Best Of 2019 Lists - The North Edition

First Post December 21, 2019 09:01 AM

Post you clan-specific top 10 lists for 2019 here.

December 21, 2019 11:17 AM

Another great year for black metal, making it hard to choose, but here goes:

#1 False - Portent

#2 Ultha - Belong

#3 Werian - Animist

#4 Mayhem - Daemon

#5 Saor - Forgotten Paths

#6 Departure Chandelier - Antichrist Rise to Power

#7 Neige et noirceur - Interstellar Enigmatic Throne

#8 Violet Cold - kOsmik

#9 Darkthrone - Old Star

#10 The Great Old Ones - Cosmicism

Honourable mentions:

Nyss - Dépayser

Déhà - Cruel Words

Wormwitch - Heaven That Dwells Within

Nasheim - Jord och aska

Deathspell Omega - The Furnaces of Palingenesia

Blut aus Nord - Hallucinogen

Nocturnal Departure - Cathartic Black Rituals

December 23, 2019 06:10 PM

A lot of Black Metal this year. An overflowing amount. Here's what I ended up with for a Top 10:

1. Funereal PresenceAchatius 

2. Serpent ColumnMirror In Darkness 

3. Saor Forgotten Paths 

4. Obsequiae The Palms of Sorrowed Kings 

5. Deathspell OmegaThe Furnaces of Palingenesia 

6. StormlordFar 

7. GrimaWill of the Primordial 

8. MglaAge of Excuse 

9. FenThe Dead Light 

10. The Great Old OnesCosmicism