Eternal melodeath (best of melodic death metal mixed with more epic genres) by Shadowdoom9 (Andi)

Clan: The Horde

Genre: Death Metal

After discovering Eternal Tears of Sorrow and Into Eternity recently, I decided to make this list of some of my favorite albums from bands (one release per band in most cases) that mix melodeath with more epic-sounding genres like power metal, progressive metal, symphonic metal, and/or gothic metal. I've nicknamed this style of styles "Eternal melodeath" (was going to be just "Eternal death", but that sounded too brutal). Of course, it's just a nickname, I'm not suggesting creating any new genre tags. In this list are albums from bands I currently listen to, though I plan to revisit releases from bands that I've steered away from long ago when I was taking a break from the more epic metal bands, and I'll update my list after I finish my rediscovery journey. Enjoy!
