Reviews list for Virgin Black - Elegant... and Dying (2003)
This is very talented band making very ambitious music. The atmosphere, production, and originality displayed here are incredible. The vocalist is Rowan London, and he is a force of nature that has to be experienced more than explained. That being said, as good as it is, like objectively great, nothing on it does anything for me. I felt kind of bad about that until I look around, and saw that this album actually hit a lot of people that way. Nobody disputes the quality of the product, but very few people sighted it as "special", some said it was even disappointing. I guess you have to listen to it and decide for yourself. I was not moved by it in any way, but putting a 2.5 on this doesn't feel like the right thing to do either, as it's anything but average. My final verdict: You should hear this once. You might not ever revisit it, but it does warrant a moment of your time.