Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Fleurety - Min tid skal komme (1995) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Fleurety - Min tid skal komme (1995)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / June 05, 2024 / 0

I see descriptions like "Atmospheric", and "Avante-garde", and I already don't want to do it. Then I read the other reviews to know what I'm getting into.:

 "it always caused me to lose my patience about halfway through no matter how many times I revisited it."

"Min tid skal komme is divided into two distinct parts, the atmospheric and drawn out first half, and the more uneasy and just flat out weird second half."

Now I'm so excited I almost shit myself. Well, let's get it over with...

Approximately 45 minutes later:

I want my fucking time back fam. Now, I've been criticized for not giving albums enough time and consideration, and not giving enough repeated listens, but fuck me mateys. Do you listen to a Lady Gaga, The Backstreet Boys, or Nicki Minaj album several times over just to make sure you "get it", or do you know what you like and don't like pretty readily? If you're being honest with yourself you know its the later. Just because something is tagged as being "Atmospheric", "Progressive", "Avante-garde", or "challenging" does not mean it is worth your time, and this piece of shit certainly isn't. I could go on and on, I thought about making a list of things you can do in 45 minutes that are better than this album, but then I'd still be spending time on this album. 

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