Turmion Kätilöt - Pirun nyrkki (2006)Release ID: 4337

Hoitovirhe marked the perfect start for the journey of a Finnish industrial metal band. It showed the band's sound at a promising height that made fans of the genre up for the action. And more of that action awaits...
Following some touring in support of their debut, in 2005, Turmion Katilot were all set to record another album. And in early 2006 came their second album Pirun Nyrkki (Devil's Fist)! The attitude the band had in their debut has become more aggressive and heavier. They put more emphasis on the METAL in industrial metal, though it ended up causing slight unevenness. Strangely, this album went higher up in the Finnish charts than Hoitovirhe.
First track "Maše veri evakei" (Where the Blood Escapes From) sets the dark tone for the album. However, the horror-filled title track is the first true highlight, combining speed with industrial synths, almost like a blend of Strapping Young Lad and Deathstars. "Messu" (Mass) is one of two interludes here.
It segues to "Eläköön!" (Long Live) with an explosive spark to break the monotony. "Tirehtööri" (Ringmaster) has more of a Middle Eastern vibe. Another one of the best tracks here and something worth playing in a nightclub in the Middle Eastern region. "MTV/DNA" breaks free from the metal heaviness to let the industrial machinery shine, but I'm sure it will still cause some positive feedback if it ends up on MTV. "Härkä" (The Bull) is so short yet unpredictable. It also has some of the fastest sections in the album that practically blast through, all while keeping the techno pace.
"Illuusio musiikista" (Illusion of Music) is another short interlude. Seguing into "Irstauden ilosanoma" (The Gospel of Lubricity), the guest vocals by Jessi Frey of Velcra and the chorus are both actually a bit annoying. Making up for that is "Piiloviestien neitietsivä" (Nancy Drew of Hidden Messages), which is a short yet pleasant return to full form. The remix of "Verta ja lihaa" (Blood and Flesh) is a little pointless, but I guess that remix was done so the album wouldn't be an under-half-hour-EP. The original is still better.
None of the tracks here are bad at all, although a couple tracks near the end threaten to be. Not even the interludes that work well to add atmosphere. Pirun Nyrkki has amazing strength, though it can't beat the perfection of the debut. Once again, the band can get you moving at both a rave and a moshpit!
Favorites: "Pirun nyrkki", "Tirehtööri", "MTV/DNA", "Härkä", "Piiloviestien neitietsivä"
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Industrial Metal |
Industrial Metal (conventional) Voted For: 1 | Against: 0 |