Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Diamond Head - Lightning to the Nations (1980) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Diamond Head - Lightning to the Nations (1980)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / June 16, 2024 / 0

Yeah yeah I know. If I just listened to this again, it's all gonna click on try number 1,648. Here's the deal, I've revisited this album more times than it deserves since I discovered them by way of Garage Inc in 1998. It's 2024 so I've had 26years of this to form my opinion, and my opinion is that it sucks. 

I think that "Am I Evil" is a monumentally overrated song. I've never understood it's appeal, and at least state-side to my knowledge nobody else did either until Metallica covered it. 

I am also not a 12 year old turbo-hormoned boy. I am a 35year old grown ass man (married for 7 of them) so the appeal of a 7minute ode to fellatio is lost on me. I just don't need that brother.

Those are the album standouts. The rest is mediocre to bad filler stuff. Seriously even people who rate this album higher than I did just talk about those two songs primarily, because nothing else on it is remotely interesting.  

If you like it, crank that shit up, but don't do it around me or I'm taking away your AUX privileges.

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