Turmion Kätilöt - Global Warning (2020)Release ID: 46353

The previous Turmion Katilot album Universal Satan marked their first album with new co-vocalist Shag-U joining the team consisting of Mc Raaka Pee, Master Bates, Bobby Undertaker, RunQ, and DQ who have all banded together since the 2000s. They've toured in different countries and with other bands from their country like Beast in Black and Nightwish. These guys will get you pumped up, that's a warning. A Global Warning! Especially with the unique lyrical blend of philosophical and partying.
Global Warning is an album title that's almost relevant to the world at the time, though the album was written and recorded before the pandemic. Despite the English title, all songs are sung in Finnish. I may have trouble understanding the lyrics without translating, but the music and vocals are highly enjoyable enough to not make that a big issue.
The fantastic "Naitu" (Married) is a fast, catchy, and bad-a** starting highlight with some oriental folk elements. There's some amazing industrial-trance metal to love here! "Kyntövuohi" (A Plow Goat) plows through in heavy darkness and pummeling drumming. "Sylkekää siihen" (Spit on It) starts off sounds like a dark twist to a nursery rhyme as keyboards and drums rise up for you to dance to the beat. The brutal vocals make an astonishing contrast with the cinematic classical strings and choirs. "Viha ja rakkaus" (Hate and Love) has a bit of Rammstein vibe, and would be even more like that if it was sung in German. The dark vocal duo shines well here. And you can hear more of that aspect in "Turvasana" (Safe Word).
"Kuoleman juuret" (The Roots of Death) keeps the vocal strength going further with more brutal energy than Rammstein. Also part of the songwriting team, keyboardist RunQ (Janne Tolsa) performs golden melody in the chorus. "Syvissä vesissä" (In Deep Waters) is a good throwback to the band's earlier material from the 2000s. "Sano kun riittää" (Say Enough) might fool you into thinking this might be a ballad in the first half-minute, but then it descends into darkness in the vocals, guitars, and keyboards, all while maintaining the dance beat. "Jumalauta" (Oh God) has more of the humor of Rammstein while staying catchy.
"Revi minut auki" (Tear Me Open) once again takes you back to the band's beginnings, especially their debut Hoitovirhe with the perfect spark of their earlier sound. Perfect for party rocking, despite the lyrics I don't dare to mention. "Syntisten laulu" (Song of sinners) starts off sounding dark and sinister in the guitars, though the keyboards have more uplifting light. "Ikävä" (Tedious) greatly mixes together dance-y hypnotic keyboards with dark brutal guitars. The rough vocals here make up for the otherwise monotone chorus just chanting the song title. "Mosquito à la carte (To Be Continued 5)" continues the experimental "To Be Continued" closing tracks, this one starting with what sounds like Spanish flamenco before launching into more of the Rammstein-like sound. In terms of the saga, I say this song is in mid-quality between the poor half in Technodiktator and Diskovibrator and the better half in Dance Panique and Universal Satan. It's also the last song of the saga, since their next album Omen X doesn't continue that trend.
The aforementioned warning depicted in Global Warning is more than just a warning. It's a promise that's been rightfully fulfilled. Another commendable recommendation for anyone in the industrial metal Sphere!
Favorites: "Naitu", "Sylkekää siihen", "Kuoleman juuret", "Sano kun riittää", "Revi minut auki", "Ikävä"
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