Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Sleep - Sleep's Holy Mountain (1992) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Sleep - Sleep's Holy Mountain (1992)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / May 31, 2024 / 0

I first heard "Dragonaut" spliced to a weird movie called Gummo. I've never seen the full movie but the clip had these white trash kids (bad hair cuts, bad intentions) riding their bikes through some dead as fuck midwestern small town. I lived in a town like that. I was one of those kids. We maybe weren't as extreme as the kids in that movie (I guess they get up to some fucked up stuff in there), but yeah, that whole feeling that something is just very wrong about where you are... it left an impression. 

Anyway that was just my little Nostalgia trip. What is Sleep's Holy Mountain?  I describe it to people as "the best Black Sabbath album that is not actually by Black Sabbath, but is better than a lot of the albums that actually are by Black Sabbath" I think that I lifted that line from Daniel Bukszpan in The Complete Encyclopedia of Heavy Metal; a fucking excellent book I would reccomend to any Metalhead. I steal that description because I beleive it's just the perfect way to get this album across.  It's Master of Reality Pt. 2. Nowadays a lot of people know Sleep by Dopesmoker/Jerusalem and it's fun journey in it's own right, and it's the album the band wanted to make so I respect it, but this is better. This is lightning in a bottle. I think I play the bass line to "Dragonaut" everytime I pick mine up. 

Get the album. Do whatever helps you relax (not drugs, drugs are bad Ummkay, I'm talking about bubble bath and inscense here). Put this on, and RIDE THE DRAGON TOWARD THE CRIMSON EYE.

P.S. It's not just about Dragonaut. The whole album is filled with equally killer shit. "Druid", "Aquarian", "Solomons Theme", "Inside the Sun", etc. No bad choices.

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