March 2020 Feature Release - The Pit Edition

First Post March 01, 2020 05:53 AM

It's now March which of course means that we'll be nominating a brand new monthly feature release for each clan. This essentially means that we're asking you to rate, review & discuss our chosen features for no other reason than because we enjoy the process & banter.  

This month's feature release for The Pit is 1985's classic self-titled E.P. from German speed metallers Helloween. The band would later go on to become the kings of European power metal but their signature sound was still a fair way from being defined at this point. We're interested to hear what some of you hardcore thrashers think of this one.

March 30, 2020 03:17 PM

Pleasantly surprised by this one, I didn't realize Helloween had such a unique sound even when they first started. This is pretty essential for over-the-top, thrashy, speedy metal that shows a ton of promise with a lot of room for the band to obviously grow into their trilogy of highly acclaimed late 80's albums. I think some of the vocal passages definitely miss their mark on "Murderer" and a bit on "Cry For Freedom", but the riffs are so good that I hardly care. It's incredible how many riffs and ideas from 1985 are still being used in Power/Heavy Metal today, whether it be the galloping rhythms from "Warrior" or the 16th note shredding coupled with aggressively over the top vocal shrieks from "Cry For Freedom". This honestly might be one of the best debut EP's I've heard, since it already sounds so refined and confident. Obviously there are issues, but there is a lot of amazing stuff here that helped to define the faster and more over the top Heavy and Power Metal genres. 

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