Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom.... (1990) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Blasphemy - Fallen Angel of Doom.... (1990)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / June 04, 2024 / 0

Clan Challenge 4/25.

Let's get one thing straight about this album. If you are sitting down with a glass of wine, whiskey, or beer, hunched over your computer desk getting ready to write your magnum opus of a review, as I imagine a lot of people probably are when they do this, this album is not going to work for you. 

This album has one single minded pursuit: Brutality. It's here to kick your ass for 30minutes then peace the fuck out. If it could kill you, it would. This is an approach that translates best in a live setting. You aren't meant to analyse it, you are meant to feel it, you are meant to move. This is music for the moshpits, and once you put it in that context it's going to make a whole hell of a lot more sense.

Now obviously, Blasphemy weren't able to make it over the bridge and play this thing for me in my basement. However, I have do have two 1300watt speakers, and please believe I had to bust those bad boys out for this one, and the effect was enormous. It's an experience I will happily repeat many times over. 

I would work out to this album, I would mosh to this album, I would fight to this album. I would have a WWE Royal Rumble styled knife fight to this album. 


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