Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Manowar - Hail to England (1984) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Manowar - Hail to England (1984)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / June 16, 2024 / 0

Look, I know that ManOwaR is a polarizing band, but I've never understood why. Eric Adams is right there with Halford, Dio, and Dickinson in the realm of mind blowing lead singers. Scott Columbus is a barbaric cannon of a drummer that suits the whole ManOwaR theme to the T. Ross the Boss can shred the paint off the walls, but he can also write catchy battle riffs, and Joey DiMaio is simply the fuckin' man on the bass. I truly believe people that hate ManOwaR just hate fun, and want everything to be sinister and serious all the time. Yes, ManOwaR are incredibly fucking cheesy-that's the point!

I read the other reviews for this album, and I thought it was odd that people were sighting the production (or lack thereof) as a negative, as some of those people champion some of the rawest black metal albums made. "The bass is too far forward in the mix". No it's fucking perfect. It's the thunder of the Heavy Metal army marging into battle! I am a sucker for the kind of cliches and cheese ManOwaR leans so heavily into; Metal as an Army, Battle Hymns, Barbarians, Swords, The Riddle of Steel. I love all of that shit! I think the production on this album actually makes it ManOwaR's heaviest offering. 

Then you have the frosting on the epic cake this album is: "Bridge of Death". 

The story of Bridge of Death is about a man who goes down into hell itself and walks across the titular bridge to confront the Horned one himself, not to fight him, but to become the most powerful demon in the universe. It's fucking awesome! I cap all of my workouts with this song, because when you're very tired the opening is slow and lets you catch your breath and summon strength for that final confrontation-that final set. 

If nothing else you need to hear that track. The whole album is fantastic, but Bridge of Death is just a whole other level of kick ass. 

Many stand against us, but they will never win! 5/5

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