Evoken - Embrace the Emptiness (1998)Release ID: 3389

Evoken seems to be considered as essential to funeral doom metal as Esoteric. They're one of those bands that many say has never made a bad album. The debut left an impact on the metal world for helping to cement a darker side of funeral by combining it with the death doom of bands like My Dying Bride and Katatonia. So when you combine the two, I would expect the result to be something even darker than the norm. But for a debut, how well could it go the first time?
From front to back, atmosphere was their strongest point, and in the context of the funeral sound, that's exactly what they needed. This careful balance between the sombre classical sound of funeral death and that malevolent sense of fear and anger that death doom is known for is carefully handled. One of the biggest pros of the album is the variety of vocals, going from low growls to despairing cries to black metal pitches. So we get the a very healthy doom experience that covers a lot of ground for the fans of the sombre world of doom, and not the psychedelic Sabbath lovers. The guitar tone has a fairly gothic touch to it to bring out more of the funereal vibes Of course, this is a funeral doom metal album. There's a general flaw that's apparent in so much doom metal, especially the funeral brand: the length and sameyness of the songs. A couple of these would be five-star songs if I couldn't tell what was gonna happen next.
For a debut it was nice. The atmosphere was more than what I asked for and much more impressive than what a debut album generally says about the act. But as far as structuring a song goes, these guys are pretty standard. They got the mood just right and left the idea of variety and uniqueness out the window, but at least they nailed what they focused on.
Release info
Doom Metal |
Funeral Doom Metal Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |
Death Doom Metal Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |