Memory Garden - Forever (1995)Release ID: 16496

I'll say straight off that if you enjoy Candlemass and Solitude Aeturnus, I thoroughly recommend checking out this debut EP from Swedish band Memory Garden. It contains the sort of doomy riffs and soaring vocals that you'd expect from both of those classic bands. So why am I only giving it 3 stars? Well, for starters, it's only 18 minutes in length which is, particularly for a doom release, reasonably insubstantial. But the main reason I can't give Forever the sort of score that it probably deserves is due to vocalist Stefan Berglund. He's a fantastic singer, clearly having a level of training to match the legendary vocalists from the aforementioned bands. But, well, he has such a strong lisp that I find myself laughing at how hilarious it all sounds. If you've ever watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail, well imagine if Biggus Dickus joined a doom metal band and sang lyrics such as "With my thord and thpear, I'll make the hereticth thuffer." It's such a shame really, as this is otherwise great.
Release info
Doom Metal |
Doom Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |