Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Queensrÿche - The Warning (1984) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Queensrÿche - The Warning (1984)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / June 17, 2024 / 0

I hate Queensryche, and I have always hated Queensryche. This album did not change my opinion. This is a collection of boring tracks that bleed into one another, never do anything interesting, and go on for way too long-like every Queensryche album. I have no idea how on earth this band got to level that they did, and I think it will forever be a mystery to me. Somebody's got to comment below and explain to me what I'm supposed to like about this. I made it through the hour run time but it was painful. Never again fam. Never again.

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