Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea (2006) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Ahab - The Call of the Wretched Sea (2006)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / May 31, 2024 / 0

This brand of funeral doom (slow and heavy but not necessarily sad). Lives and dies with the atmosphere it creates. 

The Masculine Urge to get a boat and go hunt Moby Dick with the boys. If you've got the disease, this is the cure. 

I'm a dude that left a tripley land locked state to move to the region refered to as the Great Lakes. I have a tattoo of an Octopus that covers my  upper right arm. I am at time of post starting a nautical-themed Blackened Jazz-Metal band. This is very much my wheel house. 

Sonny, at time of post the only other review for this album says this kind of music can't get over with the ADHD crowd. I have the most intense case of ADHD you'll ever see. The deep bass of funeral doom like this is about the only thing that helps me calm down and relax. It's totally on the table, ADHD is sometimes called the disease of contradictions. The more you know.

Onto the Album:
Again, this is all about atmosphere, and somehow this band works together to play the ocean. They use vocals and instruments to make the sounds of nautical animals, one of the songs on this album is from the perspective of Moby Dick himself, and the sounds of waves crashing against the ship. They make the sound of a ship leaving port in the opening track. It's phenomenal stuff, and a true team effort. They can put you on the ship with Ishmael and Ahab even if your stuck at your work desk. What they do is truly impressive. It's like those ocean sounds tapes that were popular a while back but the heavy metal version. It's a good time.

They also have some of the highest quality merch, tons of variety in t-shirt designs and colors, highly detailed LARGE patches. Whatever, you want. They got it, and you should support them. It takes a little while to get to the states, but it's of a better quality than a lot of band merch and I appreciate that attention to detail. Attention to detail... THAT's it. That's why their atmosphere works so well. It's meticulously done-every wave and ripple. Anyways order something from this band. It's all very cool. I went for a shirt with a big metronome on it with a slogan that reads "Campaign for Musical Deceleration". I love it.

Set sail with captain AhAB. You won't regret it.

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