Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Blut aus Nord - Ultima Thulée (1995) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Blut aus Nord - Ultima Thulée (1995)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / June 05, 2024 / 0

Well, it's Atmospheric Black Metal, so it sounds cold like walking through a forest covered in deep snow and ice. The problem is that there is absolutely no cohesion here. You will not come away from this album with any memorable riffs or stand out parts except maybe the little prayer section. No care was given to smooth transitions, melody, or anything really musical to be honest. Just throw everything in the cauldron and hope that it bubbles up something descent. You go into an album like this because of the atmosphere it creates. Well, I live in Michigan off of Lake St. Claire. I know what it feels like to be in a place that is cold, wet, and dark. If I want that atmosphere I'll just go outside and have the real thing. This doesn't do anything for me. It just transports me to a place I already live in 10 months of the year, and it's summer damn it! Let me enjoy the 2 weeks of sunlight we get per year.

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