Alunah - Violet Hour (2019)Release ID: 14818

I feared the worst for Alunah when frontwoman Soph Day bailed in 2017, only to be joined by guitarist Dave Day at the beginning of 2019. My misgivings were misplaced however on the strength of this, their latest album and first with the new line-up which saw Diamond Head bassist Dean Ashton on guitar join vocalist Siân Greenaway and rhythm section stalwarts Dan Burchmore and Jake Mason. If anything the new four-piece sound like a band revitalised and raring to go, their eight tracks of stonerised doom metal ringing clearer than ever before, thanks to the production of Chris Fielding. If this is any indication, then Alunah have secured a bright future, at least for the time being, anyway.
Release info
Doom Metal |
Stoner Metal |
Stoner Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |
Doom Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |