exhilarating here. I last saw Ministry play live back in 2015 on the "From Beer to EternaTour" which was hardly their strongest creative period but they still absolutely rocked the Soundwave Festival at Sydney's Olympic Park which is a strong indication of their live talents. This should be essential listening for fans of the band & the industrial metal genre in general.
