Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Job for a Cowboy - Doom (2005) Review by ZeroSymbolic7188 for Job for a Cowboy - Doom (2005)

ZeroSymbolic7188 ZeroSymbolic7188 / May 31, 2024 / 0

Mind-blowingly intense, brutal, technical, and really fuckin' fun. Those are the best adjectives I could come up with, and they don't even begin to do justice to the contents of this album. You need to put like a X100 multiplier between each of those words and even then you're still not doing it justice. I am not super familiar with deathcore and it's timeline-this album is a little outside of my usual wheel house, but I can tell you that I've been more open to the "core" subgenres because of how this album changed my view it. I think Cattle Decapitation's -Monolith of Inhumanity falls under the same category. If not that's my ignorance on display. 

With that in mind you are probably better served to take queues from other reviewers who are more specialized in that category. However, what I can tell is that this thing is a masterpiece, and that you need to hear it. Ideally you want to hear it with a good speaker system that can carry low end, because there are some extremely deep bass sounds (808 drops?) on this album that a phone/laptop/or standard car stereo are not going to do justice too. It's still great without them but I really get a kick out of that sort of thing.

If you can point me in the "more like this" direction or help me understand deathcore and other types of core music I'm a ready and willing student. Hit the DMs or comment below-I read everything and respond to most things.


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