Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Electric Wizard - Dopethrone (2000) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Electric Wizard - Dopethrone (2000)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / May 31, 2024 / 0

I was born on a farm in the conservative midwest. I am a school teacher by occupation. I do not drink or smoke. I am not a satanist. I fucking love Electric Wizard.

What's in it for a guy like me? Well, this is going to be news for some people, but Electric Wizard is in fact a musical group, and a damn good one at that. They make mind blowing heavy psychedelic music that sounds like some of the best of Black Sabbath and Pink Floyd put together with a splash of Coven, and 2006 Dopethrone is their Magnum Opus. In other words I like this music because it's just that damn good on it's sonic merits. 

I saw the Wizard live at Royal Oak Music Hall a few years back. It was like attending a cult meeting. I knew there was going to be every manner of "you're not supposed to do this, see this, or hear this" involved. It was fuckin'' excellent. They play with a backdrop that plays black and white b-movies, stuff with a lot of horror, cult, and a dash of pornography. It was the kind of sleeze you want in a live production from this band. They lived up to the "Heaviest Band in the Universe" slogan, and they were surprising very tight. 

Go see the Wizard. Enjoy it in any manner you see fit. I'm not judging, I just want you to make it to and from the concert safe so we can do it again sometime. Maybe Let me drive, we can take the truck. 

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