Possessor - Dead by Dawn (2016)Release ID: 14667

London's Possessor play an energetic, enervating, stonerized breed of occult / horror movie-themed thrash metal. Now, there are great metal acts that are challenging and push boundaries and there are those that just play good tunes. Possessor are one of the latter - they let the songs rip and unleash rif after riff in a way that makes you just wanna let go and have a good time. Song titles like Scorpion Swamp, Slaughter High and Terror Tripping should tell you these guys aren't po-faced misery gutses, but the kind of band you should book for a hallowe'en party. Go on, give in to Possessor...
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Doom Metal |
Doom Metal (conventional) Voted For: 0 | Against: 0 |