Reviews list for Hypocrisy - The Fourth Dimension (1994)

The Fourth Dimension

Hypocrisy add a melodic element to their death metal and create a varied and entertaining album.

The Fourth Dimension is really the link between the straight-ahead death metal of Osculum Obscenum and the melodic brilliance of Abducted. While I can't say I think all that much of Hypocrisy's first two albums, their melodic albums during the mid to late 90s are really entertaining. The Fourth Dimension sits somewhere in between, and I rate it accordingly. There are still tracks where the Swedes just play (admittedly powerful) no bells and whistles death metal, but then there are much more interesting slower, atmospheric tracks such as Apocalypse, Slaughtered and the title track.

The band switch between these styles throughout the 13 tracks and I have to say it makes for a thoroughly enjoyable affair, even if the band still needed to iron out a few areas at this point. In particular, the leads are still average, and the drumming is at times extremely pedestrian. But on the positive side, the lyrics have improved a lot since the very immature work on earlier albums, and the production is much cleaner, which suits this more structured performance a lot better. Peter takes over all vocals for this album too for the first time with the departure of Masse Bromberg and his screams and growls work perfectly well.

All up I'd say this is the first Hypocrisy album that I feel is worth adding to your collection. It's the first album that gives an insight towards the heights the band would reach in the oncoming years and a solid and reasonably consistent effort. Highlight tracks for me are Apocalypse, Reincarnation and the title track, but there is plenty to like among the 53 minutes of death metal on The Fourth Dimension.

Ben Ben / April 29, 2019 10:48 AM